Monday 9 October 2023

Bible Prophecy The Worldwide Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days

Title: The Worldwide Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days


The concept of the last days and a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the second coming of Jesus is a significant and profound aspect of biblical prophecy. This topic is deeply rooted in the Old Testament, particularly in the prophecy of Joel. In Acts 2, the Apostle Peter references Joel's prophecy to explain the events of Pentecost and to shed light on the greater fulfillment yet to come. This document will explore the meaning and implications of Joel's prophecy, emphasizing the worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days, and its connection to the second coming of Christ.

Joel's Prophecy and the Last Days

Joel's prophecy, as quoted by Peter in Acts 2, begins with the phrase, "it shall come to pass afterward." The question arises: After what? It becomes evident that this prophecy has a significant fulfillment at the second coming of Christ. However, there are parallels between the terminology used in Joel and the events associated with Christ's death. (Mat.27:50-51)This suggests that Joel's prophecy also has relevance to the first advent of Christ, signifying its dual application.

"The last days" is generally associated with the second coming of the Lord, but it is essential to recognize that this term is also applied to the Lord's first advent. Various biblical passages support this dual application, highlighting the interconnectedness of the two advents in God's plan.  (see Mat. 24:14; Heb. 1:1-2; 10:25; cp. Heb. 9:26; 2Pet. 3:7).Second coming  (cp. Isa. 59:20, quoted in Rom. 11:26

The Spirit Upon All Flesh

Joel's prophecy speaks of the Spirit being poured out upon "all flesh." While this phrase appears in the Greek text, it cannot be understood literally. Instead, it relates to all classes of believers, including sons, daughters, young men, old men, servants, and handmaids. This statement signifies the end of an era when prophets and priests were the sole recipients of God's revelations to Israel, indicating the imminent conclusion of the Mosaic dispensation.

In the first century AD, many individuals became involved in proclaiming the divine message, offering warnings and exhortations directed by the Spirit of God. This involvement was in line with the meaning of "prophesy" (propheteu-sousin), which referred to giving divine messages under the guidance of the Spirit.

The Significance of Joel's Prophecy

In Acts 2:16, Peter emphasizes the importance of Joel's prophecy as he addresses the crowd at Pentecost. He cites a portion of Joel 2:28-32 to show that Pentecost was not a complete fulfillment but a token of what is yet to come. Peter's quotation from Joel serves three purposes: to explain the unique manifestation of the Spirit, to warn of impending judgment on the nation of Israel, and to introduce the path to individual salvation through Jesus Christ.

The miraculous gift of tongues, observed at Pentecost, was a means to draw attention to the grand announcement of salvation. This connection between the outpouring of the Spirit and salvation is a crucial aspect of Joel's prophecy.

Verse 17 and the Last Days

Verse 17 of Acts 2 begins with "And it shall come to pass in the last days." This phrase, "last days," is associated not only with the holocaust of AD70 but also points to the second advent of Christ. Joel's prophecy, therefore, has both primary and secondary applications, highlighting its relevance to different periods in history. (Isa. 13:10; Eze. 32:7).

"I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh." This promise indicates that "all flesh" did not receive the Spirit at Pentecost but serves as a token of a future worldwide impact. In the last days, the entire world will be affected by the power of the Truth, leading to an improvement in the condition of "all flesh."

Title: The Last Days and the Cosmic Signs: A Worldwide Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Before the Second Coming of Jesus


The concept of the last days and a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the second coming of Jesus is a profound aspect of biblical prophecy. In the book of Acts, the Apostle Peter references the prophecy of Joel to explain the events of Pentecost and to shed light on the greater fulfillment yet to come. While we previously discussed Joel's prophecy and the pouring out of the Spirit upon all flesh, it is crucial to delve deeper into the cosmic signs mentioned in Acts 2:20, which play a significant role in understanding the last days and their connection to the second coming of Christ.

The Cosmic Signs in Joel's Prophecy

Verse 20 of Acts 2, as Peter quotes from Joel's prophecy, introduces two crucial cosmic signs: the darkening of the sun and the turning of the moon into blood. These symbols have profound implications and carry a dual meaning that transcends the immediate context of Joel's time.

The Sun: Symbol of World Leaders
In Joel's prophecy, the sun symbolizes ruling powers and leaders whose influence extends over those under their control. In the last days, this imagery represents world leaders and governing authorities on a global scale. The darkening of the sun signifies the removal of the authority of these leaders. This cosmic sign points to a time when the dominion of earthly rulers will be overshadowed and profoundly affected.

The Moon: Symbol of Religious Systems
The moon, in contrast, represents the ecclesiastical or religious aspect of a community. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, religious systems often derive their authority and influence from civil powers. In the last days, this symbolism points to the religious institutions and systems that shape the beliefs and practices of societies. The turning of the moon into blood signifies great calamities and upheavals within these religious systems.

The Fulfillment of the Cosmic Signs

The fulfillment of these cosmic signs is twofold, with historical and future implications:

Historical Fulfillment: Destruction of Jerusalem and Judaism
In its historical context, the darkening of the sun and the turning of the moon into blood found fulfillment in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70. The political power of Judea was obliterated, symbolized by the darkened sun. Simultaneously, the religious system of Judaism faced catastrophic events, depicted by the moon turning into blood. This marked a significant turning point in history, with Judaism's influence significantly diminished.

Future Fulfillment: The Roman Catholic Church and Beyond

Looking ahead to the future, these cosmic signs bear great significance for the ecclesiastical world. The transformation of the moon into blood symbolizes significant calamities that will affect religious institutions, such as the Roman Catholic Church. Just as Judaism encountered upheavals in the past, future religious systems are poised to undergo substantial turmoil and transformation prior to the arrival of the great and remarkable day of the Lord (Rev. 6:12-13), (see Lk. 21:25;Mat. 24:29).

Title: The Holy Spirit During the Millennium: Powers of the Age to Come


The role and presence of the Holy Spirit in the future millennium, often referred to as the "powers of the age to come," hold profound significance in Christian eschatology. Hebrews 6:4-6 highlights the concept of tasting the heavenly gift and sharing in the Holy Spirit, pointing to a power and energy emanating from God that will shape the establishment of Christ's Millennial Kingdom. This document explores the nature and impact of the Holy Spirit during the millennium, emphasizing its role in the transformation of the world and the fulfillment of God's plan.

The Powers of the Age to Come

Hebrews 6:4-6 speaks of believers who have "tasted the heavenly gift" and "shared in the Holy Spirit," experiencing the "powers of the age to come." This phrase, "powers of the age to come," signifies a glimpse into the extraordinary power and energy that will characterize the future era of God's kingdom on Earth. It is a foretaste of the transformative forces that will be unleashed during the millennium.

Understanding the Nature of the Holy Spirit

To comprehend the role of the Holy Spirit in the millennium, it is crucial to clarify the nature of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a 'separate' or 'other' person. Ac 7:55, 56; Re 7:10 The Holy Spirit is the power and energy of God it is his active force emanating from his corporeal divine nature always out flowing from Him, by which His 'everywhereness' is achieved. Ps 104:30; 1 Cor 12:4-11. The Spirit is personal in that it is of God Himself: it is not personal in the sense of being some other person within the Godhead"The Holy Spirit is the divine force through which God interacts with the world and His people. It is the source of supernatural abilities and the driving force behind spiritual transformation.

The Millennium: The Age to Come

The "age to come" mentioned in Hebrews 6:5 refers to the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom by Christ, with the saints playing a pivotal role. Hebrews 2:5 underscores the connection between this age and the power that will change the world to align with the purposes of Yahweh. Believers who possessed the gift of the Spirit in the apostolic age experienced a taste of the power that will be fully available to the saints during the Millennium.

The Latter Rain and the Gift of the Spirit

Joel chapter 2 and verse 23 speaks of the latter rain being poured upon the people of God. In the context of the millennium, this signifies an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the saints. Believers today not only find joy and refreshment in their daily spiritual experiences but also possess a wonderful hope for the glory yet to appear in the age to come.

The Millennium's Commencement

The commencement of the millennium is characterized by two significant events: the resurrection of the dead and the judgment seat of Christ. Believers, encompassing both the obedient and the disobedient, will be raised as mortals and summoned before His judgment seat. This divine judgment will be based on their knowledge of God's revealed will and their response to it, and they will be judged according to their deeds, whether good or bad.

The true believers, having adhered to God's will, will receive a special blessing. They will be granted immortality and transformed into spiritual beings by God, yet their spiritual bodies will retain a corporal nature. These transformed saints will play an important role during the millennium.

Through these resurrected saints, the Gospel of that time will be proclaimed to the world. This proclamation may be accompanied by remarkable miracles, reminiscent of the miraculous events witnessed in the past.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Enlightening the World

Ezekiel's prophecy reveals that the nation of Israel will be saved during the war of Armageddon, and they will come to know that Yahweh is God. The Lord will no longer hide His face from them, for He will pour out His Spirit upon the house of Israel. The new covenant will be realized nationally, extending its influence to the gentile nations, as described in Zechariah 12:11.

Zechariah's Vision of the Two Olive Trees

The work of enlightening the world through the Spirit-energized community is symbolically depicted in Zechariah's vision of the two olive trees, two olive branches, and a seven-branch lampstand. In the angel's cryptic interpretation, the message is clear: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says Yahweh of hosts" (Zachariah 4:6). This symbolism underscores the central role of the Holy Spirit in achieving God's purposes during the millennium.


Joel's prophecy, as explained by Peter in Acts 2, holds great significance in understanding the worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. This prophecy points to both the first and second comings of Christ, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these events in God's divine plan. The promise of the Spirit being poured out upon all believers serves as a testament to the ongoing work of God in the world, ultimately leading to the second coming of Jesus and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan for humanity.

The cosmic signs mentioned in Acts 2:20, drawn from Joel's prophecy, serve as a powerful testament to the last days and the worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the second coming of Jesus. These signs, representing world leaders and religious systems, highlight the transformative nature of the events that will unfold in the final stages of human history.

As we reflect on these cosmic signs, we are reminded of the intricate tapestry of biblical prophecy and the profound connection between the spiritual and earthly realms. In the last days, the darkening of the sun and the turning of the moon into blood signal a time of global change, upheaval, and divine intervention. Ultimately, these signs point us toward the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan for humanity.

The Holy Spirit's presence and power during the millennium, known as the "powers of the age to come," represent a pivotal aspect of Christian eschatology. This divine force, emanating from God, will shape the Millennial Kingdom, ushering in a period of unprecedented transformation, enlightenment, and fulfillment of God's redemptive plan for humanity. Believers today find hope and anticipation in the promise of the Holy Spirit's work during this age to come, when the world will experience the fullness of God's divine power and presence.