Tuesday, 24 December 2024

​The 1335 Connection


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

​The 1335 Connection

​Daniel 12:12-13 - Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

Much conjecture has been given on the above 2 verses by scholars throughout the ages. The solution is still a matter of debate because the prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. Are these days referring to years on the day for a year principle, or are they referring to literal days? Or both? What is the significance of Daniel "standing in his lot"? Will we be able to figure out the solution on this side of the judgment seat? Do we have enough information today to know the true interpretation of this time period? This much is clear: According to the context, the 1335 days is related to the resurrection of the dead, the abomination of desolation and the 1290 days, as well as the "time, times, and a half" and the scattering of the power of the holy people. At the time Daniel was given this prophecy the words were sealed until the time of the end. It was prophesied that many would run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased, and that the wise would understand. Therefore, at some point in time, these time periods were meant to be understood.

Concerning the abomination of desolation, there are usually 3 possibilities up for consideration.

1. AD 70, the desecration of the temple in Jerusalem (Preterism)

2. AD 684-691, the Mosque of Omar, in the place of Solomon's Temple (day for year principle applied to 1290 and 1335)

3. A future abomination of desolation (literal day principle applied to 1290 and 1335)

In any event, AD 70 cannot be the ultimate fulfillment of the abomination of desolation prophecy. Considered to be the death blow to Preterism, this is seen by the fact that Daniel has not stood in his lot. The time prophecies of Daniel do not apply to the events of AD 70. Now, considering the Mosque of Omar as the before mentioned abomination of desolation, on a day for a year principle, we expect the 1335 years to end sometime between 2019 and 2026. Time will tell if this view is correct. This article seeks to explore the third possibility, a future application of the abomination of desolation on a literal days principle.

​There are a few reasons that the literal days principle could be the intended meaning. Three are presented here. Consider the following.

​Daniel 11:31 - And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

​The first reason presented here is that it seems in the above passage that the same entity is responsible for both taking away the daily sacrifice and placing the abomination that maketh desolate. For this to be possible, and for the same entity to be alive to accomplish both, a literal days interpretation is required. This by itself however is not enough proof. For instance, nations mentioned in prophecy are prophesied to accomplish certain things that people living in those territories centuries later accomplish. This is why more evidence should be considered. Consider the below verse.

Daniel 9:27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

​The "week" referred to here is a period of seven, which may primarily have reference to Sabbatical cycles, but secondarily to a period of seven years. In one "week" we see accomplished the ceasing of daily sacrifice and the abomination that makes desolate. Therefore, it makes sense to interpret the 1290 and 1335 days as literal days. Now, finally, consider the words of Jesus with respect to the abomination of desolation.

​Matthew 24:15 - When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

​According to Jesus, there should be a sense of urgency with respect to the events concerning the abomination of desolation. According to Daniel 11:31 and 12:11, this is an abomination that causes desolation which stands in the holy place. A reasonable explanation for this abomination is a nuclear bomb detonating at the current location of the Mosque of Omar. That can easily be imagined as a catalyst that causes world wide panic and tribulation. As a result, this strengthens the argument that a literal days interpretation of Daniel's 1290 and 1335 were intended. For this to occur in the period of a few years is reasonable.

​Two very subtle hints were dropped in Daniel 12. Let us carefully examine the words "knowledge" and the word "wise". On a broad level, it is certainly true that there has been a "knowledge explosion" in the last days with the advent of technology and computers. This is certainly a sign of the last days, but the particular application of these words is directly related to the prophetic numbers themselves. At the time the vision was given to Daniel, more information would be needed to solve the puzzle. More "knowledge" was required. One would need to "run to and fro" the Scriptures and compare them to Daniel's prophecy. There were only three more Old Testament prophets after Daniel: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. In God's mercy, he revealed more "knowledge" through these prophets that would be necessary to ascertain the solution. This knowledge involves astronomy. Consider the following words in Psalms.

​Psalm 19:1-4 - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun...

​How do the heavens utter knowledge, their speech heard everywhere, and their words go to the end of the world? Do they make literal sounds? (If they do, they are not audible frequencies). The obvious meaning here is that they tell what specific day it is. No two days are ever alike. The Babylonians were excellent astronomers, the "wise men" of their day, and were experts in calculating equinoxes, solstices, lunar regressions, solar and lunar eclipses, conjunctions, and planetary movement. Cuneiform tablets with specifically dated information with references to the position of the moon and certain planets have helped to establish an exact chronology of Babylonian and Persian history.

With respect to the prophetic days themselves, the first point to settle is how the 1335 days are related to the 1290 days. Are the 1290 days a subset of the 1335 days, or are we to add the entire 1335 days to the end of the 1290 day period? We should let the context decide. If the 1290 days were a subset of 1335 days, you would only have to wait 45 more days. It is clear that one must wait until the 1335 days to be considered "blessed", and therefore we add 1335 days to the end of 1290 days as a separate time period.

The next thing to consider is how the 1290 days are related to "time, times, and a half". We know from earlier research that "time, times, and a half" is equivalent to 1260 days (compare Revelation 12:6,14 to see the interchangeability). In order to do this, we need to ask one basic question. Does the scattering of the power of the holy people occur before or after the abomination of desolation is set up? Our first clue is found in the words of Jesus above. The Jews see the abomination of desolation, and then are commanded to flee. It should be self-evident that the holy people are not scattered until after the abomination of desolation is set up. To solidify this, let us compare the events mentioned in Daniel and compare them to the Day of the LORD prophecy of Zechariah 14.


It is clear from the above verses that the abomination of desolation is set up, followed by the scattering of the power of the holy people. The scattering begins when the invasion of Jerusalem commences by the king of the north in Daniel 11:44, and is fully accomplished when Jesus Christ stands on the Mount of Olives. This of course is the order of events we should have expected. Christ continues his warning to the Jews concerning the abomination of desolation:

Matthew 24:21-22,29-30 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened... Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. ​

​The context of the abomination of desolation, in the midst of great tribulation "such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time", referencing Daniel 12:1 where we find Michael standing up, is most reasonably explained to occur starting a prophetic 1,260 day period near the end of the Gentile age, of which the end is when "immediately after the tribulation of those days" the world witnesses the sign of the Son of Man on August 2 2027, when the sun is darkened, and the moon does not give its light over Jerusalem. The solar eclipse over Jerusalem is the astronomical "knowledge" revealed by God that is required to unlock Daniel's prophecy. As such, August 2 2027 is the proposed solution to the termination of the "time, times, and a half" or 1260 days mentioned in Daniel 12:7, the "end of the wonders" which began in Daniel 12:1.

Thus far, we have established the following:

1. The 1335 days are appended to the end of the 1290 days.

2. The scattering of the power of the holy people, or the termination of the 1260 days, occurs 1260 days after the abomination that causes desolation.

3. August 2 2027 is the termination of the 1260 days, when the power of the holy people is scattered.

Therefore, the conclusion is that the "time, times, and a half" or 1260 days is a subset of the 1335 days, and that they both start at the same time.

1335 minus 1260 = 75. 75 days after August 2 2027 is Saturday, October 16 2027, or Tishrei 15, the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the Hebrew calendar. What is supposed to happen on this day? The prophecy is clear that Daniel would stand in his lot and is considered "blessed". But furthermore, the Jews recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10), and their feasts are turned into mourning. Consider the below prophecies:​


​Revelation 10 is a glimpse of the end of the seventh trumpet, when the events of the seventh vial are being poured out. It parallels many of the events of Daniel 12, and finds its fulfillment on the Day of the LORD. Have a look at the parallels between Revelation 10 and other prophecies.


If we have determined the end of the 1260 days and 1335 days, it follows that we should be able to ascertain the beginning and end of the 1290 days.

Saturday 10/16/2027 minus 1335 = Monday 2/19/2024, or Adar I 10 on the Hebrew calendar. The same date is found with Monday 8/2/2027 minus 1260. Jews are commanded to flee when they see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place (nuclear detonation).

Monday 2/19/2024 minus 1290 = Saturday 8/8/2020, or Av 18 on the Hebrew calendar. This would be the date the daily sacrifices are taken away.

There is one small problem. We don't currently see daily sacrifices in the holy land. How then can the daily sacrifices be taken away? If we are to accept the literal days principle interpretation, then daily sacrifices must be re-instated in Jerusalem Israel. And soon!

We know of a surety that a division of the land of Israel will take place (Daniel 11:39, Joel 3:2). Could it be possible as part of a peace agreement, or covenant with many (Daniel 9:27) that the Jews are allowed to sacrifice to Yahweh using the prescribed method in the Torah? A catalyst will be required to ratify such a treaty, such as the Psalm 83 war between Israel and its immediate neighbors. From Isaiah 17, we learn that Damascus will no longer be a city and that Israel is greatly weakened. "Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean" (Isaiah 17:4). Because they are weakened, they will have an incentive to agree to such a treaty. When do the daily sacrifices begin? They will begin when the covenant with many for "one week" is ratified. How long does this one prophetic week last? Does it last 7 years of a Jewish reckoning of 360 days per year (7 x 360 = 2520), or does it last 7 years of a Gentile reckoning of 365 days per year (7 x 365 = 2555)? Because there are 1290 days between the taking away of daily sacrifices and setting up the abomination of desolation, daily sacrifices continue for 1230 days (2520 minus 1290) from a Jewish reckoning of the prophetic week, and 1265 days (2555 minus 1290) from a Gentile reckoning. Either could be significant from a prophetic point of view. Consider the following.

Saturday 8/8/2020 minus 1230 = Monday 3/27/2017, or Adar I 29 on the Hebrew calendar. This occurs just one day prior to Nisan 1, the first day of the Jewish religious year. This would be very significant for Jews to practice daily sacrifice under a newly ratified covenant on this day.

Saturday 8/8/2020 minus 1265 = Monday 2/20/2017, or Shevat 24 on the Hebrew calendar. This date is particularly mentioned in Zechariah's prophecy (Zechariah 1:7), and the prophecy has a latter day context. A generation of 70 years has passed, and God promises to choose Jerusalem and be its defender.

The below timeline is a summary of what has been discussed above:


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21st Century Solar Eclipses Visible from Jerusalem


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

21st Century Solar Eclipses Visible from Jerusalem


Only 2 solar eclipses get darker in Jerusalem than the solar eclipse of 8/2/2027 in the 21st Century.

Only 3 solar eclipses get closer to Jerusalem than the solar eclipse of 8/2/2027 in the 21st Century.

No other solar eclipse parallels the precise timing of 12:00 PM Israel Standard Time than the eclipse of 8/2/2027.

All eclipses that are darker and closer to Jerusalem occur during or after the period of 2030-2060, the last hour of judgment on the Papal European beast. This period of time is solid and fixed by other inspired Bible prophecies. Since Armageddon must take place prior to this last hour, 8/2/2027 is the only eclipse in our history that fits. Because Armageddon must occur before 2030, and the 8/2/2027 eclipse was the darkest and closest eclipse to Jerusalem for the years 2030 and prior, I determined 2027 was the year of Armageddon. Therefore, from 2027 to 2067 it will take 40 years to gather the Jews from the farthest corners of the earth, which is the same amount of time of their Exodus in the wilderness. 2067 is exactly 100 years from the 6-Day War in 1967, or 2 Jubilee periods. 2067 is also 120 years from 1947, the passing of UN Resolution #181, the same length as the lifetime of Moses and the same amount of time Noah had to preach the flood. It was two months later in November 2011 that I discovered the darkest moment of this eclipse was precisely 12:00 PM, my most convincing evidence that is confirmed by the Bible, which solidified my convictions that 8/2/2027 is when Jesus Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives.

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Of That Day And Hour


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

Of That Day And Hour...

Matthew 24:36 - But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.​

It is admitted that God, in his omnipotent power, can cause the prophecies to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ supernaturally, apart from the natural trajectories the heavenly bodies are currently following. Therefore, one cannot be dogmatic concerning the event of the Apocalypse: Jesus Christ standing on the Mount of Olives in power and great glory, occurring on Monday August 2nd, 2027. It is at best an educated guess based on the prophetic detail that God has graciously revealed unto us through his Word.

The solar eclipse only potentially establishes the timing of Armageddon, not the return of Christ! The unique alignment of the solar eclipse in 2027 occurring over Jerusalem at exactly 12:00 PM, as our sign that Jesus Christ will indeed stand on the Mount of Olives on that day, more emphasis should be placed on the fact that his thief-like advent is scheduled to occur in less than 14 years on a day and hour no one knows except the Father. Chronologically, his coming must precede Armageddon. Revelation 16:15 - Christ comes as a thief. Revelation 16:16 - God gathers the nations to Armageddon. Because Armageddon will occur very soon, this should encourage everyone who has dedicated themselves to obeying the gospel that they are truly in the final watch. While we cannot be sure, certain reasons are given below to show why Jesus Christ could return to earth as early as this decade, by 2019! The first job that Jesus Christ has at his coming is to resurrect all the dead who are responsible to his judgment seat (1 Thessalonians 4:16). These will receive in body the things they have done, whether it be good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10). It will take quite some time to judge 6,000 years worth of people who are responsible or accountable to God! The wicked at the left hand will be cast out into the outer darkness of the world, and be destroyed in Gehenna fire (hell-fire) during the events of Armageddon and the judgments poured out on the Papal European beast, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is done in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb (Revelation 14:10). Only those approved and receive grace at judgment will receive the gift of eternal life and reign with Jesus Christ, first to help him conquer the entire earth, and then for 1,000 years in the kingdom of God on earth (Revelation 20:4).

2013 - Many sources are in agreement that this is a Jewish Sabbatical Year. Sabbatical years occur once in a 7 year period. This potentially makes 2020 and 2027 Jewish Sabbatical Years as well.

2014 - Two total lunar eclipses occur on Jewish Feast days of Passover (Tuesday April 15th, 2014) and 

Tabernacles (Wednesday October 8th, 2014).

2015 - Two total lunar eclipses occur on Jewish Feast days of Passover Nisan 14 (Saturday April 4th, 2015) and Tabernacles Tishrei 15 (Monday September 28th, 2015). Two solar eclipses occur, one total eclipse (Friday March 20th, 2015) the day preceding Nisan 1, the beginning of a Jewish Religious Year, and a partial eclipse (Sunday September 13th, 2015) the day preceding Tishrei 1, the beginning of a Jewish Civil Year.

Four total lunar eclipses that occur in succession is known as a tetrad. Total lunar eclipses often have a reddish color, as the Bible describes as the moon turning to blood. What are the odds of a tetrad of four total lunar eclipses occurring on Jewish feast days? It has happened before:

Monday April 24th, 1967 (Passover) 

Wednesday October 18th, 1967 (Tabernacles) 

Saturday April 13th, 1968 (Passover)

Sunday October 6th, 1968 (Tabernacles)

This era is significant in Jewish history. 1967 is well known for the 6-Day War, and the Jews obtaining the city of Jerusalem.

Wednesday April 13th, 1949 (Passover)

Friday October 7th, 1949 (Tabernacles)

Sunday April 2nd, 1950 (Passover)

Tuesday September 26th, 1950 (Tabernacles)

This era is significant in Jewish history. 1948 is the year Israel became an official country, followed by these tetrad total lunar eclipses, when Israel was at war.

The connection is this: 2014-2015 will be very significant geo-politically for Israel. They are the last tetrads to occur on Jewish feast days this century. Especially 2015, because of the coincidence that two solar eclipses are timed to usher in the Jewish Religious and Civil years. Although a fulfillment is found in the days of Peter in Acts 2:16-21, there may be another latter day application of this verse:

Joel 2:31 - The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

These signs in the sun and moon occur in 2015, 12 years before the Day of the LORD in 2027.

2016 - It is possible that God is waiting for Jerusalem to be divided before he sends Jesus Christ to the earth, although he does not have to wait for that to occur. If this is the case, when war breaks out in 2014-2015 and Jerusalem is divided to create "peace" in 2015 (Kislev 16?), it is entirely possible that on the first Feast of Trumpets following the division in the year 2016, the "last trump" is blown and the dead are raised. Consider the following chronological order of the prophecies.


The three unclean spirits (teachings) of liberty, fraternity, and equality, the cry of the French Revolution, originating from the French people whose nation was symbolized by three frogs, come out of the dragon (Moscow), the beast (EU led by Germany), and the false prophet (Vatican). Their cry will be to "liberate" the Palestinian people and give them all (or part) of Israel, and particularly, to divide Jerusalem. These are unclean teachings and desires because God promised the land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, exclusively to the Jews (Genesis 13:14-15, Galatians 3:27). Either during or shortly after these frogs have accomplished their mission, Christ tells us explicitly that he will come as a thief! Once Jerusalem is divided, if Christ has not already returned, you can well expect him immediately after this occurs!

2017 - This is a jubilee period after the capture of Jerusalem in 1967. A jubilee period from 2017 will be 2067, 7 years after the demise of the Papacy in 2060. Paralleling the jubilee period from the 18th year of King Josiah to the 25th year of Jehoiachin's captivity when Ezekiel was shown the house of prayer (Ezekiel 40:1), scholars such as Henry Sulley, author of Temple of Ezekiel's Prophecy, have suggested there would be a jubilee period of 50 years from the time of the resurrection to the final establishment of the Kingdom, with all Jews from all 12 tribes finally gathered back to their land. In this scenario, the marriage supper of the Lamb will last 7 years. It parallels the Jewish custom of a man and his bride to "fulfill her week" (Genesis 29:27, Jacob taking Leah in marriage), which is 7 days, each day for a year. In 2067, Jerusalem will be the capital of the entire earth, with Jesus Christ as King on the ancient throne of David (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32) having made his enemies his footstool (Psalm 110:1), and the saints shining forth in the kingdom of their Father (Daniel 12:3, Matthew 13:43). 50 years prior to 2067 is 2017, a potential candidate for the year of resurrection.

2018 - This year is exactly 1,260 years after Pepin king of France conquered 3 Barbarian states, the Vandals, the Lombards, and the Huns, and gave them to the Pope in 758 A.D. The Pope must be in charge over Europe in the final days, the harlot woman riding the European beast. The Pope will also have significant political influence and jurisdiction in the land of Israel. The Eurozone will ultimately consist of 10 nations, not including Britain (a Tarshish nation against the European beast), and be led by the Papacy. In response, or in anticipation of the growing Papal power, the resurrection could occur.

2019 - This year is exactly 1,335 years after the building of foundation of the Mosque of Omar in 684 A.D. Exactly 1290 years prior to the building of the Mosque of Omar, in 607 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar caused the daily sacrifices to be taken away (Daniel 1:1-2) by removing part of the vessels of the house of God. Commonly known as the Dome of the Rock, it is the Muslim oblation that stands where Solomon's Temple used to be in Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock has been nominated as a potential candidate by Bible scholars describing the "abomination of desolation". 

Daniel 12:12-13 - Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

The prophet Daniel is promised eternal life in this statement, in which he is to "stand". This not only implies resurrection, the anastasis, or standing up of dead ones, but glorification: standing in the lot. At this time, Daniel and all the faithful saints will be made immortal. Glorification is to occur at the end of the 1,335 days, each day for a year. Resurrection must occur prior to this, since the judgment seat is to take place, most likely at Mt. Sinai. We do not know for sure exactly how long the process will take, but from the looks of this time-table, the likelihood is that it cannot be for more than 6 years. The next 7 years to follow, 2013-2019, will likely contain the thief-like advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. The whole world round about will be distracted by the cares and pleasures of this life, and be caught unprepared. They will look to make themselves ready for Jesus Christ in the years to follow, 2020-2027, as God gathers the nations into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. By then, it will be way too late.

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The Sign in Heaven


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

The Sign in Heaven

Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:

View from Jerusalem Israel on 8/2/2027 at 12:00 PM Israel Standard Time

This animation is designed to illustrate some of the features we should expect to see in the heavens from Jerusalem on August 2nd 2027 - the Day of the LORD:

1) The sun will go down at noon (a lot faster than normal), and the earth will be darkened in the clear day. (Amos 8:9, Isaiah 16:3, Job 5:14, Deuteronomy 28:29)

2) The light shall not be clear nor dark. On this day, it is "not day, nor night". The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. (Zechariah 14:6-7, Matthew 24:29, Joel 2:10)

3) The stars shall fall from heaven, visible motion westward (and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken). (Matthew 24:29)

4) The Sun -- Moon stands as a habitation. (Habakkuk 3:11 YLT)

5) The sun will be dark when it rises. (Isaiah 13:10 NASB)

6) At evening time it shall be light. (Zechariah 14:7, Habakkuk 3:11 YLT)

An important theme is present in various parts of Scripture that deal with the Apocalypse, or the unveiling, the revealing, of Jesus Christ to the whole world. The table below illustrates how the great earthquake is usually coupled with the sun and moon being darkened.


The Morning Stars Ascending and Descending Upon the Son of Man

John 1:51 - And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

Jesus Christ promised Nathanael that he would witness greater things than simply telling Nathanael he saw him under the fig tree. The many miracles that Jesus did during his ministry, and especially his resurrection, are a few noteworthy examples. It is clear that the heavens have never opened and the disciples never witnessed "the angels of God" ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. This must be referring to a moment in time after the resurrection of the dead has occurred, most likely when Jesus Christ comes in power and great glory with all the holy angels with him (Matthew 25:31). I emphasize the use of the word "angels" in these texts. The question remains, what exactly is Jesus talking about? These angels are "ascending and descending". In one sense, the angels could refer to the immortal beings that existed before the creation of Adam. Jesus made the point that he could have called upon twelve legions of these angels to rescue him (Matthew 26:53). However, in another Scriptural sense, the "stars" are also apocalyptically referred to as "angels".

Revelation 1:20 - The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

This is not the only case in Scripture where the stars are referring to angels. An Old Testament example clearly demonstrates the parallel.

Job 38:7 - When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

In the Greek Septuagint, the word for "sons of God" is ἄγγελοί the word for "angels". This is acknowledged in some English translations of this verse. Here, the morning stars are equated to the angels. We do not have do doubt that "angels" are equivalent to "sons of God". Consider the following:

Luke 20:36 - for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. (NASB)

In the New Testament, Christ says the righteous are like the "angels" who cannot die anymore, and called sons of God. Comparing this to what is written in Daniel, the righteous are as the "stars" for ever and ever.

Daniel 12:3 - And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Therefore, after considering the parallels in Scripture between stars and angels, is it possible that the angels ascending and descending the same as the morning stars ascending and descending upon the Son of Man? Recall that God was going to darken the earth "in the clear day" (Amos 8:9). This could be referring to the heavens opening of John 1:51. In other words, all the clouds on earth are going to be removed to maximize the visibility of the sky. Due to the supernatural speed of the rotation of the earth, we will see the morning stars ascending out of the east, and descending in the west.

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At Evening Time


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

At Evening Time

Zechariah 14:7 - But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.

The LORD is well aware of this day. He has planned it since the beginning of creation. All the events that are to transpire have been carefully considered by him. Nothing will be an accident, although it may seem that many of the events look incidental from a human point of view. The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29). God has revealed this information concerning his Almighty Day of reckoning to his servants so that in the end he may be glorified. His Word will come to pass as scheduled. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3). Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants (Amos 3:7). It is his good pleasure to allow you to know these things well in advance. Since we are the children of the day, he does not want us to remain ignorant of the times and seasons in which we live. To understand more perfectly what will happen on the Day of the LORD, he has graciously revealed to us yet another important, unique detail concerning the sky: “At evening time it shall be light.” Considering the data set forth on the solar eclipse occurring on August 2nd 2027 in the afternoon, or more precisely, 12:00 PM, and that if this remained a normal day as it was since the beginning of creation, the light would completely appear once again in the middle of the afternoon around 1:20 PM Israel Standard Time, well before evening time. The words of inspiration force us to accept that supernatural events will cause the light of the sun and the moon to be withdrawn until evening time. The details of how this will occur remain unknown to us, hence, the day "shall be known to the LORD." Regardless of any theory that is put forward, including the theory in which I present in this article, when it is subject to the most intense scrutiny, it fails to meet all scientific criteria of the natural world. In any event, it will require a miracle, which will be a true sign from heaven that the Lord Jesus Christ is present in the earth, and the world will be without excuse. The whole world will see the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

In spite of not knowing the specific details of what will occur, there are other parts of the inspired Word that give us more clues as to what will happen. Jesus himself, while sitting on the Mount of Olives, the exact location in which he intends to stand and fulfill the following prophecy, said that the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken (Matthew 24:29). If we were to take each of these facets of the prophecy literally, the first two make sense given the fact of the reality of solar eclipses. Both the sun and the moon will be dark. The third phrase, “the stars shall fall from heaven”, may at first glance appear to give us problems. How could we be asked to take this literally? The hard pressed would have to qualify what is meant by a star “falling from heaven.” Of course, if a star collided with earth, knowing how many times larger a star actually is, it would be an impractical expectation. Just as in the case when we say the sun is setting, we are using geocentric language, meaning that this is what appears to be happening from a point on earth. Even so, the stars falling from heaven will appear to do so from one’s perspective looking at the sky. In fact, to say that the stars are “falling from heaven” is equivalent to saying that the stars are setting in the west. If you consider it, every evening during a sunset it is possible to see the sun “fall from heaven.” Therefore, since the sun and the moon will be darkened, the stars will be visible in the sky, and you will see the stars moving in the sky from east to west. “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). This analogy is used to describe how universal his sign in heaven is. It will be seen by everyone worldwide. Because everyone is located on different points on earth, the sign must be able to be discerned wherever you happen to be. If the stars are setting in the west from a point in Jerusalem, it follows that stars are falling in the west from anywhere. It means that the earth is rotating at such a fast speed that it is possible to discern the movement of the stars. Is it unreasonable to expect this? After all, how would we expect for it to be light at evening time if the rotation of the earth was not supernaturally modified to rotate faster?

God said that he would “cause the sun to go down” at noon, and darken the earth on a clear day. On a natural day, starting at noon, the sun starts to make a natural course downward toward the horizon. Therefore on this day, its course toward the horizon must be special. The sun would appear to take a more dramatic course in the heavens. This is where we consider the fourth phrase of Jesus’ prophecy. “The powers of the heavens will be shaken.” On the day of the greatest earthquake ever recorded in human history, the earth will be removed out of its place (Isaiah 13:13). This will cause all people on earth to see the sky move irregularly, hence, the heavens shall shake. The sun, moon, and stars will no longer be bound to their normal cycles. Only God knows how these heavenly bodies will be manipulated. One facet that has been revealed to us is given by the prophet Habakkuk.

Habakkuk 3:11 - The sun [and] moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, [and] at the shining of thy glittering spear.

Upon first glance of the verse it should be noted that the “and” in between “sun” and “moon” is inserted by the King James translators and is absent from the Hebrew. While in most cases adding words does not interfere with a normal interpretation of an English passage, it does highlight the fact that this is a unique pairing in the Hebrew of the words “sun” and “moon.” This is the only place in the Old Testament where these two words appear together in succession with no modifiers. A look at the Young’s Literal Translation of this passage will prove to be most useful.

Habakkuk 3:11 - Sun -- moon -- hath stood -- a habitation, At the light thine arrows go on, At the brightness, the glittering of thy spear.

The language appears to be borrowed from the incident recorded in Joshua, in which the sun and the moon both stood still about the space of a whole day. However, it is apparent from the context that this is a different incident, spoken of prophetically. In fact, this event is yet to occur. It will occur on the Day of the LORD. When the sun goes down at noon, this is a reference to the moon blocking the view of the sun. Once the moon blocks out the sun, they become one entity to accomplish the celestial miracle, a Sun -- Moon. Another difference in the Young's Literal Translation is that the translators omit the word "still". It is not that the sun and moon need to stand still in the sky, but rather stand together. They stand together to form a habitation in the sky while watching the event from Jerusalem until evening time in Jerusalem. Even while the earth is rotating faster, from Jerusalem, the sun and the moon will appear to move across the sky together. Afterward, the sun and the moon resume their natural paths and cause the light to appear again at evening time. At the light of evening time the arrows go on, and at the brightness, the glittering of the spear.

One basic question I would put forward for consideration would be the following. Given that we have established that the rotation of the earth will be modified to rotate faster, how much will the earth rotate? Will the earth rotate just enough to cause the sun to appear to have moved six time zones until 6:00 PM at evening time, or, will the earth rotate a full day and six time zones? Of course the details are only known to God. However, I would like to submit a simple reason why we might expect the earth to rotate at least a full day and six additional time zones. We find recorded in the Bible of two incidents in which God manipulated the motion of the heavenly bodies. The first instance was the miracle of the sun and the moon standing still for about the space of a whole day.

Joshua 10:13 - And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

It is important to stress the word “about” a whole day, indicating that the amount of time did not quite reach a full day. The next occurrence in Scripture of when the heavenly bodies were manipulated was in the days of king Hezekiah, mentioned earlier. The sun moved backward ten degrees.

Isaiah 38:8 - Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.

There are 360 degrees in a circle. Half a circle would represent a 12 hour day, or 180 degrees. Therefore, 10 degrees would represent 12/18, two thirds of an hour, or 40 minutes. At this point we have to make an assumption that the 40 minutes completes the whole day from the day of Joshua.

The fact that these celestial miracles occurred is a testimony to the fact that the sky as we see it today is in fact what we should have seen yesterday. In other words, our sky is a day behind. Although the 24 hours go by, a new day is defined in the Jewish calendar by the setting of the sun. Today’s scientists falsely assume the sun set on a day that it did not when determining the position of the sky prior to Joshua's long day. The diagram below demonstrates this.


It shows the calendar week supposing Joshua's long day occurred on a Wednesday to show from Joshua’s point of view that he experienced an extra-long Wednesday. In order for the sky to catch up, since the time went by, the sun and the moon both need to make an additional course across the sky in a much shorter period of time. In fact, this may be one application of the phrase: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22). The scientists who are responsible for all of our technology that can calculate the position of the sun, moon, and stars from a view on earth start with the basic assumption that what we see in the sky today is in fact what the sky should look like today. Given that we have evidence from Scripture that the earth will rotate faster, is it too farfetched to suggest that God intends to reset the celestial clock on this day? Will he allow the earth to spin a full rotation and allow us to see the sky the way we would have seen it had the sun never stood still? If this is the case, it will give the world an even better opportunity to see the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, to witness the stars falling in the west, more time to see the powers of the heavens shaken, and the whole earth will get a chance to see an impossibility: a Sun -- Moon standing together in its habitation with its brightness diminished, making its path across the sky from east to west. Furthermore, this would create a full day that is "not day, nor night".

Since our sky is a day behind, it should be recognized that the sky we will see on Monday August 2, 2027 should have appeared that way on Tuesday. This is depicted in the second row.


Therefore, when the sun sets the second time at evening time it will become Wednesday. Keep in mind that the sighting of the sliver of a new moon, whenever it occurs, always defaults to the first day of the month. On Monday August 2, 2027 there will be a new moon. The earth will spin so fast that the sun will set twice in a short space of time, well before a natural timing of Wednesday August 4th. Therefore, since the Jewish day is defined by the setting of the sun, there will be two Jewish days in a period of 24 hours. These two days are the rest of Monday Tammuz 29 and almost all of Tuesday Av 1. The Jewish month is normally scheduled to reset to Tuesday Av 1 at the next sighting of the new moon on Tuesday August 3, 2027 at 4:37 PM IDT, nearly 3 hours before that day’s sunset. In any event, the new month will occur between the celestial miracle which already contains a sunset, but before the sun sets the second time at evening time. On that second sunset it will be Wednesday Av 2, and 6 hours later at Midnight would be Wednesday August 4th for Gentiles. Going forward our sky will be consistent with the current day of the week.

One last question to consider is how much time is required to accomplish this miracle? Since the Day is only known to the LORD, only he knows the answer, and therefore the discussion will remain in the realm of speculation and conjecture. Once you consider that it will take some time to rotate the earth an extra time, it becomes necessary to rotate the earth more than 24 time zones in order for the apparent position of the sky to catch up. It will have to spin through at least the number of time zones for each hour the earth took to rotate. Referring back to the first time I mentioned that there was a fulfillment of Amos 8:9 in Matthew 27:45, a time frame is mentioned for the miracle. Darkness covered the land from the sixth hour unto the ninth hour. If this is any clue, I will submit that this darkness that was experienced in the land is a type for the darkness that will be experienced on the Day of the LORD. Since this celestial miracle took three hours to accomplish, on this basis, the earth will likewise be shaken, and the stars shall fall from heaven for the space of three hours. This means that the sun will have experienced a total number of six hours of global supernatural darkness.


Notice in the past from Genesis Chapter 1 just before the first day of creation that there was an excessive darkness. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. Before God created the light, it was dark during the diurnal period we know as light. Although we are not told precisely what time during the first day God created the light, only that it was before sunset, my model shows that at the end of day "0" at evening time (around sunset), God created the light. You would see the light in the following morning on the first day. This means that from morning until evening on day "0" it was dark, or 12 hours of darkness. “And the evening and the morning were the first day.” After the extra-long day in the time of Joshua the earth received a bonus of 24 hours of light, netting an extra 12 hours of light. In the time of Jesus Christ the earth lost 3 hours of light on the day he died. The supernatural darkness occurred when it was normally supposed to be light. The earth currently has a net extra 9 hours of light. The solar eclipse occurring at noon will once again cause the earth to supernaturally lose 3 more hours of light. The earth would still have a net positive 6 hours of light. Therefore, resetting the celestial clock on the Day of the LORD will justify the need to shift the earth an additional 6 time zones of light from noon until evening time! It means that the earth will spin through 30 time zones (instead of 24) in the space of 3 hours, which means the earth would reach a speed of 30/3, or 10 times the normal rotation! The effect of the earthquake will be immeasurable! It will take 1/10 of the normal time of 6 hours, a mere 36 minutes, for the sun to go down at noon to the horizon on its first trip. This situation raises further questions such as how life will be able to survive under such conditions. The force of the earthquake will doubtless cause the waves of the seas and oceans to become tumultuous. "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Luke 21:25-26). Without divine intervention, the natural disasters alone would be enough to annihilate all the mortals. It must be the case that God will divinely control the weather events. God has given Jesus all authority and power in heaven and in earth. Just as in the boat on the Sea of Galilee, with the softly spoken words “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39), he can cause any hurricane, any tsunami wave, or any quaking mountain to immediately cease in its destruction. As children of the day, we need not worry about tomorrow, nor about the events of the Day of the LORD, for tomorrow will worry about itself (Matthew 6:34). Follow the command of Jesus to watch for his second coming and pray always you are accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36).

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Light Not Clear Nor Dark


August 2nd 2027 - The Day of the LORD

Light Not Clear Nor Dark

One of the most profound details given concerning the Day of the LORD is the condition of the sky. A description of the sun, moon, and stars is given in many parts of Scripture. Although they can symbolically refer to the positions of authority in the governments of the world, God intended them to be used for signs, and seasons, and days, and years (Genesis 1:14). This is God’s way of keeping track of the natural cycle of time. The motion of the heavenly bodies determines night and day, evening and morning, summer and winter, and when new months begin.

In reference to the prophet Zechariah in Chapter 14, there is a detailed description of the Day of the LORD. We know from other parts of the prophetic Word that the land of Israel is divided for gain (Daniel 11:39, Joel 3:2). This is done in attempt to maintain regional peace, however, Zechariah reveals that Israel is a “spoil” divided in the midst of the other nations. In Ezekiel Chapter 38, Gog is responsible for taking Israel for a spoil, and a prey. As a result, Jerusalem is sieged. Houses are rifled, and women are ravished. Half of the city goes forth into captivity (Zechariah 14:2). Two thirds of the Jews are killed in a massacre. From a human angle, especially to the unbelieving Jew in God’s promise to save them, all hope appears to be lost. It appears that God has forever abandoned Israel. This is a sentiment held my many Christians today. However, in spite of what appears to be a total annihilation of the Jews, God has promised to deliver them. The LORD will go forth into battle in the same manner as he did in the days of old. At the most tender, desperate moment, the LORD, manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ, stands on the Mount of Olives, and causes the mountain to cleave eastward and westward, and to move toward the north and toward the south. This is the result of a massive earthquake. In fact, from a physical standpoint, there has never been an earthquake of this magnitude since man has been in existence. The surviving Jews flee away as they did in the days of the earthquake that occurred during the reign of Uzziah king of Judah. After this description of what occurs in Jerusalem, one of the most interesting descriptions of the day that this occurs is given. The passage is quoted below:

Zechariah 14:6 - And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

This, of course, is referring to the day that the world-wide earthquake occurs. This passage has baffled Bible scholars for centuries. In fact, it has given translators of this passage a difficult job in correctly interpreting the Hebrew. Other translations have rendered the phrase “not be clear, nor dark” as “no cold or frost”, as in the NIV, ESV, and RSV. These translations are following the Septuagint Greek. After researching the matter, it will become evident that the King James rendering is the most excellent. The Hebrew word "yaqar", translated "clear", is also translated "brightness" in Job 31:26, speaking of the moon. Many scholars have taken this passage and interpreted it metaphorically. I will attempt to interpret the passage at its most literal value. After all, if you read the 14th Chapter in its entirety, the literal import of the other passages is clear. Hermeneutically, it does not make sense to isolate this verse and change the rules of interpretation. The prophet is indicating a literal event that will happen, in which, once it becomes a historical event, each detail will see a literal fulfillment. Therefore, the “light” in verse 6 is just as literal as the Mount of Olives cleaving eastward and westward in verse 4. The light is derived from the heavenly bodies in the sky, namely, the sun, the moon, and the stars. God has chosen to use the movement of the heavenly bodies in the past for signs. For example, when king Hezekiah was sick unto death, the prophet Isaiah told him that he was going to die. After Hezekiah prayed to God to live, God not only promised Hezekiah fifteen more years, God gave Hezekiah a sign that the sun would move backward ten degrees across the sky according to the dial of Ahaz (Isaiah 38:8). This sign was given in order that Hezekiah would have faith in what God promised him. Even so, this sign concerning the light is given unto us in order that we also might have faith. The verse is worded such that we are told that the light will not be clear, but at the same time it will not be completely dark. It is given as a riddle, as part of a mystery. To the observer of the sky, the language seems to indicate a moment in which the moon is directly in front of the sun, blocking it from view on the earth. In other words, the phrase is describing the effect of a solar eclipse. More importantly, it is describing the effect of a solar eclipse that is visible from Jerusalem! This is most important to understand because solar eclipses occur regularly every year. They usually occur twice, and sometimes they occur three or more times in a single calendar year. Looking at the sky from Jerusalem, most of these eclipses will occur during the middle of the night at some remote point on earth, or during the day where the moon’s shadow does not come close enough to Jerusalem to block all or part of the sun. However, there are a few solar eclipses that are visible from Jerusalem in our near future in the 21st century. If we conclude that the Day of the LORD occurs on the day of a solar eclipse that is visible from Jerusalem, and we know how to calculate the motion of the sun and the moon in the sky based on Kepler’s laws of motion of heavenly bodies, it is possible to narrow down the possibilities mathematically when that great Day will be. I believe that God intended it to be this way. He has chosen to reward his faithful servants in the last pre-millennial generation of time who diligently seek the mind of God to know his secrets. Keep in mind that this is NOT calculating the exact day and hour of the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus must already be present in the earth, long before this day arrives. He would have already come as a thief in the night, and no man knows that day nor the hour, not the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only (Mark 13:32). Rather, the solar eclipse will only determine what day Jesus Christ triumphs over his enemies in the War of God Almighty in power and great glory.

Zechariah is a prophet that prophesied between 520-480 B.C. He prophesied during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah when the Jews were in the process of rebuilding Jerusalem. The 14th chapter in Zechariah is often attributed to have been written toward the end of the days he prophesied in 480 B.C. It is interesting that during this period of time, there was a solar eclipse visible over Jerusalem on Tuesday, October 2, 480 B.C. The entire event occurred between 1:20 PM and 4:16 PM Israel Standard Time, with the darkest moment occurring at 3:08 PM. Because the time of sunset was 5:53 PM, the sun became totally visible again for about 90 minutes in the evening time. It might be that Zechariah witnessed the eclipse occur during the afternoon, and saw the sun appear again at evening time. Although it is impossible to prove, this could have been Zechariah’s inspiration for describing a particular day in the latter days in which the light would not be clear, nor dark, not day, nor night, and that at evening time it shall be light.


Note: -479 is reported in astronomical time. Because there is no year 0 from 1 AD to 1 B.C, we must subtract 1 year to find the correct year. -479 is equivalent to 480 B.C.

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