Wednesday 18 March 2020

Hidden prophecies

Most think that prophecies have to be long drawn out, indepth wordy scriptural context, yet, not all prophecies are this way. I believe Yahweh hides some prophecies, or 'prophecy addendums' in plain sight, in obscure ways.

Here is one example.

In Numbers chapter 3

22,273 1st Born  (minus)
22,000 Levites

Redeemed at the price of 5 shekels.

5 being the number of the Church.

273 × 5 = 1365 shekels of silver

Break this number down.

1,000 = Yahweh's number

365 = the number of solar days in a normal year.

Why a solar year number, rather than, a lunar year number?

I believe, this in itself is a prophecy, that Yahweh knew Israel would fail as a nation, and thus loose the sole opportunity to be of the New Creatioyn, and the Gentiles would be grafted in.
I do not believe this is a human calculation or human derived manipulation.

Yahweh our Almighty Creator, choose these specific numbers, to be used, and set up, the moment, to substitute the first born for the Levites.

And, in doing so, we must realize the change of meaning, in the firstborn of the Passover and the firstborn at this event.

Some, may not have realized that a change took place, which also, changes the prophetic picture.

What do you think?