Another Look at Revelation 13
Once we know the identity of the apostate system, we can go back and take another look at Revelation 13 with more understanding. The beast of the sea represents a later development of the Roman Empire after the Dragon of chapter 12. At the end of the fifth century the western section of the Roman Empire began breaking up and was divided into 10 barbaric nations (the 10 horns of v. 1). The seven heads (v.l) represent seven forms of government1 which ruled the empire throughout its existence. The sixth form of government (the sixth head), which was Roman Imperialism, was wounded (v.3) when the Gothic people captured and ruled the empire from about 490-530 AD. This ''mortal wound'' was healed when the Goths were overthrown and a Roman Emperor again took the throne. At that time, the military power of the empire (the dragon), which was centered in Constantinople, gave its authority (v.4) to the new Roman Emperor.
The comparison of parts of this beast to a leopard, bear and lion (v.2) indicate that the influences of these previous human empires would be found in this Roman dominion and that it would encompass the geographical areas of the former empires. The mouth which was given to the beast (v.5) represents the Papacy (the line of Popes) which did the official speaking for the empire. By command of the Papacy, the Catholic Church persecuted everyone who would not join, especially those who protested against its false teachings. The Papacy had this authority over the Roman world for 42 months, which is the same period as 1260 days. Using the principle that one day represents one year, the 1260 days equal 1260 years, beginning about 606 AD when the Papacy first received world political power, until 1866 when it lost that power.
The Beast of the Earth
Some time about 800 AD, the Roman world underwent a major change when the Holy Roman Empire was formed, and this is depicted in symbol as the beast of the earth (Revelation 13:11). The Holy Roman Empire had two rulers (the two horns), the emperor who ruled the government, and the Pope who ruled the Church. At first they shared the power, but eventually the Papacy took over the political power and the emperor was reduced to a puppet. This take over by the Papacy is represented as "the image of the beast" of the sea because, in effect, the Pope revived the old Roman Imperialism with himself as the emperor. For many years the Pope had control over those who could buy and sell, and he sought the death of anyone who would not worship him. The priests of the Church marked all its members with a cross (the mark of the beast) on their foreheads, and the priests themselves are marked with a cross on their right hands when they are ordained.
The number 666 corresponds to the numerical value of the Greek word "lateinos" which means "the Latin (man)".1 This is the word referred to because Latin not only related to the Roman Empire, but has specific reference to the Roman Catholic Church itself. Latin was the common language of the Roman Empire and was later adopted by the Church as its official language for hundreds of years. Therefore, "lateinos" was an appropriate word to describe the Empire in general, and more especially the Roman Catholic Church itself.
Revelation 17 - The Harlot on a Beast
When we come to Revelation 17, we find a later development in the Roman world and the apostate Church. The Catholic Church is represented as a harlot sitting upon a beast which has seven heads and ten horns (vs.l-3). The fulfillment of this prophecy is to be found in our own day, when the territory of the Roman Empire (the beast) is dominated by the Catholic Church (the mother harlot). The false Church is clothed in purple and scarlet, and decorated with all gold jewels and pearls (v.4) showing an outward form of godliness, but missing the "hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious'' (1 Peter 3:4). The woman's title of "Babylon the great" (v.5) further identifies her, because in verse 18 John was told at the time he was given the Revelation, "the woman that you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.'' At that time there was only one city that had "dominion over the kings of the earth", and that city was ROME, which soon became the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.