Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Daniel 8:13

 Daniel 8:13 Then heard I a certain holy one, speaking,--and another holy one said to that certain holy one who was speaking--How long shall the vision continue, even the removal of the sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation,, for both sanctuary and host to be given over to be trampled underfoot?

14  And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

The word qodesh can signify holy people, ground, place, city or thing (see Exod. 3:5; 22:31; 30:31; Josh. 5:15). The Lord cited a section of the verse and applied it to the destruction of the holy city, Jerusalem, in A.D. 70 (see Luke 21:24): "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles".

The sanctuary is the temple Jesus said the temple was his body

John 2:19-21 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
20 Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?”
21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body.

Therefore the sanctuary is Jesus and the host is the body of Christ or the church see revelation 11

2300 evenings and mornings cleansing of the sanctuary refer to Jesus' death and resurrection it also refers to the body of Christ been made immortal after the second coming and judgement

I do not believe that the 2300 evenings and mornings refer to a day for a year prophecy since it does not say day or days but evenings and mornings these are the same words used about Jesus been in the grave

This is the usage throughout the entire first chapter of the Bible in fact, describing the first week of creation: “And there was evening and there was morning, one day” (Gen. 1:5). It is the same usage during the flood wherein we have “forty days and forty nights” (Gen. 7:4,12). And so also is the phrase “three days and three nights” used to simply refer to three days as in Jonah 1:17 or by Jesus in Matthew 12:40. And finally, in Matthew 4:2, we read that after Jesus “fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry.” Jesus fasted for forty days, not twenty, and certainly not eighty.

2300 evenings and mornings are 3 and a half days

The sanctuary in Daniel 8 is the same sanctuary in Daniel 9

Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed Daniel 8:16

24  Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, to cause to cease from sin offering, and to cover iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

"to cause to cease from sin offering".

This was accomplished by the Lord individually at his first advent, when his offering superseded those under the Law. Concerning offerings for sins, for both priest and people, Christ offered "once, when he offered up himself" (Heb. 7:27), and that was "at the end of the age when he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (ch. 9:26). Christ's work as the sin offering was "sealed up" or completed by his resurrection (Rom. 1:4-5; 4:24- 25; Heb. 10:14, 18; 9:14-15).

and to cover iniquity

The Lord Jesus was the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8). Through his death we are "reconciled", and through his life we are saved (Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:18).

The atoning work of Christ would not only cover sins, but also provide a justification for "the ages" (Heb. olahm, "everlasting"). Olahm refers to a concealed or hidden period, not necessarily to time without end. The Mosaic age is referred to in Exod. 27:21; 28:43, but justification was limited by the "blood of bulls and goats" (Heb. 9:13). Messiah, by his sacrifice and resurrection, was to introduce an age of "better righteousness" by which he would become the mediator of the New Covenant (v. 15).

to anoint the most Holy

The Most Holy is inside the sanctuary or temple

The next time we read of the sanctuary or temple been trampled underfoot is revelation 11

11:1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood,[a] saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

first the holy city is the temple of God 

Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there"—The True followers of Jesus Christ constitute the figurative "Temple of God" (2 Cor. 6:16); they are partakers of the Christ-Altar (Heb. 13:10; 1 Cor. 9:13); they are true Israelites, or "them that worship therein" (Eph. 2:14-15). And now they are measured off for tribulation, inasmuch as they are "partakers of Christ's sufferings" (1 Pet. 4:13; Heb. 12:6).

"But the court which is without the temple"—This describes the court of the Gentiles, so that the symbol relates to the alien (Eph. 4:17-18), but a special type of alien. To an uninitiated observer, the Court of the Gentiles would appear to be part of the Temple, and those assembled there would have the appearance of being true worshippers, or at least, genuine sympathisers. Therefore, whereas true saints constitute a separated priestly community (1 Pet. 2:9); the court of the Gentiles denotes those who claim to be "Christian" but who oppose the real teaching and practise of the Truth.

"Leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles"—The instruction leave out is from Greek ekbale, "cast out," with the suggestion of using force. Hence to excommunicate, to have no fellowship with. This instruction shows that there should be no true identification with those communities that appear to be part of the symbolic Temple, but which, in fact, deny some of the important principles of basic truth. A community might claim to be "Christian" and yet be numbered in the court of the Gentiles. The instruction of the Spirit in relation to such is to deny them fellowship

"And the holy city"—Spiritual Jerusalem, the true Church (Gal. 4:26), described in The Apocalypse as the Bride of Christ (Rev. 21:9-10)'.

"Shall they tread under foot forty and two months —For this length of time, Gentiles who claim to be part of the Temple, shall tread underfoot those who adhere to the Truth. Computed according to lunar months (30 days), as is normal in Scripture, this represents a period of 1260 days, the period of Christ's ministry.

Daniel 7:7

 Daniel 7:7 “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.

26 The ten horns are ten kings

Who shall arise from this kingdom.

And another shall rise after them;

He shall be different from the first ones,

And shall subdue three kings

27 And shall intend to change times and law.

Then the saints shall be given into his hand

For a time and times and half a time.

The period is given as a time, a times, and a half time. 

How are we to understand this?

time, 360

a times, 720

and a half time 180


 this is confirmed for us in Rev 12. [Read v14, and then v6]. The time periods mentioned in these verses are identical, as the context would show, but they are numerated in different ways. 1260 days is equated with a 3 and a half times, and so back in Daniel, we deduce the father awarded the little horn of the beast a 1260 year period of power.

The great and terrible fourth beast denoted the Roman power, whilst the little horn symbolised the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire was founded over a period of time which lead up to Charlemagne being crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in AD 800 . The time period ends when the power to persecute the saints of the Most High has come to an end. But when did it start. The time period however measures the life span of the little horn itself, and the horn being Holy Roman Empire, couldn't persecute the faithful before it was established. Notice from 7v24 that the little horn arose from the fall of three horns before it. The horns denoting the Gothic kingdoms of Europe.

In AD 773 Charlemagne defeated the Lombards, and added northern Italy to his dominions, he fought in Spain in AD 778, and was crowned emperor on Christmas Day, AD 800.

The little horn therefore came to power we would suggest with the crowning of Charlemagne in AD800. Now if we add 1260 years to this it would bring us to AD 2060, after which v26 indicates his dominion would be taken away to consume and destroy, and his power given v27 to the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve him.

But the court shall be seated,

And they shall take away his dominion,

To consume and destroy it forever.

27 Then the kingdom and dominion,

And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven,

Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High.

His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.

Bible Prophecy Nuclear war? Deuteronomy 28:68

The curses to come upon Israel as a result of the Arab invasions are described in terms which are extremely befitting to modern warfare. The plagues to come upon Israel as a result of the invasions are almost impossible to identify with anything presently known: " a consumption... a fever... an inflammation... an extreme burning... blasting... the burning ague that shall consume the eyes" (Dt. 28:22; Lev. 26:16) all seems to echo the language of nuclear fall-out. " They shall be burnt...and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction" (Dt. 32:24) is similar.

The release of complex chemical weapons, as well as nuclear detonation, would explain why rainfall patterns will be interrupted during this holocaust (Dt. 28:23). The fall-out from such weapons would create the murderous rain of dust upon the land which Dt. 28:24 speaks of: " The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed" .

It is twice emphasized that those in the land would suffer blindness (Dt. 28:28,29). This has not yet happened; the context invites us to read this as literal rather than figurative. We know that the Arabs who attack Jerusalem will both fight each other and have their eyes rot in their sockets (Zech. 14:12), the implication being that they use their nuclear missiles against each other as well as against Israel.

 Their earlier use of these weapons would account for this blindness coming upon Israel, and again we see the principle that what the Arabs do to Israel will be inflicted upon them. As Israel were punished with the curse of infighting (Is. 9:19), so the Arabs will be.

As Israel will experience a great earthquake (Ez. 38:19), so will their enemy Babylon (Rev. 16:18,19); indicating that 'Babylon' will then be present in Israel? For other instances of the punishments upon Israel coming upon her latter day enemies, see Joel 3:6,8; Ez. 6:5 cp. 39:15.

- " Pillars of smoke" (Joel 2:30) is literally 'palm trees' of smoke (Hebrew)- an allusion to the mushroom cloud?

- The invading " northern army" will be driven " into a land barren and desolate" (Joel 2:20). The Hebrew root for " desolate" means to be stunned or numbed. A nuclear wilderness somewhere in the Middle East could certainly be called a numbed and stunned land.

- The latter day Assyrian will be destroyed with " fire will consume you; the sword will cut you down-- they will devour you like a swarm of locusts" (Nah. 3:15).

- " The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven (the sky) shall it come down upon thee" (Dt. 28:24) has never yet been fulfilled. Nuclear fallout would exactly fit the bill. Likewise Is. 29:6, describing the invasion of latter day Babylon / Assyria, has yet to be accurately fulfilled: " Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of Hosts with...great noise, with strom and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire" .

- The latter day invasion from the Euphrates (i.e. geographical Babylon) will result in men being killed by fire, smoke and brimstone (Rev. 9:14,18)- nuclear language?

Next Chapter in Prophecy

 Next Chapter in Prophecy ... The unlikely union of russia and the EU soon to launch a  ' Anti-Terror campaign against ' Islamic Terrorism '. Under the popular ' pretext ' of eradicating (Sunni) terrorist groups ( Isis / AlQaeda etc ) a brutal offensive will engulf ... Iraq, Syria, Jordan & even Saudi Arabia ... before ultimately ending in the ' last days ' invasion of the Holy Land, Israel.

 Under the pretext of ' fighting terror ' ... Russia ( 'dragon' ), Europe ( 'beast' ) & the Vatican ( 'false prophet' ) are the coming axis of evil that will soon invade the Middle East ( ... & ultimately Israel ). The next ' inductee ' into this axis of evil ... IRAN !!!
What God's Word says ►►

Revelation 16v13 - " And I saw three ' unclean spirits ' like frogs come out of the mouth of the ' DRAGON ' ( Russia ) & out of the mouth of the ' BEAST ' ( Europe ) & out of the mouth of the ' FALSE PROPHET ' ( Vatican/Pope ) ... v14 For they are the ' spirits of devils ' working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth & of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty ... v15 Behold, I COME as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth & keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked & they see his shame ...v16 And He ' gathered them ' together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ... ARMAGEDDON. "

The 8th Head of the Beast Revelation 17


The 7th head (The EU) is currently becoming the 8th head (remember the 8th comes out of the 7th) of Revelation. The Bear (Russia) will soon have the 3 ribs in it's mouth (the 3 kings that are plucked up by the roots) and will join with the leopard (Germany) and create the 8th head out of the CARCASS of the 7th. This is also the 4th beast of Daniel 7:3-7:8.

According to Bible Prophecy Germany and France will lead the EU into a SUPERSTATE or with a dominant FEDERAL GOVERNMENT described in the Bible as a Beast System due to its merging of different countries and peoples into one State with one Voice. Along with this development we expect to see Russia become more involved in Europe with links to a combined army.

This EU SUPERSTATE will along with Russia enter into a final conflict with Israel and the Middle East. Germany is the key country in what Bible Prophecy refers to as the land of "Magog".They are spoken of militarily as the "King of the North". Together the Bible says that Russia and the EU will invade the Middle East in the Last Days. So Bible Students expect to see Germany and France taking a greater role in leading Europe. It is also interesting to see Germany taking greater control of a continent they tried to take by war and failed.

Chapter 19 - The First Four Trumpets: The Last Days (8:7‑13)

 Chapter 19 - The First Four Trumpets: The Last Days (8:7‑13)

Once again the reminder is necessary that the application of this part of Revelation to the First Century is a much easier proposition than the interpreta­tion of it with reference to the end of the age. That it should be so applied hardly admits of doubt. The evidence already submitted is adequate to shew this. And there is plenty more to follow. But even if the student is reasonably sure that he is interpreting the symbols according to Biblical usage (and some doubt regarding this is not unseemly now and then), to use these Scriptures in order to anticipate events still in the future is an exceedingly precarious business, never to be attempted with any degree of confidence, much less of dogmatism. So this chapter is necessarily a mixture of Biblical illustration and surmise as to its outworking.

The events described in these Trumpets are the results of great clouds of incense coming up before God. These are like thc importunate prayers of the widow in the parable (Luke 18:1‑8), for Jesus was careful to set that ex­hortation, that “men pray and not faint”, in a context which is all about his Second Coming (17:20‑37; 18:8).

The outcome of these prayers - “voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake” - are described once again in Revelation 16:18, where the setting belongs (past all argument) to the Last Days. The words describe a mighty theophany, as at Sinai (Exodus 19:16, 18), and also the titanic effects of God’s judgement, as this evil generation will yet experience them.

This angel, casting fire to the earth, and the seven trumpet‑blowers with him suggest the “seven shepherds and eight principal men” who are to “waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrance thereof: and he shall deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders” (Micah 5: 5, 6).


The Biblical evidences of a final desolation of Israel in the Last Days need not be repeated here. But this Micah passage seems to imply that when the Land is overrun, the enemy of Israel will be punished there in the very place where his triumph has been most complete and savage.

But, since, equally plainly, the final judgements of God are to be visited on the whole earth, it would be unwise to insist on a restricted reference of these Trumpets to the Land of Israel only, or even to the countries round about Israel.

It is rather remarkable that the language of the First Trumpet - “hail and fire mingled with blood” - is used in Isaiah, first to describe the “overflowing scourge” with which God afflicted His wayward people, and then even more powerfully regarding the divine deliverance which He provided for the sake of the faithful remnant in the days of Hezekiah (28:2; 30:30). The counterpart to this in the day of Christ is not difficult to discern.

The destruction of trees was seen to have both a literal and a figurative element. All who have any interest in the developing state of Israel have been impressed with the efficient and industrious way in which the mountainsides are being re‑planted, so that within a generation barrenness has been replaced by maturing forests. In a way it is sad to think that these splendid attempts to re‑clothe the nakedness of the hills of Israel are all to be brought to nought, but their present glory and promise is of small account compared with what is to be when the verdant splendour of the Holy Land is renewed by the blessing of Heaven (Isaiah 35:1, 2).

However, the more fundamental application of this Trumpet will be in a manner comparable to the fulfilment of Christ’s own figure of “green tree and dry tree” - in the nation of Israel, all being alike destined for “burning” (Luke 23:31; cp. Jeremiah 7:20).


Today, in the place of the temple, on the very site, stands the Moslem Dome of the Rock. How the fanatical forces of hyper‑orthodox Jewry would love to see that centre of false religion burnt to the ground. Yet they dare not attempt it. But it is readily conceivable that the confusion of some acute Israel‑Arab crisis in the near future might well provide the excuse or the cover for their incendiarism. This is only a guess. The fulfilment of this vivid symbol may take a completely different form, with more immediate relevance to the destruction of life and ships in the sea. Judgement on the ships of Tarshish is a distinctive feature of certain prophecies (Isaiah 2:16; Psalm 48:7).

Amos 7:4 has a very remarkable allusion (in the context of “locusts;” see the Fifth Trumpet) to “the Lord God contending by fire ... and it devoured the great deep, and would have eaten up the Land (R.V.)” - LXX: “the Lord’s portion.” It is difficult to say how the primary fulfilment of this prophecy came about. A giant meteorite falling into the Sea of Galilee? It goes on to foretell that “the high places of Isaac (where Isaac was offered - the Rock!) shall be desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste.”

Zephaniah has the same association of ideas: “I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and will bring the wicked to their knees (N.E.B.) ... and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place (the temple)” (1:3, 4).


It is important to observe that all the first five trumpets find the source and origin of their dramatic action in the sky:

1. Hail and fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth.
2. A burning mountain cast into the sea.
3. The falling of a great star burning like a lamp.
4. Sun, moon and stars smitten; unnatural darkness.
5. A star fallen from heaven to earth. This is introduced by an angel flying in mid‑heaven.


There may or may not be connection between these features and the fact that between them Russia and America have something like a thousand pieces of hardware orbiting this globe. Of course almost nothing is known publicly about the purpose of this mighty army of sputniks - “the host of the high ones on high” (Isaiah 24:21) - but it may be taken as certain that many (most?) of them have a much more sinister purpose than that of harmless highly useful telecommunications. And it is readily conceivable that in the heat of a Jew­-Arab crisis Russia may not be loth to use Israel as a guinea‑pig regarding some of these scientific toys in the way that America used Japan at the end of World War II, and has more recently used Vietnam.

The “great star falling from heaven, burning as a lamp,” is perhaps to be understood as a reference to the Star of David, which is now known in all the world as the symbol of the state of Israel. In modern times, Israel has let go all hope of the appearance of a divine Messiah, and has blasphemously substituted itself instead as the Messianic State and Nation. So it would not be inappropriate that there should be a dramatic rebuke of such a perversion of Old Testament truth. The figure of a falling star is the more fitting by contrast with the true Messiah, the “Bright and Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16).

On the other hand, if the Third Trumpet is to have a less restricted application than this, the effect of turning all the waters to bitterness may well be one of the fiendish ideas of modern war, which has already been seriously explored. Dumping a large consignment of LSD in a city reservoir would be a trivial school‑boy joke by comparison. There could be no easier way of winning a war than by poisoning the enemy’s water supply overnight.

The darkening of sun, moon and stars may similarly have a more literal fulfilment than has been thought possible hitherto. At the crucifixion of Jesus there was a period of unnatural darkness. Several Scriptures suggest the possibility of a similar phenomenon when he comes again (Zechariah 14:6; Joel 2:2; Matthew 24:29; Isaiah 5:30). Again one is left guessing as to the means by which this might come about, whether by natural causes-such as the dense pall of smoke from the burning forests or from volcanic eruptions- or by supernatural means as at the crucifixion.


On this theme Isaiah 13 is specially impressive. Misled by the opening verse, commentators generally have sought to apply the whole of this prophecy to Babylon. In fact, most of it (v. 2‑16?) refers primarily to God’s judgement on Israel brought through the instrumentality of the Assyrians (often called Babylon in Isaiah). Only at verse 17 does the wrath of the Lord turn to “punish the stout heart of the king of Assyria” (10:12); “Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands faint, and every man’s heart shall melt (this is Luke 21:26): and they shall be afraid: pangs of sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth (this is Paul’s figure of the day of the Lord, in 1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3) ... For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine (the Fourth Trumpet) ... Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place (Revelation 8:5), in the wrath of the Lord of hosts and in the day of his fierce anger ... their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished (this is Zechariah 14:2)” (Isaiah 13:6‑16).

Thus the Fourth Trumpet is seen as an integral part of the impressive drama of events in the end of the age. It presents an ominous picture of the eclipse of Israel, to be followed - as one Messianic prophecy after another makes clear-by a breath‑taking rehabilitation when the King of Israel sits on his throne.

Bible Prophecy The frog like spirits Revelation 16

 The 'frog like spirits' of Democracy (Rev 16) which originates from from the French Revolution, are really a false and corrupted teaching and aspiration. In reality, the unrelenting terrorist threats are creating the opposite effect. Europe is disintegrating fast, and is being primed for the Papacy to take charge (Rev 17)

"France has thus entered a permanent emergency state, marked by high levels of police powers and militarisation of society, and the suspension of democratic rights and freedoms. This is merely a few degrees away from outright dictatorship."

three unclean spirits like frogs, which are a symbol of French democracy (Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity),

The “frogs” therefore represent the people of France; their voices were heard for the first time in the Revolutionary principles with demands for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, which is modern day socialism PC or communism

However, John did not see three frogs, but “spirits like frogs” the term “spirit” is used of the mind of man (Pr 25:28) (Pr 29:11; compare 14:29, 30.) (Pr 16:32) (Pr 16:18, 19; Ec 7:8, 9), (Pr 29:23) —Pr 16:2 and for human teaching or doctrine (1jn 4:1-3) for they are spirits of demons as James tells us demons do not come down from above but are earthly “this wisdom is not one from above coming down, but is earthly born of the soul demoniacal” James 3:15 Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible.

Now insanity was attributed to one being possessed of a demon, the vers, therefore, signifies that a spirit of madness will take possession of the nations leading to war. This will be stimulated by the three-fold doctrine of PC: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, which is really a threefold appeal to the flesh (add Gen 3; 1Jn 2:)

Jeremiah refers to the insanity of the nations at the time of the end

(Jer 25:16 When they have drunk it, they will stagger to and fro and act insane. For I will send wars sweeping through them."

Jer 51:7 Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, Intoxicating all the earth. The nations have drunk of her wine; Therefore the nations are going mad.)

the evidence of madness is seen today. At his first advent, the Lord demonstrated his power to cast out demons, by curing those said to be possessed of such and he alone has the power to destroy the unclean spirit of insanity stemming from PC: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, that is affecting nations today.

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Unveiling the Prophecy of Ezekiel 8

Unveiling the Prophecy of Ezekiel 8


The book of Ezekiel is replete with rich symbolism and profound messages. In Ezekiel 8, we find a captivating portrayal of the spiritual condition of the Church, represented by Jerusalem, and its deviation from God's truth. This study will delve into the verses of Ezekiel 8, shedding light on their allegorical significance in our typology context. We will explore how this ancient prophecy parallels the spiritual challenges faced by contemporary believers. 

Ezekiel 8:1 - The Hand of the Lord:

"In the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me."

Ezekiel 8 marks the beginning of a narrative that spans several chapters, detailing the sins of Jerusalem, which we can equate with Christendom today. The passage introduces the concept of the Divine punishment that awaits those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.

In this interpretation, we see that the temple described in this passage symbolizes the spiritual Temple of God, the Church. Just as the Jerusalem temple was defiled by idolatry, the Church has been tainted by the infiltration of pagan practices, primarily at the hands of the clergy.

This concept parallels the historical account of King Manasseh in 2 Chronicles 33:1-9. Manasseh's idolatry led to the downfall of Jerusalem and the exile of its people. Manasseh's name, meaning "causing forgetfulness," can be seen as a type of the Pope, representing deception and the forgetting of God's true teachings.

In Ezekiel 8, we delve into a typology study of prophecy, exploring the allegorical significance of the text in the context of contemporary spirituality and religious practices:

8:1. In the sixth year, on the sixth month, and the fifth day of the month, I was sitting in my house when the hand of the Lord God came upon me. — Chapters 8 to 13 continue to unveil the transgressions of Jerusalem, symbolizing Christendom, and the divine retribution that awaits it. Chapter 8 focuses on the defilement of the temple, the sacred space representing the spiritual Temple of God - the Church. Just as the Jerusalem temple was polluted with idolatry, our typology interpretation sees the Church, originally pure and holy, marred by the infiltration of pagan practices by clergy. This mirrors the historical account of Manasseh's idolatry in 2 Chronicles 33:1-9, symbolizing the papacy's deception and deviation from true faith, supported by clergy in both Roman Catholicism and apostate Protestantism.

Ezekiel 8:2-3 - Visions of Fire and Jealousy:

"Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire... the image of jealousy."

In these verses, we are presented with vivid imagery that takes us into the realm of symbolism and spiritual insight. The fire, from loins downward, symbolizes purification and judgment, while the brightness and amber color signify divine illumination and revelation.

The hand of God takes Ezekiel by the hair, signifying the divine guidance that elevates us to understand spiritual truths. We are brought to the door of the inner gate, which looks northward, symbolizing the spiritual phase of God's Kingdom.

This gate represents Christ, the way to spiritual matters. It underscores the importance of turning toward Christ for spiritual enlightenment and growth, moving from mere belief to full consecration.

Within this gate, we find the image of jealousy, representing the idolatry that infiltrates the Church. It echoes the way the clergy have elevated themselves, much like the idols of Baal, usurping God's place and introducing false doctrines.

8:2, 3. Then, I beheld a vision resembling fire, with brightness and radiance. A hand reached out, grasping me by the hair, lifting me between heaven and earth, leading me in God's visions to Jerusalem, to the inner gate facing north, where an idol of jealousy stood. — Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Ezekiel class gains insight into the spiritual realm and discerns the wrongdoings of the clergy. They are taken to Jerusalem, representing established priestly authority, to the inner gate of the temple, symbolizing the Church of God. This gate, signifying Christ, demands an outlook toward spiritual matters. The clergy have set up idols, such as images of saints, within the Church, demanding reverence and submission. This parallels the clergy's usurpation of authority and their false teachings, distorting the true worship of Jehovah.

Ezekiel 8:13-14 - Lamentations and Idolatry:

"He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou Shalt see greater abominations... women weeping for Tammuz."

Tammuz, known as the god of fire worship, is the embodiment of the eternal-torment-purgatory concept. The women lamenting Tammuz symbolize misled churches mourning those believed to be in hell. This underscores the connection between heathen religions and apostate "Christianity."

Tammuz's historical roots trace back to Nimrod, the "mighty hunter," who led people away from true worship, fostering sensuality and neglect of the worship of Jehovah. This passage highlights the influence of pagan beliefs on organized religion.

8:13, 14. God tells Ezekiel to turn and witness even more abhorrent acts. He is taken to the gate of the Lord's house, where women lament Tammuz. — Tammuz, a heathen god, represents the concept of a purgatorial, eternal-torment deity, whose "purification" is through fire. The women mourning Tammuz symbolize misled churches, mourning those believed to be in hell. This reveals the connection between heathen religions and apostate "Christianity." It traces back to Nimrod, who led people away from true worship, introducing sensuality and neglect of Jehovah. The clergy replaced the true Seed with false ones, putting God aside. This distortion of faith has persisted in various forms, including the trinity doctrine, secret societies, and the worship of a fire god.

Ezekiel 8:15-16 - Facing Away from God:

"Then He brought me into the inner court... and behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord... they worshipped the sun toward the east."

These verses illustrate divisions within the Christian Church, with various denominations symbolized by the men gathered in the inner court. Their backs turned toward the Lord's temple signify their disregard for God's true saints. They face the east, symbolizing their worship of the sun or fire god, similar to pagan practices.

8:15, 16. Ezekiel is shown a group of men in the inner court, with their backs to the Lord's temple, worshipping the sun in the east. — These men represent divisions within the Christian Church, each denomination facing the sun, symbolizing sun worship or fire worship. They disrespect the true saints within the Church, indicating the divisiveness among Christians, and their erroneous beliefs in eternal-torment deities.

Ezekiel 8:17-18 - Provoking Divine Anger:

"Hast thou seen this, O Son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah... they put the branch to their nose... Therefore will I also deal in fury."

In this passage, God questions the gravity of the abominations committed, including violence and the provocation of divine anger. This passage warns of the consequences of apostate religion, particularly in inciting violence and war.

God's fury is depicted as a response to the actions of "Christians" who participated in savage wars. Their cries for mercy will go unanswered until a time of purification is complete.

8:17. God questions Ezekiel, asking if it is insignificant that Judah has committed these abominations, filling the land with violence and provoking Him to anger. — This verse underscores the disregard of apostate religionists towards their abominable beliefs. Their role in promoting wars and violence is highlighted, leading to their impending judgment in a time of trouble and revolution.

8:18. God declares that He will respond with fury and will not spare them, even if they cry out to Him. — God's fury is directed at the "Christians" who engaged in savage wars, and their cries for mercy will not be heeded until the purification process is complete.


Ezekiel 8 offers a profound glimpse into the spiritual challenges faced by the Church, symbolized by Jerusalem, in a typology context. Through vivid symbolism and allegory, this passage reveals the infiltration of pagan practices, false doctrines, and divisions within the Church. It warns of the consequences of straying from God's truth and the provocation of divine anger.

As we reflect on these verses, we are encouraged to reevaluate our own spiritual paths, ensuring that we remain faithful to the true teachings of God and that we do not fall into the same traps of idolatry and apostasy that Ezekiel's prophecy warns against. In our pursuit of faith and righteousness, may we seek divine guidance and illumination to remain on the right path, always turning toward Christ for spiritual enlightenment and consecration.

Unmasking Apostasy in the Catholic and Protestant Churches


Apostasy, the abandonment of religious beliefs or principles, has long been a topic of concern within various Christian denominations, particularly in the Catholic and Protestant churches. While both traditions have rich histories and many devoted followers, there are elements of apostasy that have emerged over the centuries. This document aims to shed light on the aspects of apostasy that have affected these churches, drawing from the insights derived from the study of Ezekiel 8.

Apostasy in the Catholic Church:

The Catholic Church, with its deep-rooted history and traditions, has faced its share of apostasy over the centuries. Here are some key areas of concern:

  1. Perversion of Doctrine: A significant aspect of apostasy in the Catholic Church is the perversion of doctrine. The Church's dogma has evolved and strayed from its original teachings, leading to controversies and divisions. The study of Ezekiel 8 highlighted the defilement of the temple, symbolizing the spiritual Temple of God, which includes the Church. In a similar vein, the Catholic Church's spiritual purity has been tainted by the infusion of pagan practices and the elevation of clergy over God's Word.

  2. Idolatry and Saint Worship: Ezekiel 8 referenced the worship of idols and images within the temple. Similarly, the veneration of saints and the extensive use of religious images, such as statues and icons, in the Catholic Church have led to concerns of idolatry. Critics argue that these practices deviate from the Bible's teachings on the exclusive worship of God.

  3. Papal Authority: The study of Ezekiel 8 highlighted the role of the Pope, symbolized by the historical figure Manasseh, who led people astray with false teachings. In the Catholic Church, the concept of papal infallibility has raised concerns about the Pope's authority and the potential for doctrinal errors. This issue has led to divisions and accusations of apostasy within the Church.

Apostasy in Protestantism:

Protestantism emerged as a response to perceived apostasy within the Catholic Church, emphasizing the authority of Scripture. However, over time, various Protestant denominations have faced their own challenges related to apostasy:

  1. Doctrinal Divisions: Protestantism, with its emphasis on individual interpretation of the Bible, has led to numerous denominations, each with its own doctrinal differences. While diversity of thought is encouraged, it has also led to divisions and debates within the Protestant community, potentially diluting the core teachings of Christianity.

  2. Prosperity Gospel: In some Protestant circles, the prosperity gospel has gained prominence. This teaching suggests that faith in God leads to material wealth and success. Critics argue that this doctrine distorts the true message of Christianity, shifting the focus from spiritual growth and salvation to material gain.

  3. Political Alliances: Certain Protestant denominations have become closely aligned with political ideologies and agendas. This alignment has, at times, led to the prioritization of political goals over spiritual principles. Apostasy is evident when churches compromise their spiritual mission for political influence.

  4. Biblical Literalism: While taking the Bible as the literal and infallible word of God is a fundamental aspect of many Protestant denominations, some groups have taken this to an extreme, leading to the rejection of scientific evidence and divisive stances on issues like evolution and climate change. This rigid interpretation can hinder the Church's ability to engage with the modern world.


Apostasy within the Catholic and Protestant churches takes various forms, from doctrinal deviations and the perversion of core teachings to the worship of idols, divisions, and political entanglements. The study of Ezekiel 8 provides valuable insights into the consequences of straying from the true path of faith.

As Christians, it is essential to remain vigilant against apostasy and prioritize a return to the foundational principles of the faith. This entails a commitment to the purity of doctrine, a focus on spiritual growth over material prosperity, and an avoidance of political entanglements that might compromise the Church's mission.

In the end, the goal is to ensure that the Church remains true to its original mission of spreading the message of salvation, fostering unity, and drawing believers closer to God, as exemplified in the teachings of Jesus Christ.