There are numerous prophecies that speak of an Arab-Israeli conflict in the last days. These seven are remarkably similar: Psalm 83; Ezekiel 35 & 36; Joel 3; Obadiah; Zechariah 14; Zephaniah 2 & 3; and Amos 1 & 2. Each of the seven references pictures an Arab/Muslim attack on Israel. True, Psalm 83 doesn't really say the attack will succeed, but all the others do. Look at the verses that
actually state it: Ezekiel 35:5, 15; 36:2-5; Joel 3:2-7; Obadiah 1:10-14; Zechariah 14:1-2; Zephaniah 1:2-3; and Amos 1:3, 6, 9 and 11-13. Is it not clear they supplement Psalm 83's lack on this point?
Look at the how the nations named in the prophecies conform: Psalm 83 lists the
most nations, ten in all: Edom, Moab, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes,
Ishmaelites, Philistines, Tyre, and Assur. Four of the ten (Edom, Moab, Ammon,
and the Philistines) figure in almost every other passage. These names closely
correspond to Jordan and the Palestinians, who have (in their minds) been robbed
of their territory by an expanding Israel.
The phrase "all nations" occurs in two of the prophecies: Joel 3 and Zech 14.
This has led many to assume (mistakenly) the passages parallel Ezekiel 38 & 39,
which they say describes a massive Russian-led coalition from Europe, Asia, and
(through the United Nations) from virtually every nation on Earth. This error
likely arises from two causes: first, a failure to appreciate the reasonable
limitations of the Bible's use of such “all-inclusive” language; and second, failure
to consider the context of all the passages. In Joel 3:2 and Zechariah 14:2 the
term "all nations" appears, but Joel 3:11 and Zechariah 14:14 modify the phrase
to mean “all the nations round about.” Also, Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 only name
Arab nations in the Middle East.
The “nations (enemies) round about” are listed below …
Joshua 23:1-2: All the Canaanites, Moab, Ammon, and Edom.
Judges 2:14: Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Canaanites, Midianites, and Amalekites.
1 Samuel 11: the Ammonites; 1 Samuel 14: the Philistines; and 1 Samuel 15:
the Amalekites.
2 Samuel 7; 8 & 10: Zobah, Philistia, Moab, Syria, Edom, Ammon, and Amalek.
1 Kings 4:31: Same as above along with Tyre and Ethiopia.
2 Kings 17:15: Edom, Moab, Ammon, Syria, and the Canaanites.
1 Chronicles 22:9: Same as 1 Samuel 10:1; 2 Samuel 7:1; and 1 Kings 4:31
Nehemiah 6:16: The Arabians, Ammonites, and Ashdodites.
Jeremiah 25:9: All the Arabs, including Egypt and the Medes The full list
appears in Jeremiah 25:19-25.
Ezekiel 5:4, 15: Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia (Ezek 25) Tyre (Ezek 26-28)
Egypt (Ezek 29 & 30) and Assyria. (Ezek 31)
Joel 3:11-12: Tyre, Zidon, and Palestine/Philistia (Joel 3:4) as well as Egypt and
Edom are specifically mentioned. (Joel 3:19)
Obadiah 1:16: Edom (Obad 1:1) but all of Obadiah is similar to Jeremiah 25
Zechariah 12:2, 6: Specifically Syria, Tyre, Zidon, and the Philistines (Zech 9);
Egypt and Assyria (Zech 10); Egypt and the Canaanites. (Zech 14) Zechariah
14:14 has the same general context as Zechariah 12.
In most of the references above the immediate context answers the question:
"Who are the nations round about?" In a few cases, the answer comes from the
wider context: sections of a few chapters in which the passages are found.
When seeking a Last Days application, it makes sense to interpret the "nations
round about" with reference to their nearness to Israel. This was obviously the
point of reference of the prophets. Also, it makes sense to take the people who
occupy those same geographical areas today as the logical successors of the
people mentioned in the prophecies. Interpreting in this way is in harmony with a
major Bible theme begun in Genesis. It is that God's chosen seed (Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes of Israel) would be in near-perpetual conflict with
the neighbors (actually their relatives) nearest them (Lot, Ishmael, Esau, and so
on) over the ownership of the very Land God promised them. So what are the
practical implications for us? When studying Bible prophecy, we must look first to
the Middle East, not Europe. This may require some to rethink their personal
views on Last Days events. And so they should, for it's clearly wrong to say: “The
Arabs/Muslims can't be the people spoken of because they don't fit my prophetic
scenario.” In this case it's the scenario itself that needs changing.
While most of the nations listed are immediate neighbors of Israel, Psalm 83:8
seems to present Assur (Assyria: Zeph 2:13) in a very important role: "Assur also
is joined to them; they have helped the children of Lot (Moab and Ammon)." The
verse suggests that what has been threatened before (but never achieved) is
finally made possible through the invaluable assistance of Assyria. Thus, what
Edom, Moab, and Ammon haven't been able to accomplish (even when helped by
Syrians, Arabians, and Palestinians) they finally succeed with the help of the
greater power from the northeast. This is in keeping with the facts of history.
The early history of the nation of Israel contains several incidents in which David
and Jehoshaphat (among other kings) defeated their immediate Arab neighbors
and even expanded their territory. (2 Sam 5:8; 10:12; 1 Chr 11:18; 19:20; and
2 Chr 20. But when Assyria (first) and Babylonia (later) appeared as northern
power leaders of these same Arab nations, then two-thirds (first) and all of
Israel and Judah, including Jerusalem (later) fell. (2 Kng 17:1-6; 2 Chr 36:11-
21; Zech 13:7-9) It appears another fulfillment of this very sequence is
manifesting. It's true that in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 Israel defeated her
closest Arab neighbors and extended her dominion into their lands, so much so
that Israeli supremacy has become part of "legend" and "lore" and many find it
unthinkable the "clever" Israelis could ever lose to the "bumbling" Arabs. But
history - Divine history, that is – claims what "Moab," "Ammon," "Edom" (Jordan?)
and Syria could not do on their own, "Assyria," "Babylon," and Persia (Iraq and
Iran?) could help them accomplish.
Considering most of the nations mentioned, it's clear the Muslims will fight Israel
in order to reclaim the land they believe was been stolen from them. Yet Psalm
83 and Ezekiel 36 state their true motivation is to reclaim the ancient high or
holy places (Ezek 36:2) which are called the "houses of God" in Psalm 83:12. This
most likely refers to the ancient Temple mount where the Muslim Dome of the
Rock now stands. It's significant that though fanatically religious Jews are just a
small minority in Israel, many of them are determined to destroy the Muslim
"abomination" and erect a new Jewish temple on its former site. Could such an act
be the spark that sets off the final Arab-Israeli conflict?
There are many passages describing a final Arab-Israeli war that results in an
Israeli defeat. However, this defeat will be the last loss suffered by Israel
before her deliverance by its returning Messiah. A few such passages are listed
below ...
Psalm 60 (also Ps 108:6-13) indicates Moab, Ammon, and Philistia first scatter
Israel, then are trodden down by Divine power.
Isaiah 13 to 23 announces ten "burdens" on Babylon (Iraq?) Philistia, Moab,
Damascus (Syria) Egypt (where many Jews have been carried captive - see Is
19:20-25 and Zech 14:2) Dumah (Edom) Arabia, and Tyre (Lebanon) among
Isaiah 34 speaks of retribution coming upon an Arab enemy (called "Edom")
because of "the controversy of Zion."
Jeremiah 25 reveals certain nations are singled out to drink from the cup of the
Lord's wrath, among them Egypt, Philistia (modern Gaza) Edom, Moab, Ammon
(Jordan) Tyrus, Zidon (Lebanon) and Arabia, as well as the king of Babylon. The
first fulfillment of this prophecy was God's punishment of the nations that
assisted Babylon in the overthrow of Jerusalem. Events appear to show a
repetition of history could very well be happening today.
Jeremiah 44 to 51 present prophecies of judgment on Egypt, Philistia, Moab,
Ammon, Edom, Damascus (Syria) Kedar (Arabia) and Babylon (see Jer 25 above).
The Revelation: Whatever else the Apocalypse might mean (there are several
possibilities and likely more than one fulfillment) it's noteworthy in view of the
passages already mentioned that the Book pictures ...
"Figs dropping from a fig tree" (also see Lk 21:29-31) at the end of a series of
judgments. (Rev 6:13) The fig tree is a well-known symbol for Israel, as seen in
Hosea 9:10 and Luke 13:6-9.
Revelation 9:1-11 speaks of a great "army" of locusts coming out of the Abyss
or Arabian Desert. (In Hebrew, "locust" is 'arbeh' or "Arab" as mentioned in
Joel's prophecy of a locust invasion of Israel.
Revelation 9:12-21 states a great destroying power is bound at the Euphrates
River, which flows directly through modern-day Iraq.
Revelation 11:1-19 states Jerusalem is trodden down by its enemies. Compare
this to Luke 21:24 and Zechariah 14:1-3. Also, compare the great earthquake
of Revelation 11:13 with that of Zechariah 14:4 -5.
Revelation 13:1-18 reveals a great “beast” (actually a man in Rev 13:18 -
compare Nebuchadnezzar in Dan 4:16, 25, 32-33) with ten horns (Ps 83:5-8
and Gen 15:18-21) blasphemes God and kills His people.
Finally, great judgments are poured out on the river Euphrates (Rev 16:12) and
Babylon falls. (16:17-21) The last chapters then picture the final and complete
victory of a renewed Jerusalem over her vicious enemy Babylon. Details such as
these are fascinating in view of current events. They should provide stimulation
to keep our minds open in the days ahead to what may be exciting new insights of
Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our lifetime.
The defeat of Israel by Muslim/Arab nations is plainly revealed in 5 of the 7
referenced passages as the final of Israel before an extraordinary fulfillment of
Israel's Hope: "I will ensure that the shame of the heathen will not be heard in
you (the mountains of Israel) any more, nor will you bear the reproach of the
nations again." (Ezek 36:15) "Then Jerusalem will be holy and no stranger will
pass through her any more." (Joel 3:17) "There will never be utter destruction
again." (Zech 14:11)
It may have been noticed the “Gogian” invasion of Ezekiel 38-39 has not been
mentioned. The reason is that these seven prophecies have an almost totally
different cast of characters than Ezekiel. Those in Ezekiel are by and large an
outer ring of Muslim nations encircling the inner ring listed in Psalm 83. Thus,
Ezekiel's vision should most likely be related to the time immediately after Christ
has defeated the first Arab wave and established his Kingdom. (Note how this
relates to the "dwelling safely" in Ezek 38:8, 11, 14, then compare that with
Ezek 28:25 -26; 34:25, 28; Zech 14:11 and Jer 23:5-6)
Each of the seven passages originally referenced predicts Divine glory will be
manifested to defeat Israel's conquerors and reveal the true God of Israel to all
nations. It has been argued that such prophecies were already fulfilled in Old
Testament times, or perhaps in 1948 or 1967. However, many Bible prophecies
have more than one fulfillment. It seems clear, though, that the language in these
passages is also intended to describe the final and most perfect fulfillment, that
of the arrival in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of his
Father's glorious Kingdom. The stated intent of this is so "all people may know
that You, whose name alone is Yahweh, are the most high over all the Earth" (Ps
83:18). Also, when the Lord roars out of Zion and utters His voice from
Jerusalem “the Heavens and Earth will shake ... so you know that I am the Lord
your God dwelling in Zion, My Holy Mountain." (Joel 3:16-17) for "deliverance
will be on mount Zion and the Kingdom will be the Lord's." (Obad 1:17, 21)