Have you ever noticed that God gives such simple messages that no one even sees them?
Donald Trump.
A trumpet is NOT a person. it is an event
The 6th trumpet will sound during Trump's Presidency.
The 6th trumpet EVENTS will OCCUR during Trump's presidency just as the 5th Trumpet occurred during the Bush presidency's.
Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the "sun" became black as sackcloth of hair, and the "moon" became as blood; 6:13 And "the stars of heaven" [The Stars and Stripes] fell unto the earth, even as the "fig tree" [IN Jerusalem] casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind (Eze 13:13). [Remember John tells us he heard a noise like thunder: A NUCLEAR BLAST?] The cursing of the fig tree (Mat. 21 and Mark 11) and the accompanying parable about casting a mountain (code word for GOVERNMENT) into the sea, unlocks the "untimely figs" teaching in Revelation. If you paid attention to the parable of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24, you discovered that a fig sprouts it's leaves the 3rd week of April - AND IT DID: 224/1948.
When might THE 6TH TRUMPET 'let loose'?
Jesus actually gives the biggest clues with the statement: "pray that your flight not be in Winter nor on the Sabbath day". If you look through the scriptures, you will not find the Sabbath called the Sabbath day any other time. This is CRITICAL. This means it is a DECLARED SABBATH and not a normal 7th day following 6 days of work. And there is only ONE DECLARED Sabbath Day that follows the LAST DAY of winter on God's calendar of any given year. As for the year, I would say that Daniel already declared it: Daniel 9 tells you: 1948 + 62 years =2010 2010 + the final 7 year period = 2017. Then the final 1 year, of His cloud return, defeats His enemies, and RULES = 2018 The last 70 years (Dan. 9:24 WEEKS refers to FEAST OF WEEKS, which happens ANNUALLY; thus 70 years is the length of the LAST GENERATION): Remember the rules for counting the Omer and the qualifications from the text: "from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem" or [5/14/1948] which came well AFTER Passover, 1948 and the start of the Omer counting when we are to count: Lev. 23:15-16 - And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete. Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days;
That is why 1949 is year ONE "NOT ONE JOT NOR TITLE SHALL PASS FROM THE LAW UNTIL ALL THINGS ARE FULFILLED". The sun, the moon, and the stars (Psalm 19) are keeping His appointed times (WHICH ARE PART OF HIS ETERNAL LAWS - they keep them, even if we have stopped - which is why all these things are coming upon us) and these are the KEY to determining when "all these things come to pass". Remember what Jesus said: "There would great tribulation like HAS NEVER BEEN"
Add that Revelation says that 1/3 of mankind is KILLED during a 200 million man war and you should be able to piece together that He was talking about a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR.
Donald Trump.
A trumpet is NOT a person. it is an event
The 6th trumpet will sound during Trump's Presidency.
The 6th trumpet EVENTS will OCCUR during Trump's presidency just as the 5th Trumpet occurred during the Bush presidency's.
Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the "sun" became black as sackcloth of hair, and the "moon" became as blood; 6:13 And "the stars of heaven" [The Stars and Stripes] fell unto the earth, even as the "fig tree" [IN Jerusalem] casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind (Eze 13:13). [Remember John tells us he heard a noise like thunder: A NUCLEAR BLAST?] The cursing of the fig tree (Mat. 21 and Mark 11) and the accompanying parable about casting a mountain (code word for GOVERNMENT) into the sea, unlocks the "untimely figs" teaching in Revelation. If you paid attention to the parable of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24, you discovered that a fig sprouts it's leaves the 3rd week of April - AND IT DID: 224/1948.
When might THE 6TH TRUMPET 'let loose'?
Jesus actually gives the biggest clues with the statement: "pray that your flight not be in Winter nor on the Sabbath day". If you look through the scriptures, you will not find the Sabbath called the Sabbath day any other time. This is CRITICAL. This means it is a DECLARED SABBATH and not a normal 7th day following 6 days of work. And there is only ONE DECLARED Sabbath Day that follows the LAST DAY of winter on God's calendar of any given year. As for the year, I would say that Daniel already declared it: Daniel 9 tells you: 1948 + 62 years =2010 2010 + the final 7 year period = 2017. Then the final 1 year, of His cloud return, defeats His enemies, and RULES = 2018 The last 70 years (Dan. 9:24 WEEKS refers to FEAST OF WEEKS, which happens ANNUALLY; thus 70 years is the length of the LAST GENERATION): Remember the rules for counting the Omer and the qualifications from the text: "from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem" or [5/14/1948] which came well AFTER Passover, 1948 and the start of the Omer counting when we are to count: Lev. 23:15-16 - And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete. Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days;
That is why 1949 is year ONE "NOT ONE JOT NOR TITLE SHALL PASS FROM THE LAW UNTIL ALL THINGS ARE FULFILLED". The sun, the moon, and the stars (Psalm 19) are keeping His appointed times (WHICH ARE PART OF HIS ETERNAL LAWS - they keep them, even if we have stopped - which is why all these things are coming upon us) and these are the KEY to determining when "all these things come to pass". Remember what Jesus said: "There would great tribulation like HAS NEVER BEEN"
Add that Revelation says that 1/3 of mankind is KILLED during a 200 million man war and you should be able to piece together that He was talking about a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR.