Welcome to the Bible Prophecy Channel which we hope you will find an informative and stimulating source of information relating to Bible Prophecy, Eschatology and Biblical Christianity The Bible Prophecy Channel is dedicated to preaching the Gospel through pre-recorded video and audio presentations based on the Bible - the Word of God. We believe in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ when Jesus will return to earth and establish God's kingdom.
The Hope of Israel ' BIBLE TRUTH . . . Churches do NOT teach !!!
' The Hope of Israel '
BIBLE TRUTH . . . Churches do NOT teach !!!
The Hope of Israel is the central message in the Bible of ' Salvation for Mankind '
The ' Gospel ' is the " GOOD NEWS " concerning the :
1. Name of Jesus Christ ( " the ONLY Way " unto salvation )
2. Kingdom of God ( " the REWARD " for His faithful followers )
God's eternal purpose outlined throughout the Scriptures , is to provide a ' Way of Salvation ' for mankind that He might fulfill His ultimate objective - to fill the earth with His glory. What is God's Glory ?? Quite simply , it is His Character. God's plan is to fill the earth with faithful people , who display a love & a desire to reflect His Ways & His Character
Numbers 14v21 But as truly as I live , ALL THE EARTH shall be filled with the ' glory of the LORD '
Psalm 72v19 Blessed be His glorious name for ever & let THE WHOLE EARTH be filled with ' His glory '
Habakkuk 2v14 For THE EARTH shall be filled with the knowledge of the ' glory of the LORD ' as the waters over the sea
Numbers 14v21 To them , who by patient continuance in well-doing ,
seek for glory & honour & immortality , eternal life :
Glory , honour & peace to every man that worketh good ,
to THE JEW ' FIRST ' . . . . & also to THE GENTILE
God offers salvation to mankind ' solely ' throught the redemptive life & work of His Son , the Lord Jesus Christ. This ' Way of Salvation ' is extended to ALL mankind - but ' first ' to the Jews ( the nation of Israel ) & then to all other nationalities ( ' Gentiles ' )
The Jews ( Israelites ) are God's ' chosen people '. As a nation , they are set apart in God's eyes because of the faithful obedience of their fore-father Abraham. Due to his remarkable belief & trust in Him , God made a series of amazing & eternal promises to Abraham , to bless his seed ( descendants ) & to make them great among ' ALL ' nations.
Unknown to ' most of ' Christianity - these " eternal promises " God made to Abraham are the VERY CORNERSTONE of ' THE GOSPEL '
Through the promise of ' A SEED ' & the promise of ' THE LAND ' - we are , in the Book of Genesis , given the ' prophetic assurance ' of the Lord Jesus Christ & also , the Kingdom of God on earth
Throughout God's Word , the Bible , there is an unmistakable series of ' PROMISES ' recorded which underpin God's entire plan & purpose with mankind. These ' PROMISES ' were made to a succession of God's faithful servants & they form a wonderful ' golden thread ' of hope & salvation for both the Jews & the Gentiles. These ' PROMISES ' attest to the true ' faithfulness ' of God toward His beloved servants like Abraham & highlight His grace & mercy toward all mankind. Please consider these wonderful promises we have listed below :
Genesis 12 v 1-4 - GOD'S FIRST PROMISES
The LORD had said unto Abram . . . I will make of thee a ' GREAT NATION '
& I will bless thee & make thy name great & thou shalt be a blessing
& I will ' bless them ' that bless thee & ' curse him ' that curseth thee
& IN THEE , shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 13 v 14-17 - GOD'S PROMISE OF ' THE LAND '
The LORD said unto Abram , after that Lot was separated from him ,
Lift up now thine eyes & look from the place where thou art
. . . northward & southward & eastward & westward
For ALL ' THE LAND ' which thou seest , to thee will I give it & to THY SEED . . . ' FOR EVER '
I will make thy seed as the ' dust of the earth '
. . . so that if a man can number the dust of the earth , then shall thy seed also be numbered
Arise , walk through THE LAND in the length of it & in the breadth of it ; for I will give it unto thee
Genesis 15 v 18 - GOD DEFINES ' THE LAND '
In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram , saying :
Unto thy seed have I given ' THIS LAND '
from the river of Egypt unto the great river , the river Euphrates
Genesis 17 v 5-8 - GOD'S PROMISES . . . ' REPEATED '
Behold , my covenant is with thee & THOU shalt be ' a father ' of MANY NATIONS
Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram , but thy name shall be Abraham ;
For ' a father ' of MANY NATIONS have I made thee.
I will make thee exceeding fruitful & I will make nations of thee & kings shall come out of thee.
& I will establish my covenant between me & thee & thy seed after thee in their generations
for an ' EVERLASTING covenant ' , to be a God unto thee & to thy seed after thee
I will give unto thee & to thy seed after thee , ' THE LAND ' wherein thou art a stranger,
all the land of Canaan , for an ' EVERLASTING possession ' . . . & I will be their God.
Genesis 22 v 16-17 - GOD'S PROMISES . . . ' RE-CONFIRMED '
By myself have I sworn , saith the LORD ,
for because thou [ Abraham ] hast done this thing & hast not withheld thy son [ Isaac ] , thine only son :
That in blessing I will bless thee & in multiplying , I will multiply thy seed
as the stars of the heaven & as the sand which is upon the sea shore ;
& thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies
& IN THY SEED shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ; because thou hast ' obeyed my voice '
These remarkable promises were then ' REPEATED ' to his son Isaac ( Genesis 26 v 3-4 )
& . . . later ' RE-AFFIRMED ' to Abraham's grandson Jacob ( Genesis 28 v 13-14 & 35 v 10-12 )
Finally to ' under-score ' the importance of these eternal promises ,
they were ' RE-STATED ' yet again , to Abraham's descendent King David ( 2 Samuel 7 v 12-16 )
So . . . . How important were ' These Promises ' ???
Consider , the APOSTLE PAUL'S words in the New Testament :
Galatians 3 v 16-17
Now to Abraham & his seed were ' THE PROMISES ' made.
He saith not , And to seeds , as of many ; but as of one ,
And to thy seed , WHICH IS CHRIST
And this I say , that the covenant , that was confirmed before ( of God ) IN CHRIST ,
the Law , which was four hundred & thirty years after , cannot disannul ,
that it should make the promise of none effect.
For if ' THE INHERITANCE ' be of the Law , it is no more of promise :
but God gave it to Abraham . . . BY PROMISE
Romans 15 v 8
Now I [ Apostle Paul ] say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for ' the truth of God '
to ' CONFIRM THE PROMISES ' made unto the fathers [ Abraham , Isaac & Jacob ]
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