Saturday, 17 August 2019

The Second Exodus

Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return
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The Second Exodus
Israel is to repeat the experience of the exodus under Moses - Isa. 11:11. Elijah with his
associates, will 'bring hone to the Jews scattered, abroad the fact that their Messiah has
returned. Mal 4:5-6.
His message is expressed in such Scripture as Isa 40:1-10 (note v1O), Jeremiah 3:17-4:2.
a. The problem and how it can be solved – v19.
b. Israel's past apostacy frankly revealed - v20.
c. The mourning of Israel - v21.
d. The appeal and response made to and by them - v22.
e. Their confession - v24-25.
f. What true repentance demands of them ch 4:1.
g. What they must do, and its effect on blessing, all nations - v2 (cp with Zech 8:13).
Israel's attempt to return will be opposed by a world at war – Isa. 43:6.
They will fight their way back to the land – Ezek. 20:33-38; Mic. 7:15-20..
They will be brought into the bonds of the Abrahamic Covenant - Ezek 20:38, Jer. 31:31-
34; Rom. 11:23-27.
They will enter the land either from the north or the south - Isa. 11:15-16; 27:12-13;
Zech 10:9-12.
Some nations will assist them - Zeph 3:10, Isa 18; 60:9.
Forty years will be occupied in restoring Israel Micah 7:15-20.
The COMPLETE restoration of the nation AS IN THE PAST is required - Acts 3:19-20;
Amos 9:11; Jer. 33:7; Ezek. 36:11.
This forms the basis of Christ's reign - Luke 1:32-33; Matt. 19:28.