Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Wages of Sin: A Progressive Payment


### The Wages of Sin: A Progressive Payment

The phrase "the wages of sin is death" from Romans 6:23 is a profound statement that encapsulates the consequences of sin. However, understanding this phrase in the context of physical death, diseases, aging, and even infant mortality requires a deeper examination of the Greek terminology and the broader biblical narrative.

#### The Greek Context

In Romans 6:23, the Greek word for "wages" is **ὀψώνιον** (opsōnion), which originally referred to the pay given to soldiers. This metaphorical use suggests a cumulative process, where small payments or "deposits" accumulate over time, ultimately leading to death. Sin, therefore, does not result in immediate physical death but progressively affects the body and soul, leading to eventual mortality.

#### Progressive Payment Through Sin

The idea of sin causing progressive deterioration aligns with the concept of **Adamic condemnation**, where sin entered the world through Adam, and its effects are inherited by all humanity. This inherited sin nature manifests in various forms, including transgression, diseases, aging, and physical death.

Romans 5:12 states, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned." This verse underscores that death, as a consequence of sin, is not an instant penalty but a gradual process that affects every human being.

#### Sin in the Flesh

Romans 7 provides further insights into how sin operates within the human body. Paul writes, "For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death" (Romans 7:5). The term "members" here refers to the physical parts of the body. Sinful passions, ignited by the law, are at work within these members, leading to death. This indicates a progressive internal struggle where sin causes cumulative damage, leading to physical decline. Proverbs 17:22 New King James Version A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. Spirit meaning mental attitude

In verses 21-23, Paul elaborates, "I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." This internal conflict underscores the pervasive nature of sin, which resides in the body and contributes to its degradation.

#### Sin as Cellular Aging

Interpreting sin as cellular aging offers a modern perspective that aligns with Paul's depiction of sin's progressive impact on the body. Aging, characterized by the gradual decline of cellular function, can be seen as a manifestation of the sin nature. Genetic mutations, cellular damage, and the breakdown of bodily systems reflect the cumulative "deposits" of sin over time.

Moreover, diseases can be viewed as manifestations of this inherent sinfulness. Many diseases are caused by genetic predispositions, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices, all of which can be linked to the broader concept of sin's pervasive influence.

#### Infant Mortality

The issue of infant mortality further illustrates the inherited nature of sin. Infants, who have not committed personal sins, still suffer from the consequences of sin through inherited genetic conditions and vulnerabilities. This aligns with the doctrine of Adamic condemnation, which asserts that the effects of Adam's sin are transmitted to all humans, affecting them from birth.

#### Conclusion

The phrase "the wages of sin is death" encapsulates a complex theological and existential reality. Sin, inherited from Adam, operates as a progressive force within the human body, leading to diseases, aging, and eventually death. This cumulative process is akin to receiving payments over time, rather than an immediate penalty. By examining the Greek terminology and the broader biblical context, we gain a deeper understanding of how sin's consequences unfold within our physical existence.

Romans 6:23 and Romans 7 illuminate the pervasive nature of sin and its impact on the human body. Sin's "wages" are paid in deposits over time, manifesting in physical deterioration and mortality. This understanding underscores the profound need for redemption and the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, which offers hope and restoration amidst the inevitable effects of sin.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Jesus: The Redeemed Redeemer

 # Jesus: The Redeemed Redeemer

The concept of Jesus as the "Redeemed Redeemer" or "Saved Saviour" offers a profound insight into his humanity and the process of redemption, particularly within Christadelphian theology. This perspective emphasizes that Jesus, the Messiah, needed to be saved by God, highlighting his full participation in human mortality and his ultimate victory over death.

## The Humanity and Mortality of Jesus

Christadelphian belief underscores that Jesus, though divine, was fully human. Born in the line of Abraham and David, Jesus inherited their mortal, condemned nature. This does not imply he was sinful in action, but rather that he shared in the human condition of mortality and susceptibility to death. Hebrews 2:14-17 articulates that Jesus shared in humanity's flesh and blood to destroy the power of death and the devil. His participation in human nature was essential for him to be an effective mediator and high priest.

Christadelphian theology holds a distinctive view of the devil. Definition: The devil is a personification of Human Nature, not an abstract concept but that physical element of the animal nature which causes all diseases, death, and resolution into dust. This understanding emphasizes that the devil is not a supernatural being but rather the inherent mortality and sinful tendencies present in human nature. By addressing and overcoming this aspect of human nature through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus demonstrated the path to victory over sin and death, fulfilling his role as the Redeemed Redeemer.

## The Need for Salvation

The idea that Jesus needed to be saved might seem counterintuitive given traditional Christian doctrines that emphasize his divinity. However, several passages support this view. Hebrews 5:7 states that during his earthly life, Jesus offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. The Greek term "ἐκ θανάτου" (ek thanatou), often translated as "out of death," suggests that Jesus sought deliverance not from dying but from the state of death itself. This prayer was answered through his resurrection.

## The Role of Jesus’ Sacrifice

Jesus' death and subsequent resurrection are pivotal in understanding his role as both Redeemer and Redeemed. Hebrews 9:12 tells us that Jesus entered the holy places not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, securing eternal redemption. This redemption was first for himself, as he needed to overcome his mortal nature, and then for humanity. His sacrifice was unique in that, unlike the Levitical high priests who needed to offer sacrifices daily for their sins and those of the people (Hebrews 7:27), Jesus offered himself once for all.

### Abrogating the Law of Condemnation

Jesus' perfect obedience, even unto death, was necessary to obtain the title to resurrection. By living a sinless life, he fulfilled the requirements of the law, and through his sacrificial death, he abrogated the law of condemnation for himself and for all who believe and obey him. This concept is rooted in passages such as Romans 6:9-10, which states that Jesus, having been raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has dominion over him. Throughout his life, Jesus was subject to the natural law of decay, including the aging process, known as cellular aging. This inherent mortality, referred to as the diabolos, was what Jesus condemned in his own flesh on the cross. At his resurrection, Jesus completely destroyed this condition, securing eternal life.

## Ceremonial Uncleanliness and Purification

Christadelphian theology also touches on the ceremonial aspects of Jesus' death. According to Jewish law, touching a dead body rendered one unclean (Numbers 19:11). In dying, Jesus himself became ceremonially unclean, underscoring his full participation in human mortality. His resurrection can thus be seen as a divine act of purification and salvation, not just for humanity but for Jesus himself, affirming his role as the Redeemed Redeemer.

## Jesus' Resurrection: The Ultimate Salvation

The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate demonstration of God saving him out of death. Acts 2:24 declares that God raised Jesus from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. This act was a definitive response to Jesus' prayers and a testament to his reverent submission to God's will. Philippians 2:8-9 further emphasizes that because of his obedience unto death, God exalted Jesus and gave him the name above every name. His exaltation followed his humble submission and sacrificial death, highlighting the process of redemption that he himself underwent.

## Implications for Believers

Understanding Jesus as the Redeemed Redeemer has profound implications for believers. It provides a model of obedience, faith, and dependence on God. Just as Jesus, through his reverent submission and prayers, was saved out of death, believers are called to follow in his footsteps, trusting in God's power to save. Jesus' victory over death assures believers of their own potential for resurrection and eternal life.

In conclusion, the concept of Jesus as the Redeemed Redeemer enriches the understanding of his dual role in the salvation narrative. He was not only the savior of humanity but also the one who experienced the need for salvation. This perspective underscores his full humanity, his obedience, and the divine power that raised him from death, providing a powerful assurance of redemption and hope for all who follow him.

Friday 19 July 2024

Prophets during the Babylonian invasion and captivity prophetic message of hope

The period of the Babylonian invasion marks a defining chapter in Israel’s history, punctuated by the prophetic voices of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. These prophets delivered profound messages of both judgment and hope, foretelling the restoration of Israel and the ultimate establishment of God's kingdom. Their history, as recorded in the biblical books of Kings and Chronicles, form a rich tapestry that offers insight into the divine plan for Israel’s future. A central theme in these prophecies is that the kingdom which Jesus will establish will be the Kingdom of Israel restored in the territory it formerly occupied, namely, the land bequeathed for an everlasting possession to Abraham and his Seed (the Christ) by covenant.

### Historical Context

The Babylonian invasion unfolded during the late 7th and early 6th centuries BCE. Under King Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon’s dominance led to multiple invasions of Judah, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE and the exile of the Jewish people. The final years of Judah's monarchy are detailed in **2 Kings 24-25** and **2 Chronicles 36**, which highlight the reigns of Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah, and the devastating sieges by Babylon. These accounts underscore the reasons for Judah’s downfall—namely, the abandonment of God’s covenant, rampant idolatry, and pervasive social injustice. This period of turmoil and destruction set the stage for the prophetic messages that would shape Israel’s future.

### Prophetic Messages

#### Jeremiah

Jeremiah, known as the "weeping prophet," was active during the final days of Judah. His prophecies, preserved in the Book of Jeremiah, intertwine warnings of imminent judgment with promises of future restoration.

1. **Judgment and Exile:**

   - Jeremiah warned of the coming Babylonian invasion as divine retribution for Judah’s sins (Jeremiah 25:8-11). He foretold a 70-year exile in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10), which would serve both as punishment and a period of purification.

2. **Hope and Restoration:**

   - Despite his messages of doom, Jeremiah also offered profound hope. He prophesied that God would eventually restore the exiled Israelites to their land and renew their fortunes (Jeremiah 30:3). This restoration would be accompanied by a new covenant, one written on their hearts rather than on stone tablets, signifying a deeper, more intimate relationship between God and His people (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

3. **The Time of Jacob's Trouble:**

   - Jeremiah 30:7 references a "time of Jacob's trouble," a period of severe distress for Israel. However, this time of trouble is ultimately a precursor to deliverance and restoration, foreshadowing a future divine intervention.

#### Ezekiel

Ezekiel, prophesying from Babylon, is known for his vivid visions and symbolic acts. His prophecies, recorded in the Book of Ezekiel, deliver messages of judgment while also promising future restoration.

1. **Judgment and Divine Presence:**

   - Early chapters of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1-24) focus on the impending judgment on Jerusalem and the symbolic departure of God’s glory from the Temple (Ezekiel 10), indicating divine displeasure.

2. **Restoration and a New Temple:**

   - Ezekiel 36-37 heralds the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel. The vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37) symbolizes the national resurrection and revival of Israel. Additionally, Ezekiel 40-48 describes a future temple, envisioning a return of God’s presence and a renewal of the covenant with His people.

3. **The Kingdom of God:**

   - Ezekiel’s prophecies extend to an eschatological future where God’s eternal kingdom is established, characterized by peace, justice, and the full manifestation of His presence. This future kingdom is seen as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises and the culmination of His sovereignty on Earth.

#### Daniel

Daniel’s experiences in exile and his apocalyptic visions offer a broad perspective on future events. His book merges historical narratives with prophetic revelations.

1. **Faithfulness in Exile:**

   - The personal accounts in Daniel (Daniel 1-6) highlight the importance of faithfulness and God’s protection during adversity, such as in the stories of the lion’s den and the fiery furnace.

2. **Visions of Future Kingdoms:**

   - Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7-12) provide a sweeping view of future empires and divine intervention. Daniel 7 introduces the "Son of Man" who will receive an everlasting kingdom, signaling the arrival of a divine ruler who will establish God's eternal reign. Daniel 9’s prophecy of the seventy weeks outlines a timeline culminating in the coming of the Anointed One (Messiah) and the ultimate establishment of God’s kingdom.

3. **The Time of the End:**

   - Daniel 12 describes a "time of trouble" unparalleled in history, promising deliverance for those written in the book. This period is often associated with the "time of Jacob’s trouble" and is seen as preceding the advent of God’s eternal kingdom.

### Restoration of the Kingdom

The restoration of the Kingdom to Israel will involve the ingathering of God’s chosen yet scattered nation, the Jews. This includes their reinstatement in the land of their forefathers, which will be reclaimed from "the desolation of many generations." The rebuilding of Jerusalem is anticipated, transforming it into "the throne of the Lord" and the central metropolis of the entire earth. This restoration is integral to the eschatological vision of a renewed Israel, aligning with the promises made to Abraham and his Seed (the Christ) by covenant.

### Conclusion

The prophetic ministries of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel during the Babylonian invasion era offer a profound blend of judgment and hope. Their messages not only warned of the immediate consequences of Israel’s disobedience but also pointed toward a future restoration and the establishment of God’s kingdom. They foretell a time when Jesus will return to establish the Kingdom of Israel, restored to its former territory, as promised to Abraham and his Seed by covenant. This eschatological vision, characterized by justice, peace, and the full manifestation of God’s presence among His people, reflects the ultimate fulfillment of the divine promises throughout the prophets' writings.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

BASF C21: The Kingdom of Israel Restored and the Fulfillment of the New Covenant**

 **BASF C21: The Kingdom of Israel Restored and the Fulfillment of the New Covenant**

The Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith (BASF) articulates a specific vision of the future Kingdom of God that reflects both Old Testament prophecies and New Testament teachings. According to BASF C21, the Kingdom that Jesus will establish will be the restored Kingdom of Israel, situated in the land originally promised to Abraham and his descendants. This vision is rooted in various scriptural passages and is central to understanding the fulfillment of the New Covenant as it unfolds from the present age into the future.

**1. The Kingdom of Israel Restored**

The promise of a restored Kingdom of Israel is a recurrent theme in the Old Testament, reflected in texts such as Micah 4:6-8 and Amos 9:11, 15. Micah 4:6-8 speaks of a future time when God will gather the afflicted and establish His reign over a restored Zion. This passage envisions a time of divine rule and national restoration for Israel. Similarly, Amos 9:11, 15 proclaims the restoration of the Davidic dynasty and the replanting of Israel in their land, where they will remain securely forever. These texts are echoed in Ezekiel 37:21-22, which describes the reunification of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah under one king from the line of David, fulfilling the promises made to Abraham and his descendants.

Genesis 13:14-17 and Leviticus 26:42 recount God’s covenant with Abraham, promising him and his seed an everlasting possession of the land. Hebrews 11:8-9 highlights Abraham’s faith in this promise, while Galatians 3:16 connects this promise directly to Jesus Christ as the Seed through whom the covenant is ultimately fulfilled. This connection frames the New Testament understanding of the Kingdom of God as both a continuation and a fulfillment of the Old Testament promises.

**2. Inauguration of the New Covenant by Jesus**

Jesus inaugurated the New Covenant through His sacrificial death and resurrection, a central doctrine expressed in the New Testament. Luke 22:20 records Jesus declaring that the cup of wine represents the New Covenant in His blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins. This event marks the beginning of a new era in which the promises of God’s kingdom and salvation are extended to all believers, both Jews and Gentiles.

Hebrews 8:6-13 elaborates on this New Covenant, contrasting it with the old covenant made with Israel at Sinai. Jesus, as the mediator of a better covenant, establishes a new way for people to relate to God through internalized laws and personal forgiveness. This New Covenant is characterized by a deeper, more personal relationship with God and is experienced through acts of worship such as the Lord’s Supper.

**3. Partial Fulfillment Now**

In the present age, the New Covenant is experienced in a partial but significant way. Believers partake in the covenant through the breaking of bread, which symbolizes the breaking of Christ’s body and the shedding of His blood for the forgiveness of sins (1 Corinthians 11:25). This memorial serves as a reminder of the promises made in Jeremiah 31:31-34, where God promises a new covenant that will be written on the hearts of His people.

Additionally, the forgiveness of sins and the personal relationship believers have with God through Jesus Christ are manifestations of this New Covenant. However, this experience is incomplete and anticipates a future fulfillment. The New Covenant provides a foretaste of the peace and righteousness that will be fully realized in the Kingdom to come.

**4. Full Realization at the Second Coming**

The full realization of the New Covenant will occur at the Second Coming of Jesus. This future event is anticipated to bring about the complete establishment of God’s kingdom on earth, where peace, justice, and righteousness will prevail. The Second Coming will be the moment when the New Covenant promises are fully realized, and Jesus will reign as King over a restored Israel and the entire world.

At this time, the Jewish people, along with all believers, will experience the full blessings of the New Covenant in a redeemed creation. Micah 7:20 emphasizes that God will show steadfast love to Abraham and Jacob, fulfilling the promises of the covenant. The Second Coming will be the culmination of these promises, as described in passages like Revelation 21:1-4, where a new heaven and new earth will be established, and God will dwell among His people.

In summary, BASF C21 envisions a future Kingdom where Jesus will restore Israel to its former glory and fulfill the covenant promises made to Abraham. The New Covenant, inaugurated by Jesus, offers believers forgiveness and a relationship with God, and its ultimate fulfillment will be realized at the Second Coming, marking the beginning of a new era of divine reign and eternal peace.

**The New Covenant is the Promises Made to Abraham**

The concept of the New Covenant is deeply rooted in the promises made to Abraham, forming a central theme in both Old Testament prophecies and New Testament teachings. The Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith (BASF) C21 emphasizes that the Kingdom Jesus will establish is the restored Kingdom of Israel, situated in the land promised to Abraham and his Seed, which is Christ, by covenant. This understanding frames the New Covenant as a fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham.

**1. The Promises to Abraham**

The foundation of the New Covenant lies in the promises God made to Abraham, which are articulated in several key passages. In Genesis 13:14-17, God promises Abraham that his descendants will inherit the land he sees forever. This covenantal promise is not only about the land but also about the relationship between God and Abraham’s descendants. Leviticus 26:42 reiterates this, emphasizing God's commitment to the covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Hebrews 11:8-9 highlights Abraham’s faith in these promises, noting that he lived in the promised land as a foreigner, looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promises. Galatians 3:16 clarifies that these promises were ultimately fulfilled in Christ, the Seed of Abraham, thus linking the Old Covenant promises to the New Covenant.

**2. The Old Covenant**

The Old Covenant, established through Moses, involved the Law given at Sinai and was specific to the nation of Israel. It was a conditional covenant, requiring Israel's obedience to God's laws in return for His blessings. However, this covenant was never intended to annul the promises made to Abraham. As Paul explains in Galatians 3:17-18, the law, given 430 years after Abraham, does not invalidate God's covenant with Abraham nor the promise of inheritance by faith.

The Old Covenant served as a tutor to lead people to Christ (Galatians 3:24). It highlighted the need for a deeper, more transformative covenant that would address the heart and spirit of God’s people.

**3. The New Covenant**

The New Covenant, inaugurated by Jesus, is a fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham. Luke 22:20 records Jesus establishing this covenant during the Last Supper, declaring that the cup of wine represents the New Covenant in His blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins. This New Covenant is built on better promises (Hebrews 8:6-13), offering a renewed relationship with God that goes beyond the external adherence to the Law, emphasizing internal transformation and personal relationship with God.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 prophesies about this New Covenant, where God promises to write His laws on the hearts of His people, forgive their sins, and establish a direct, personal relationship with them. This prophecy directly ties into the promises made to Abraham, as it envisions a time when God’s people will fully embody His will and purpose.

**4. The Kingdom of Israel Restored**

The restoration of the Kingdom of Israel is a key element in the fulfillment of the New Covenant. Prophecies such as Micah 4:6-8 and Amos 9:11, 15 speak of a time when God will gather the remnants of Israel, restore the Davidic dynasty, and plant Israel securely in their land. Ezekiel 37:21-22 foretells the reunification of Israel and Judah under one king from the line of David, fulfilling the promises made to Abraham about his descendants.

Jeremiah 23:3, 8 describes God bringing His people back to their land and making them fruitful. These promises ensure that the land bequeathed to Abraham and his Seed (Christ) will be an everlasting possession, as reaffirmed in Genesis 13:14-17 and Leviticus 26:42.

**5. Full Realization at the Second Coming**

The full realization of the New Covenant will occur at the Second Coming of Jesus. This future event will bring about the complete establishment of God's kingdom on earth, fulfilling the promises made to Abraham. The Jewish people, along with all believers, will experience the full blessings of the New Covenant in a redeemed creation.

Micah 7:20 emphasizes God's faithfulness to Jacob and Abraham, fulfilling the promises of the covenant. Revelation 21:1-4 envisions a new heaven and new earth where God dwells among His people, completing the divine promises.


The New Covenant is the continuation and fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham. It bridges the Old and New Testaments, connecting the covenantal promises with their ultimate realization in Christ and His future kingdom. The New Covenant, inaugurated by Jesus, offers believers a relationship with God and anticipates a future where these promises are fully realized, restoring Israel and bringing eternal peace.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Isaiah 14 the fall of the papacy

Isaiah 14:1-2 opens with a promise of restoration for Israel, indicating a future time when the Lord will have compassion on Jacob and gather foreigners to unite with the house of Jacob. This imagery of restoration is significant, symbolizing the eventual salvation of God's people. In the context of modern history, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 are seen by some as fulfillment of these prophecies.

Verse 3 marks the beginning of a taunt against the King of Babylon, highlighting the relief experienced by those who were once oppressed by him. This cessation of oppression can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of the liberation that will come with the second coming of Jesus, when all forms of tyranny and injustice will come to an end.

Isaiah 14:3-4:

Verses 3 and 4 introduce a taunt against the King of Babylon: "On the day the Lord gives you relief from your suffering and turmoil and from the harsh labor forced on you, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon." This signifies the end of oppression and tyranny. In the ancient Protestant tradition, Babylon is often identified with Rome, particularly with the papacy. The relief experienced by the oppressed can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of the ultimate liberation that will come with the second coming of Jesus, where all forms of oppression and injustice will be eradicated.

Isaiah 14:5-6:

"The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers, which in anger struck down peoples with unceasing blows, and in fury subdued nations with relentless aggression." This passage emphasizes the end of tyrannical rule. The imagery of the broken rod and scepter symbolizes the downfall of oppressive powers. This can be understood as the overthrow of oppressive regimes, represented here by the papacy, which Protestant tradition views as the "man of sin" in 2 Thessalonians 2.

Isaiah 14:7-8:

"The whole earth is at rest and is quiet; they break forth into singing. Even the cypress trees rejoice over you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Since you were laid low, no woodcutter comes up against us.'" Here, the rejoicing of the cypress trees and the cedars of Lebanon is symbolic. The trees represent the nations and peoples who were oppressed by the ruler. Their joy signifies the relief and peace that follows the downfall of the oppressor. This symbolism anticipates the renewal and liberation of creation that will accompany the second coming of Jesus, when all creation will be freed from its bondage to corruption and oppression.

Isaiah 14:9-11: These verses use symbolic language to convey a powerful message about the downfall of oppressive rulers. The stirring of Sheol, representing the grave or the state of death, and the rising of the shades to greet the fallen king, symbolize the ultimate leveling effect of death. In this context, Sheol represents the universal destiny of all humanity, where both the powerful and the oppressed ultimately meet the same fate. This imagery emphasizes the humbling of the once-mighty ruler, bringing them to the same state of weakness and insignificance as those they once dominated. In the context of the papacy, these verses underscore the inevitable judgment and downfall of arrogant and oppressive powers, as prophesied in passages like 2 Thessalonians 2:8, where the lawless one, symbolized here by the papacy, will be revealed and ultimately destroyed by the splendor of Jesus' coming..

Moving to verse 12, the mention of “Lucifer” in traditional Protestant interpretation refers to the papacy, particularly associated with the doctrine of the man of sin mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2. Within this interpretation, Babylon the Great mentioned in the Book of Revelation symbolizes the city of Rome, thus connecting the papacy with the imagery of Isaiah 14. It’s essential to note that in the Hebrew text, the words “fallen angel,” “Satan,” or “devil” do not occur, so interpreting “Lucifer” as a supernatural being is not supported by the original text.

Continuing with the exposition, the imagery of “Lucifer” falling from heaven symbolizes the fall from power and glory of the papacy, represented by the King of Babylon. The arrogance and ambition depicted in verses 13-14 align with the perceived pride and authority of the papacy throughout history. This portrayal serves to illustrate the consequences of human pride and the eventual downfall of those who exalt themselves above others.

Isaiah 14:12 presents a symbolic depiction of “Lucifer” falling from heaven, a metaphorical descent from a position of great power and authority. Understanding this verse requires a nuanced interpretation of the term “heaven,” which does not necessarily imply a celestial realm but can refer to ruling political powers or positions of prominence.

In Isaiah 14:12, the imagery of "Lucifer" falling from heaven symbolizes a profound downfall from a position of power and influence, rather than a literal descent from a celestial realm. This symbolic interpretation aligns with biblical usage, where "heaven" can represent ruling political powers or authority. The verse does not imply a pre-existing celestial existence for Lucifer but rather emphasizes the arrogance and subsequent fall of a powerful ruler.

Within the framework of the traditional Protestant interpretation, "Lucifer" is equated with the papacy, particularly associated with the doctrine of the man of sin mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2. Babylon the Great in the Book of Revelation symbolizes the city of Rome, further connecting the papacy with the imagery of Isaiah 14. This interpretation emphasizes the pride and ambition of the papacy throughout history and highlights the consequences of exalting oneself above others.

The concept of "heaven" in biblical literature is multifaceted and can refer to various meanings beyond the celestial realm. For instance, in Lamentations 2:1, the fall of the daughter of Zion is described as casting down her glory from heaven to earth, signifying a loss of status and dignity. Similarly, in Isaiah 55:9, God's thoughts and ways are said to be higher than the heavens, conveying the idea of transcendence rather than a literal location.

In Isaiah 14:12, "heaven" metaphorically represents the lofty position and authority of the ruler symbolized by Lucifer. The imagery of falling from heaven underscores the dramatic and irreversible nature of the ruler's downfall, portraying it as a divine judgment against pride and arrogance. This interpretation aligns with the broader themes of divine justice and the eventual triumph of righteousness over wickedness.

By understanding "heaven" in its symbolic context, we gain insight into the profound meaning behind Lucifer's fall. Rather than a physical relocation, it represents a moral and spiritual descent from a position of power and privilege. This interpretation invites reflection on the dangers of pride and hubris, serving as a cautionary tale for all who seek to exalt themselves above others.

In conclusion, Isaiah 14:12 employs rich symbolic imagery to convey the downfall of a powerful ruler, symbolized by Lucifer. The concept of "heaven" in this verse represents ruling political powers or authority, emphasizing the profound nature of the ruler's fall from grace. This interpretation sheds light on the broader themes of divine judgment and the consequences of human arrogance, inviting readers to reflect on the implications for their own lives and societies.

Isaiah 14:13-15:

"You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the pit." The papacy's ambition and pride are highlighted here. This hubris leads to its ultimate humiliation and fall, symbolizing the consequences of self-exaltation.

Isaiah 14:16-17:

"Those who see you will stare at you, they will ponder over you: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who did not let his prisoners go home?'" The downfall of the papacy is met with astonishment and scorn by the onlookers. This underscores the transient nature of earthly power and the inevitable judgment of God.

Isaiah 14:18-20:

"All the kings of the nations lie in glory, each in his own tomb; but you are cast out, away from your grave, like a loathed branch, clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a corpse trampled underfoot." Unlike other rulers who are honored in death, the papacy is denied even a proper burial, symbolizing complete disgrace. This highlights the ultimate justice of God in dealing with pride and tyranny.

Isaiah 14:21-23:

"Prepare slaughter for his sons because of the guilt of their fathers, lest they rise and possess the earth, and fill the face of the world with cities. 'I will rise up against them,' declares the Lord of hosts, 'and will cut off from Babylon name and remnant, descendants and posterity,' declares the Lord. 'And I will make it a possession of the hedgehog, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction,' declares the Lord of hosts." The prophecy concludes with a broader judgment against Babylon, symbolizing the city of Rome. The total destruction of Babylon signifies the end of the papacy's influence and the final victory of God's righteous rule.

Babylon and Babylon the Great: The Papacy as the Continuation

It is important to note the historical and symbolic link between ancient Babylon and Rome, referred to as "Babylon the Great" in the Book of Revelation. Ancient Babylon, a powerful and influential empire, is often seen as a prototype of all subsequent empires that oppose God and oppress His people. The grandeur and influence of ancient Babylon, as described in the Bible and other historical texts, are echoed in the New Testament's portrayal of Rome.

In Revelation 17:5, the woman sitting on the scarlet beast is called "Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth." This "Babylon the Great" is widely interpreted by ancient Protestant tradition as symbolic of Rome and, by extension, the papacy. The description of Babylon the Great as a city that exerts vast influence and promotes idolatry and corruption fits with the view of Rome's extensive power and influence throughout history, particularly through the Roman Catholic Church.

Therefore, the papacy, seen as the continuation of Rome's spiritual and political authority, is depicted as the modern-day embodiment of Babylon. Just as Babylon was a center of idolatry, tyranny, and opposition to God's people, so too is the papacy seen in this tradition. The linkage of the papacy to "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14 emphasizes this perspective, portraying the papacy as having fallen from an exalted position due to pride and self-exaltation, mirroring the fall of Babylon.

In conclusion, Isaiah 14, interpreted from the perspective of the second coming of Jesus and the ancient Protestant tradition, offers a profound commentary on the themes of pride, downfall, and divine judgment. The prophecy against the King of Babylon, extended to Babylon the Great (Rome), symbolizes the papacy's fall from its self-exalted position. This interpretation underscores the transient nature of human power and the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom over all forms of arrogance and oppression.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Allegorical Commentary on Isaiah 7: The Historical Journey of Israel Before Jesus

 This is a unique interpretation I can't find this in any book I've read or any website I've looked at

**Allegorical Commentary on Isaiah 7: The Historical Journey of Israel Before Jesus**

Isaiah chapter 7 provides a profound narrative that, when viewed through an allegorical lens, reflects the tumultuous history of Israel leading up to the birth of Jesus. By interpreting the key figures and events symbolically, we can uncover deeper insights into the prophetic message and its historical resonance.

Introduction: Symbolic Men and Nations

The Bible often uses individuals and nations as symbols or signs, representing broader spiritual truths and historical realities. This concept is reinforced in passages such as Isaiah 8:18, Zechariah 3:8, and Ezekiel 12:11 and 24:24. These verses highlight that key figures and events in Israel's history are intended to serve as symbols, revealing God's plan and purposes.

### Verses 1-2: The Threat Against Jerusalem

"When Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, was king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem, but they could not overpower it."

In this allegorical interpretation, King Rezin of Aram represents Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid ruler notorious for his persecution of the Jewish people. His alliance with Pekah, the king of Israel (symbolizing internal strife and betrayal), mirrors the historical oppression faced by the Jews under Seleucid rule, particularly during the events leading to the Maccabean Revolt. The siege of Jerusalem by these forces symbolizes the external and internal threats to Jewish sovereignty and religious practice.

### Verses 3-4: Divine Reassurance

"Then the Lord said to Isaiah, 'Go out, you and your son Shear-Jashub, to meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderer’s Field. Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah.'"

Isaiah's message of reassurance to Ahaz can be seen as God's promise of protection to the Jewish people during the Maccabean Revolt. Despite the formidable opposition from Antiochus Epiphanes (Rezin) and internal divisions (Pekah), the Jews are encouraged to remain steadfast. This divine reassurance highlights the enduring faith that sustained the Jewish people through periods of intense persecution and turmoil.

### Verses 5-6: The Plot and Divine Counteraction

"Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah’s son have plotted your ruin, saying, 'Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.'"

This plot can be allegorically interpreted as the Seleucid Empire's attempt to impose Hellenistic culture and suppress Jewish worship. Antiochus Epiphanes' desecration of the Temple and efforts to install compliant leaders reflect this broader strategy of domination and cultural erosion. The reference to "the son of Tabeel" symbolizes the imposition of foreign rulers or high priests, undermining Jewish autonomy.

### Verses 7-9: Symbolic Representation of Power and Fall

“For the head of Syria [Herod Tetrarch's administration of Judea] is Damascus [Jerusalem], and the head of Damascus is Rezin [Pilate]; and within just 65 years [starting around 8-10 AD, when Jesus knew how to choose right from wrong], Ephraim will be shattered to pieces so as not to be a people [the diaspora of the Jews was complete around 73-75 AD after the zealots' last stand at Masada]. And the head of Ephraim [the Jews] is Samaria [the Pharisees], and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah [Caiaphas]. Unless you people have faith, you will in that case not be of long duration.”

In this allegory, the head of Syria (Herod’s administration) being Damascus (Jerusalem) represents the political control over Judea. Herod, installed by Rome, symbolizes the complex interplay of power and faith during this period. Pontius Pilate, as the head of Jerusalem (Damascus), stands for the Roman authority that ultimately governed the region.

The prophecy that Ephraim (symbolizing the Jewish people) will be shattered within 65 years aligns with the historical context of the Jewish diaspora, completed around 73-75 AD after the fall of Masada. The head of Ephraim (the Jews) being Samaria (the Pharisees) and the son of Remaliah (Caiaphas) highlights the religious leadership that played pivotal roles during the time of Jesus. This passage underscores the importance of faith, warning that without it, the people will not endure—a message that echoes through the ages, emphasizing spiritual steadfastness.

### Verses 10-12: The Sign from the Lord

“And Jehovah went on speaking some more to Ahaz, saying: ‘Ask for yourself a sign from Jehovah your God, making it as deep as Sheol or making it high as the upper regions.’ But Ahaz said: ‘I shall not ask, neither shall I put Jehovah to the test.’”

Here, Ahaz symbolizes a leader of God's true people, representing the faithful remnant in all symbolisms. The offer of a sign from Jehovah, whether as deep as Sheol or as high as the upper regions, suggests a profound and encompassing miracle, potentially involving death and resurrection—a foreshadowing of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

Ahaz’s refusal to ask for a sign can be seen as a humble acknowledgment of God's sovereignty, contrasting with the eventual fulfillment of this sign by Jesus rather than by John the Baptist. John’s beheading by Herod and Jesus’ subsequent death and resurrection embody the deep and high signs from Jehovah, affirming divine intervention and salvation.

### Verses 13-14: The Prophecy of Immanuel

“And he proceeded to say: ‘Listen, please, Oh house of David. Is it such a little thing for you to tire out men, that you should also tire out my God? Therefore Jehovah himself will give you men [of the house of David] a sign: Look! The maiden herself will actually become pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Immanuel.’”

This prophecy directly points to the virgin birth of Jesus, with Immanuel meaning “God with us.” The house of David is reminded of God’s enduring promise and presence. The maiden’s miraculous conception and the birth of Jesus signify the ultimate fulfillment of God’s covenant, bringing divine presence and salvation to humanity.

### Conclusion

Isaiah chapter 7:7-14, when understood allegorically, offers a rich narrative that captures Israel's journey through persecution, faith, and redemption. The symbolic representations of Herod, Pilate, the Pharisees, and Caiaphas, alongside the prophetic admonitions, weave a story of divine sovereignty and the necessity of faith. This allegory foreshadows the rise and fall of earthly powers and the ultimate arrival of Jesus, Immanuel, as the fulfillment of God's promises. The message of standing firm in faith amidst trials remains timeless, urging believers to trust in God's providence and eternal plan.

Friday 10 May 2024

The Symbolism of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates: A Shift towards Secularism in Christendom

 Title: The Symbolism of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates: A Shift towards Secularism in Christendom


The Book of Revelation employs rich symbolism to convey spiritual truths and prophetic visions. One such symbol is the drying up of the river Euphrates, which is interpreted as representing the decline of Christendom, or the empire of Christ. In this essay, we explore how this symbol reflects the growing trend of secularism and the erosion of traditional religious authority within modern society.

Interpretation of Christendom:

Christendom, traditionally understood as the empire of Christ or the realm of Christian influence, encompasses the religious, cultural, and political aspects of Christianity. Throughout history, the Catholic Church, as the predominant institution within Christendom, wielded significant power and influence over the lives of individuals and nations.

Symbolism of the River Euphrates:

The drying up of the river Euphrates symbolizes the diminishing influence and relevance of Christendom in contemporary society. Just as the Euphrates River provided sustenance and vitality to ancient civilizations, Christendom historically nourished and shaped Western culture and values. However, the drying up of its waters signifies a shift away from the traditional religious authority and values that once characterized Western societies.

Global Secularization:

One interpretation of the drying up of the river Euphrates is the global trend of secularization, where societies increasingly distance themselves from organized religion. This phenomenon is evident in various aspects of modern life, including declining church attendance, waning religious affiliation, and the rise of secular ideologies and values.

Shift in Cultural Values:

Another interpretation is the shift in cultural values away from traditional religious authority towards secular or alternative belief systems. As societies become more diverse and pluralistic, individuals are increasingly questioning and challenging traditional religious teachings and institutions. This cultural shift undermines the authority of the papacy and the Catholic Church, as they struggle to adapt to changing social norms and expectations.

Impact on Christendom:

The drying up of the river Euphrates has profound implications for Christendom as a whole. With the decline of religious influence, the moral and ethical foundations that once underpinned Western societies are called into question. This erosion of traditional values creates challenges for religious institutions, as they grapple with maintaining relevance and authority in an increasingly secular world.

Adapting to Change:

In response to these shifts, religious institutions, including the Catholic Church, must adapt to the changing landscape of modern society. This may involve reevaluating traditional teachings, engaging in dialogue with secular voices, and finding new ways to connect with a diverse and skeptical population. By embracing change and remaining true to core principles, religious institutions can navigate the challenges of secularism while continuing to serve their communities.


The drying up of the river Euphrates symbolizes the decline of Christendom and the growing influence of secularism within modern society. As cultural values shift and global secularization continues, religious institutions, including the papacy and the Catholic Church, face the challenge of maintaining relevance and authority in an increasingly secular world. By understanding the symbolism of the drying up of the river Euphrates, we gain insight into the complex relationship between religion and society in the modern era.

The Political Interpretation of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates

 Title: The Political Interpretation of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates


The Book of Revelation, within its apocalyptic imagery, presents various symbolic visions, including the drying up of the river Euphrates in Revelation 16. While traditionally interpreted in religious contexts, this essay will explore a political interpretation of this event, focusing on its potential implications for the papacy and Rome, historically associated with Babylon in biblical symbolism.

Historical Context:

To understand the significance of the drying up of the river Euphrates in a political context, it's crucial to examine the historical backdrop. The Euphrates River has long been a symbol of power, prosperity, and stability in ancient Mesopotamia, the birthplace of civilizations. In biblical narratives, it often represented a barrier protecting empires and cities from invaders.

Loss of Political Power:

One interpretation of the drying up of the river Euphrates is a metaphorical representation of the decline or loss of political power for Rome and the papacy. Historically, Rome's authority was vast, encompassing territories across Europe and beyond. However, events such as the loss of the Papal States in 1870 marked a significant reduction in the temporal power of the papacy, weakening its political influence.

Economic Decline:

Another interpretation suggests that the drying up of the river Euphrates symbolizes economic decline or collapse within the Roman Empire or the Catholic Church. Economic prosperity often correlates with political power, and any downturn in wealth and resources could undermine the ability of Rome and the papacy to maintain their dominance.

Spiritual Desolation:

The drying up of the river Euphrates could also signify a spiritual desolation, reflecting a loss of influence of the religious doctrines propagated by Rome and the papacy. As societies become more secularized and diverse in their beliefs, traditional religious authorities may struggle to maintain their relevance and moral authority.

End of Religious Authority:

Linked to the concept of spiritual desolation is the idea of the drying up of the river Euphrates symbolizing the end of religious authority or control exerted by Rome and the papacy over the nations. In an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world, alternative belief systems and ideologies may challenge the hegemony of traditional religious institutions.

Symbolic Barrier Removal:

The drying up of the river Euphrates might represent the removal of a barrier that previously protected Rome and the papacy, leaving them vulnerable to judgment. This could manifest as internal divisions, external pressures, or geopolitical shifts that weaken their grip on power.

Geopolitical Shift:

A significant geopolitical shift or upheaval in the regions historically associated with the Euphrates River could also be interpreted as the drying up of its waters. Changes in alliances, power struggles, or conflicts may reshape the political landscape in ways that diminish the influence of Rome and the papacy.

Loss of Support:

The drying up of the river Euphrates may indicate a loss of support or alliances for Rome and the papacy, weakening their position on the world stage. As diplomatic relations evolve and new power dynamics emerge, traditional alliances may falter, leaving Rome and the papacy isolated.


In conclusion, the drying up of the river Euphrates, when interpreted in a political context, offers insights into the potential challenges and vulnerabilities facing Rome and the papacy. Whether through loss of political power, economic decline, spiritual desolation, or geopolitical shifts, this symbolic event serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of power and authority in human affairs.

Debunking the Interpretation of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates as Referring to the Ottoman Empire

 Title: Debunking the Interpretation of the Drying Up of the River Euphrates as Referring to the Ottoman Empire


The Book of Revelation, with its rich symbolism and imagery, has been subject to various interpretations throughout history. One interpretation suggests that the drying up of the river Euphrates in Revelation 16 symbolizes the decline of the Ottoman Empire. However, upon closer examination, this interpretation lacks sufficient evidence and coherence, as outlined below.

Historical Context:

Before delving into the interpretation, it's essential to provide historical context. The Ottoman Empire, centered in modern-day Turkey, was a vast and influential power that spanned several centuries. Its decline and eventual collapse in the early 20th century marked the end of an era in world history.

Lack of Direct Biblical Evidence:

One of the fundamental issues with interpreting the drying up of the river Euphrates as referring to the Ottoman Empire is the lack of direct biblical evidence to support this claim. While the Book of Revelation employs symbolism drawn from various historical and cultural contexts, there is no explicit mention or connection between the Euphrates and the Ottoman Empire within the text.

Symbolic Inconsistencies:

Furthermore, interpreting the drying up of the river Euphrates as representing the decline of the Ottoman Empire raises several symbolic inconsistencies. The Euphrates River has deep biblical significance, often symbolizing power, prosperity, and protection. In contrast, the decline of the Ottoman Empire, while historically significant, does not inherently align with the symbolism associated with the Euphrates River.

Contextual Relevance:

When considering the broader context of Revelation, particularly its focus on the struggle between good and evil, the interpretation of the drying up of the river Euphrates as referring to the Ottoman Empire seems tangential. The primary focus of Revelation is the cosmic battle between God and the forces of darkness, with symbolic imagery representing spiritual truths rather than specific historical events.

Alternative Interpretations:

Instead of linking the drying up of the river Euphrates to the decline of the Ottoman Empire, alternative interpretations offer more coherent explanations. As previously discussed, interpretations focusing on Rome and the papacy provide a more consistent and contextually relevant understanding of the symbolism within Revelation. These interpretations align with the broader themes of the book and draw upon historical parallels that are more closely connected to the text.

Historical Perspective:

Lastly, from a historical perspective, attributing the drying up of the river Euphrates to the decline of the Ottoman Empire may reflect a Eurocentric bias. While the Ottoman Empire played a significant role in shaping world history, its decline does not represent the culmination of all historical events. By focusing solely on European-centric narratives, we risk overlooking the diverse and complex dynamics that have shaped human civilization.


In conclusion, the interpretation of the drying up of the river Euphrates as referring to the decline of the Ottoman Empire lacks sufficient biblical evidence, coherence, and contextual relevance. While the Ottoman Empire's decline is a significant historical event, it does not neatly align with the symbolism and themes present in Revelation. Instead, alternative interpretations that focus on Rome and the papacy offer a more consistent and contextually relevant understanding of the text.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Unveiling the Three Stages of the "Frog-Like Spirits" in Modern Societies

 Title: Unveiling the Symbolism of the "Frog-Like Spirits" Through Biblical References


The symbolism of the "frog-like spirits" in Revelation 16 has deep roots in biblical imagery and prophecy. While John saw "spirits like frogs," it is crucial to understand the spiritual connotations attributed to these entities. This document will explore the biblical references and interpretations surrounding these spirits, shedding light on their significance in contemporary society.

Understanding "Spirits Like Frogs" through Biblical Lens:

The term "spirit" in biblical context often refers to the mindset or disposition of individuals (Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs 29:11). Additionally, it is associated with human teachings or doctrines (1 John 4:1-3). James elucidates that earthly wisdom, devoid of divine influence, stems from a "soul demoniacal" origin (James 3:15). Thus, the "spirits like frogs" may symbolize ideologies or teachings that bear resemblance to demonic influences, albeit originating from human minds.

Interpreting Demons as Symbolic of Calamities and Illnesses:

Contrary to popular belief, demons in biblical narratives are not supernatural beings but also symbolize calamities and afflictions. The term "demons" can be interpreted as representing literal illnesses such as schizophrenia and epilepsy, denoting afflictions that disturb the harmony of individuals and society. In this light, the "unclean spirit" takes on a multifaceted interpretation, encompassing both political and spiritual dimensions.

Unraveling the Political Sense of "Unclean Spirits":

The association of "unclean spirits" with political ideologies and movements unveils a deeper layer of interpretation. The pursuit of revolutionary principles, epitomized by Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, may harbor inherent dangers when divorced from moral and ethical considerations. The relentless pursuit of these ideals, devoid of divine guidance, can lead to societal upheaval and moral decay, akin to the manifestation of "unclean spirits" in biblical narratives.

Implications for Contemporary Society:

In contemporary society, the parallels between biblical prophecy and current events are striking. The proliferation of ideologies akin to "spirits like frogs" underscores the enduring relevance of biblical teachings in understanding societal dynamics. As nations grapple with political polarization, social unrest, and moral relativism, the warning against succumbing to the allure of ideologies divorced from divine wisdom resonates profoundly.

Unveiling the Three Stages of the "Frog-Like Spirits" in Modern Societies


The imagery of "frog-like spirits" in Revelation 16 has been interpreted through the lens of historical and contemporary events, particularly in the context of the French Revolution and its aftermath. This symbolism, often associated with the principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, has sparked debates regarding their true nature and impact on society. This document aims to delve into three key stages that illustrate the evolution and consequences of these "frog-like spirits" in modern times.

Stage 1: Emergence of Revolutionary Principles

The first stage marks the emergence of the revolutionary principles of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity during the French Revolution. These ideals, initially hailed as symbols of progress and empowerment for the masses, embodied the aspirations of a nation seeking to break free from the shackles of monarchy and oppression. However, beneath the veneer of liberation lay a complex web of societal upheaval and ideological conflict. The fervor for change, fueled by the spirit of rebellion, led to unprecedented chaos and violence, ultimately blurring the lines between liberation and anarchy.

Stage 2: Entrenchment of Political Correctness and Communism

As the revolutionary fervor subsided, the second stage witnessed the entrenchment of these principles into the fabric of society, often under the guise of political correctness and communism. What began as noble ideals morphed into tools of ideological coercion and societal control. The emphasis on equality, albeit well-intentioned, gave rise to a culture of uniformity and suppression of dissenting voices. Fraternity, once a symbol of solidarity, became synonymous with conformity, stifling individual expression and diversity of thought. The proliferation of political correctness further cemented these ideologies, perpetuating a narrative of moral absolutism and stifling intellectual discourse.

Stage 3: Manifestation of Madness and Societal Disintegration

The culmination of these "frog-like spirits" manifests in the third stage as a descent into madness and societal disintegration. The relentless pursuit of utopian ideals, coupled with the erosion of democratic principles and freedoms, breeds discontent and disillusionment among the populace. Europe, once hailed as a beacon of democracy, now grapples with the specter of authoritarianism and social unrest. The erosion of democratic rights, militarization of society, and suspension of civil liberties signal a disturbing shift towards autocracy and dictatorship. The prophecy of Jeremiah, echoing through the annals of history, warns of the nations staggering to and fro, intoxicated by the intoxicating wine of Babylonian influence.


In conclusion, the three key stages of the "frog-like spirits" underscore the complexities of ideological evolution and societal transformation. What began as symbols of liberation during the French Revolution have evolved into instruments of oppression and societal discord. The lessons gleaned from history serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of democratic institutions and the enduring struggle for freedom and justice. As societies grapple with the legacy of the past and the challenges of the present, the true test lies in our ability to navigate the murky waters of ideological extremism and forge a path towards a more inclusive and equitable future.

Sunday 31 March 2024

the 3 key stages to the War of Armageddon

Title: Understanding the Three Stages of the 40-Year War of Armageddon

The War of Armageddon, spanning over a period of 40 years as prophesied, unfolds in three distinct stages, each crucial in the ultimate judgment of the world. These stages, delineated in various biblical texts such as Psalms, Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation, provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the sequence and significance of events leading to the establishment of divine rule on Earth.

**Stage 1: War with Israel’s Nearby Nations**

The initial phase of the 40-year conflict involves a war with Israel’s neighboring nations, as foretold in Psalm 83. This confrontation, characterized by regional tensions, results in Israel's victory and a temporary period of peace. The focus is on nearby adversaries, including those residing in Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. The aftermath of this stage sets the stage for subsequent developments, laying the groundwork for broader conflicts to come.

**Stage 2: War with Israel’s Wider Enemies**

The second stage, occurring within the first decade of the 40-year period, expands the scope of the conflict to encompass Israel’s wider enemies, such as Russia, Iran, and Turkey, as outlined in Ezekiel 38. This phase unfolds rapidly after the initial conflict, drawing the attention of the international community. The prophecy in Zechariah 14 describes Jerusalem as a "heavy burden for all the nations," indicating a global involvement in the struggle. The motive for this invasion revolves around the desire for wealth and spoils, echoing the plundering depicted in Ezekiel’s vision.

**Stage 3: Religious War Centered on Jerusalem**

The culmination of the 40-Year War of Armageddon is a religious war centered on Jerusalem, involving Rome and Europe, as prophesied in Revelation 17. This final conflict, spanning the latter part of the 40-year period, marks the ultimate showdown between the forces of darkness, symbolized by the Papacy and its allies, and the divine rule established by Christ and his saints in Jerusalem. Unlike the previous stages, this phase transcends geopolitical motives and delves into the spiritual realm, signifying the triumph of righteousness over evil.

**Interpreting Zechariah 12 and 14**

Zechariah’s prophecies offer insight into the distinct stages of the 40-year war. Chapter 12 describes the conflict with nearby nations, while Chapter 14 portrays a broader engagement involving all nations. The devastation inflicted upon Jerusalem in Chapter 14 contrasts with its survival in Chapter 12, highlighting the progression of the conflict from regional to global proportions.

**Significance of Revelation 17**

Revelation 17 provides a detailed account of the final confrontation between the forces of darkness and the divine rulership established by Christ. The defeat of the false prophet and the beast symbolizes the ultimate triumph of good over evil, ushering in an era of peace under Christ’s reign.


The War of Armageddon unfolds over a span of 40 years, encompassing three distinct stages, each building upon the preceding one to culminate in the establishment of divine rule on Earth. From regional conflicts to global warfare and finally, a spiritual battle for Jerusalem, these stages symbolize the ongoing struggle between good and evil. Through prophecy and interpretation, believers seek to discern the signs of the times and prepare for the fulfillment of God’s ultimate plan for humanity's redemption and restoration.

We have seen in the video The 3 Stages of the Frog Like Spirits Before Armageddon now We are going to attempt to demonstrate the 3 key stages of the 40 years War of Armageddon. In effect there are 3 separate conflicts centred in Israel / Jerusalem. The 3 conflicts or wars are separated by short periods of time. But they are 3 stages of the same war. The judgement of the world.

Stage 1 is a war with Israel’s nearby nations. The very people mentioned in Psalm 83. Following Israel’s victory there is a temporary time of peace.

Stage 2 is a war with Israel’s wider enemies eg Russia, Iran, Turkey see Ezekiel 38

Stages 1 and 2 must happen within a 10 year period

Stage 3 is a war is a religious war and is centred on Jerusalem - this war is with Rome and Europe 30 years

Zechariah 12 and Zechariah 14. In the past we may have seen these two chapters as simply the same war told twice.

But what if Zechariah 12 was stage 1 of the conflict and Zechariah 14 was stage 2?

What if Zechariah 12 involved Israel’s nearby nations and Zechariah 14 involved totally different nations – the outer ring of nations of Russia, Iran, and Turkey etc.

12v2 NLT says “I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the NEARBY NATIONS stagger when THEY send THEIR armies to Jerusalem and Judah.

This description is surely talking about people living in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon etc. eg Israel’s nearby nations. The nearby nations send THEIR armies. We cannot call Russia, Iran, Turkey nearby nations!

But the destruction of Israel’s nearby nations is not the final victory. In fact Israel is greatly weakened at this point. Despite a peace deal and a sense of security an enormous void has opened up in the Middle East. Into this vacuum pours Russia and Iran etc.

This is the second stage. It is detailed in Zechariah 14.

12v3 Moreover, on that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy burden for all the nations, and all who try to carry it will be seriously injured; yet all the peoples of the earth will be assembled against it.

This verse sounds more encompassing but this is speaking of the broader second stage of the conflict – it is saying that Jerusalem WILL become a heavy burden for the world. And it does of course eventually become this

Please note that there is NO specific mention at all of neighbouring nations or people in Zechariah 14. It begins with verse 2 which says ALL NATIONS are gathered against Jerusalem.

We also note that verse 1 gives the reason for the invasion… “Thy SPOIL shall be divided in the midst of thee” Why are we told the nations have come to take a spoil?

This is surely a reference to Ezekiel 38 v 11-12 “I will …take a spoil and take a prey” Whereas in Zechariah 12 Jerusalem survives the onslaught in Ch 14 it most certainly does not. We read in verse 2

The city will be taken, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half the population will be taken into captivity, and the rest will be left among the ruins of the city.”

Jerusalem is in ruins – the city has fallen to the invading Russian army. This is a totally different war to Ch 12 where Jerusalem does not fall.

Finally Zechariah 14 v 5 says there is the great earthquake we have a great earthquake in Zechariah 14. This surely also links to the great earthquake of Ezekiel 38 when Russia is destroyed.

And then when this second stage of the judgement is complete Christ is established as King in Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:9

There is of course one last conflict – Stage 1 was a war with Israel’s nearby nations. They have been dealt with in Zechariah 12. Their motive was revenge for Israel living in what they thought was their land.

Then Israel’s wider enemies have been dealt with in Zechariah 14. Their motive was riches / spoil. This is speaking of the nations in Ezekiel 38. Russia etc.

But there is a final war. A religious war. This war is led by the Papacy against Christ and the saints. We note there is NO MENTION of a religious aspect to the war of Zechariah 14. It is about spoil.

The final war is recorded in Revelation 17. Rome joins with Europe attack Christ and the saints when they are established in Jerusalem.

The false prophet and the beast are destroyed NEVER to appear again. The kingdom is now at peace.

The world is now subdued under the rulership of Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – and his saints.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Colossians 1:15-18 - A Prophecy of the New Creation**

  Title: **Colossians 1:15-18 - A Prophecy of the New Creation**


Colossians 1:15-18 offers a profound perspective on the nature and significance of Jesus Christ. While some interpretations suggest pre-existence, a careful examination reveals a focus on Christ's preeminence and a profound prophecy about the new creation. This passage becomes a rich source for understanding the transformative vision of a renewed cosmos.

Preeminence Over Creation:

The opening verses underscore the supremacy of Christ, depicting Him as "the image of the invisible God" and "the firstborn over all creation" (Colossians 1:15). Rather than emphasizing a pre-existent state, this highlights Christ's sovereignty and authority. The subsequent verses elaborate on His role in creation, stating that "by Him all things were created" (Colossians 1:16). This reinforces Christ's central position in the cosmic order, asserting authority over both visible and invisible realms.

New Creation Prophecy:

As the passage unfolds, the language subtly transitions from Christ's preeminence to a prophetic vision of the new creation. The mention of Him being "the firstborn from the dead" in verse 18 implies not only His resurrection but also alludes to a broader concept—the inauguration of a new creation. This connection between Christ's resurrection and a new order is foundational to understanding the prophetic dimension of Colossians 1:15-18.

Redemption and Inheritance:

Verses 13 and 14 accentuate the transformative nature of Christ's work. He has "delivered us from the power of darkness" and transferred us into "the kingdom of the Son of His love" (Colossians 1:13). This language evokes images of redemption, emphasizing Christ's role in liberating humanity from the dominion of sin and ushering them into a new kingdom. The forgiveness of sins, depicted as redemption through His blood, is integral to the unfolding narrative of the new creation.

Christ as the Image of the Invisible God:

The passage begins by describing Jesus Christ as "the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15). This declaration echoes the language of Genesis 1:26-27, where humanity is created in the image of God. However, Christ's status as the preeminent image-bearer suggests a restoration of this image in a more profound and complete way. This restoration is not limited to humanity alone but extends to the entire created order, indicating a comprehensive renewal of God's image throughout the cosmos.

Christ as the Firstborn Over All Creation:

Verse 15 continues by proclaiming Christ as "the firstborn over all creation." While some interpretations focus solely on Christ's preeminence in this role, a deeper examination reveals a connection to the concept of new creation. In Romans 8:29, Paul speaks of Christ as "the firstborn among many brethren," implying a shared inheritance in the new creation for believers. This suggests that Christ's role as the firstborn encompasses not only his supremacy but also his role as the forerunner of a new order of creation. Ephesians 2:15 speaks of Christ making "in himself of twain one new man," highlighting the transformative power of Christ's work in reconciling humanity to God and to one another. This aligns with the broader biblical theme of believers being "created in Christ Jesus unto good works" (Ephesians 2:10), emphasizing the regenerative nature of Christ's redemptive work.

Creation Through Christ and for Christ:

Verses 16-17 emphasize Christ's creative power and his sustaining presence in the cosmos. All things, both visible and invisible, were created through him and for him. This echoes themes found elsewhere in Scripture, such as John 1:3 and Hebrews 1:2, which affirm Christ's role in creation. However, the language of creation "for him" suggests a purposeful design that points towards the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan through Christ. This aligns with the prophetic vision of a new heaven and a new earth in Revelation 21:1, where all things are made new in Christ. Just as God created the heavens and the earth in Genesis, Christ creates "one new man" through his redemptive work, ushering in a new order of creation characterized by righteousness and reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Head of the New Creation:

Verse 18 further underscores Christ's role as the head of the new creation by describing him as "the head of the body, the church" and "the firstborn from the dead." This imagery emphasizes Christ's victory over sin and death, paving the way for the resurrection and transformation of believers. As believers are united with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:5), they become partakers of the new creation, experiencing spiritual rebirth and renewal in Christ

Verse 18 further emphasizes Christ's preeminence by describing him as "the head of the body, the church" and "the firstborn from the dead." This imagery of Christ as the head of a new body, composed of believers united in him, speaks to the transformative power of his resurrection. Just as Christ is the firstborn from the dead, so too will believers experience resurrection and newness of life in him (1 Corinthians 15:20). This resurrection hope extends beyond individual believers to the entire creation, which groans for redemption and eagerly awaits its liberation from bondage (Romans 8:19-21).

In Him All Things Consist:

The phrase "in Him all things consist" (Colossians 1:17) takes on added significance when viewed through the lens of the new creation. It suggests not only Christ's sustaining power in the current cosmos but also hints at His pivotal role in the harmonious order of the future reality. This interconnectedness aligns with the vision of a renewed creation where Christ's preeminence ensures unity and coherence.


Colossians 1:15-18, often cited for theological discussions on Christ's nature, reveals a multifaceted prophecy about the new creation. The emphasis on Christ's preeminence establishes a foundation for understanding His pivotal role in the unfolding narrative of redemption and transformation. This passage, far from being a mere affirmation of Christ's authority, becomes a gateway to exploring the profound vision of a renewed cosmos—a prophecy awaiting fulfillment in the culmination of God's redemptive plan.

Monday 29 January 2024

The Seven Trumpets


The Seven Trumpets
(Revelation 8 - 10)

"Explore the Word. Change the World"
Lesson 32:
Time: 90 minutes
Print: 18 pages

PassoverWavesheafPentecostSymbol TrumpetsDay of AtonementTabernacles
1-34-5678-11101112-1314-1516-1914, 20-22
LambChurchAcceptedSealsSealingJudgmentRemnantLegal CaseSatan's empireWarningDestructionRescued

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> Judgment
> Seven Churches
> Seven Last Plagues
> Three Angel's Message
> Other Interpretations
> Revelation 8-11

Revelation 8 to 11 introduces Jesus as the judge. The symbols used involve the warning about the judgment from the sanctuary. This is another difficult prophecy.

The Shofar
It was a loud instrument made with the horn of any kosher animal except a calf. It is usually made from the horn of a ram, wild goat or ibex and was a minimum of three handbreadths long. The shofar made from a ram's horn was curved with a silver mouth piece was sounded on fast days, while the shofar from the wild goat was straight with a gold mouth piece was sounded on new year and Yovel days. It was not used as a musical instrument for singing Psalms, rather it was used to make noise in solemn assemblies to call the people. But it was not blown if the holiday fell on a Sabbath.

  • Beginning of the Month. (Numbers 10: 10)
    • New Moon. The beginning of the month.
    • New Year (Rosh Hashannah). First day of the seventh month, Tishri 1, which was a "day of blowing" (Leviticus 23: 4; Numbers 29: 1).
  • Feast Days. (Numbers 10: 10)
    • Sabbath. Announced the Sabbath.
    • Feast Days. Announced the feasts (Passover, Shavuot, Tabernacles).
    • Fast Days. Announced the fasts (e.g. Yom Kippur).
    • Jubilee. Leviticus 25: 9
      » Yom Kippur of the Jubilee Year. The shofar was sounded as it is on a new year.
  • Alarm. An alarm sounds on these occasions.
    • War. When the enemy attacks (Numbers 10: 9).
    • Exodus. When Judah and Reuben, the tribes on the east and south move (Numbers 10: 5-6).
  • Assembly. The trumpet calls the people for a meeting (Numbers 10: 3-4).
    • People. Two trumpets are blown without sounding the alarm.
    • Leaders. One trumpet is blown.

The Sounds of the Shofar
Each sounds lasts about 3 seconds. During the day, 100 sounds are made in a pattern of thirty notes repeated three times and a final ten notes. Each set of 30 sounds are in this pattern (tekiah, shevarim-teruah, tekiah. Tekiah, shevarim, tekiah. Tekiah, teruah, tekiah gadola).

  • Tekiah. 1 long blast. Some sources say that it lasts half the time of the teruah or shevarim.
  • Shevarim. 3 short one second notes rising in tone which make a short, broken sighing sound.
  • Teruah. An alarm of 9 rapid notes in sets of 3 disconnected sounds of 3 notes which make a moan or groan.
  • Tekiah Gadola (Great Tekiah). One note held as long as possible.

The Call to Judgment
The feast of trumpets on the first day of the civil calendar was a call to judgment. On this first day, Jewish tradition says all living things are judged.

The death of Christ started a whole new beginning for the world. With His death, all things can be judged and all who want can be saved.
The first casualty in this judgment was Satan. He lost his control of earth as Christ won back dominion over earth. He also lost his access to heaven.

The Symbols
The trumpets are patterned after the seven last plagues. Both of these are judgments that are patterned after the curses. The difference is that the trumpets seem to be a judgment on the land and the plagues are a judgment on the people.

Symbol SourceTrumpetPlagueComment
1EarthFrom The Burning HeavensSurface burnedSoresThe surface of the land and the body
2SeaSea life deadBlood of the deadThe surface of the sea and the internal
3Fresh WaterBitter watersBlood to drinkDrought
4SunDark dayHeatFamine and darkness
5GovernmentThree WoesStar fell from heaven. Dark sunDark throneThe evil principalities and powers
6EuphratesFlood of armies releasedDries upThe forces of Armageddon prepare
7AirGod takes overIt is finishedThe end of the world

This prophecy has been a difficult one to interpret. So I am willing to say that the correct interpretation may only include some of the observations that I will share. However, since I suspect that we are the final generation, I believe that God will allow us to see the meaning as the future unfolds. So let us look at the symbolism and try to see if we can establish their meaning by comparing them to other prophecies.

  • Purpose. Trumpets are sent for war or judgment. The feast of trumpets began in the autumn season just before the judgment on Yom Kippur.
  • Sealing. In Revelation 7: 3 the four angels are instructed to hold the four winds until the servants of God are sealed. These angels are released in the sixth seal.
  • Prayers. They are an answer to the prayers of the martyrs for revenge.
  • Death. Many of these trumpets deal with death among a large portion of the earth and sea. At first, this leads one to conclude that they are associated with great wars and devastation. But let us examine the story of Adam and Eve to see what God considers to be involved in the whole concept of death.

    Death is Sinbut from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die. (Genesis 2: 17)
    With Eve we see that death was not immediate. But we learned that sin brings a death sentence. This death also came to all the living creatures. Therefore, when a trumpet declares that a third of a population dies then it could mean that they have been led to commit a sin that will lead to death.
    It also mentions the death of the creatures in the sea. This also reflects sin among humans, because the sin of Adam caused the death of the animal kingdom and his unborn children.

    Sin is the Sting of Death O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
    The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 
    (1 Corinthians 15: 55-56)
    Several trumpets refer to scorpions and serpents with stings that cause harm and kill. It means that the evil forces cause the death of all these people by causing them to sin.

    Therefore, the "deaths" refer to the great apostasy that a large number of people commit that causes their eternal death.

The Source of the Symbols
1Hail, fire and bloodPapal persecutions to the French RevolutionDan.
The serpent is judged and cast down to the earth
Napoleon almost touched the whole world with his revolution, Europe, India, Africa, West Indies. Both his wars and his ideas spread.
2Burning mountainPapacy fallsThe old European nations are corrupted, causing them to sin.
>Blood in the seaSin leading to death among the people
3A star fell from heavenAtheismAsher.
The thories of death and hell grow and obscure the truth
Our leaders and source of health and welfare are corrupted and disseminate poison to the people
>Rivers and springsDrinking water
>Bitter watersPoison and contamination
4A third of the sun, moon and stars darkenedLight from God turned offThe truth of the gospel is being obscured
5WormwoodCommunism and Babylon the GreatNaphtali
The forces of evil are raised
Joel 1 and 2 prophesies about an army of locusts. This trumpets seems to be a repetition of this prophecy about ancient Babylon. Now the armies of Babylon the Great are coming.
>Keys to the AbyssEarth
>Smoke from a furnaceConfusion
>Crowned locustsDestroy the harvest
>Teeth of LionsBabylon
>Men without the sealThose who reject God
>Tormented five months150 years or 5 real months
>ScorpionsCause sin
>King Abaddon (Apollyon)Satan
6The four angels releasedTime of troubleNaphtali
The forces of good are raised
The symbolism seems to be centered around the events that immediately preceded the fall of Babylon.
This is a spiritual battle in which false prophets, with the help of the government destroy the people through lies and apostasy.
>EuphratesThe end of Babylon is near
>Hour, day, month, yearAn appointed time
>Third of men killedA third sinned
>200 million armyEvil army that attacks Israel
>Head of horses like lionsArmy of Babylon
>Tails with heads that stingFalse prophets
>Fire, smoke and brimstoneConfusion, plagues
7Christ reignsSeven last plaguesJudah.
The people of God cling to him despite the enemies who surround them
Babylon falls
>Nations enragedTime of persecution of Israel
>The Wrath of GodThe seven last plagues
>Dead JudgedMillennium Judgment
>Reward righteousSecond Coming
>Earthquake and hailSeventh plague

Locating the Trumpets
This is a difficult prophecy to locate because it is based on the curses of God. These curses repeat themselves. Therefore, the trumpet pattern will be seen at several points in history. Even the seven last plagues follow the pattern of the trumpets. The possible explanations could all be a correct description of the collapse of the final powers that challenge God. So it is hard to decide which event is the one mentioned in prophecy. So we chose the one that chronologically fits the global fulfillment of the feast of trumpets.
There are three possible periods of time for the fulfillment.

  1. After the Crucifixion ("31 AD"). The trumpets start from the crucifixion to the Second Coming.
  2. Time of the End ("1798"). The trumpets start around the end of the 1260 year persecution to the Second Coming.
  3. After the Second Coming. The trumpets start from the Second Coming to the Third Coming.
Crucifixion70 ADDark AgesFrench Revolution1844PersecutionPlaguesSecond Coming1000 YrsThird
1Trumpet 1Trumpet 2Trumpet 3-5Trumpet 6Trumpet 7Satan
2CrossTempleApostasyTrumpet 1-4Trumpet 5Trumpet 6Trumpet 7
3CrossPapacy FallsRighteous JudgedPlaguesTrumpet 1-2Trumpet 3-5Trumpet 6-7

Three Possible Interpretations
#Period1. After the Crucifixion2. The Time of the End3. After the Second Coming
Earthquake before trumpetsThe Crucifixion (31 AD)Lisbon Earthquake (1755)At the Second Coming
1Hail, fire and bloodThe crucifixion. Satan fallsPapal persecutionsBabylon the Great falls
>Third earth burnedRoman empire judged. Third of the angels thrown out (Revelation 12: 4)The black death and wars killed 30% of the populationEarth partly destroyed
>Third trees burnedLeadersThe leadersLeaders
>All green grass burnedAll peopleAll peopleAll the wicked
2Burning mountainJerusalem falls (70 AD)Papacy fallsBabylon the Great falls
>SeaJewsPeoplePeople on earth
>Blood in one third of the seaOne million Jews diedSin leading to death among the peopleThe wicked die
3A star fell from heavenSatan falls from heaven and corrupts the earthAtheismSatan confined to the earth in the millennium
>WormwoodSatan corrupts the doctrine of the blood of Christ and His sacrifice. The Antichrist is corrupting the earthPoisonSatan gets to see the result of his corruption of the earth. He drinks bitter waters on a darkened earth.
>Rivers and springsDrinking water
>Bitter watersPoison and contamination
4A third of the sun, moon and stars darkenedApostasy in the church. The word of God is abandoned. 536 volcanoThe truth of the gospel is being obscuredThe physical darkness during the Millennium
Key The three woes.
5WormwoodThe Jesuits sent to stop ProtestantsCommunism and Babylon the GreatSatan is released after the millennium
>Key Keys to the AbyssBelieve they have power on earth to act for GodEarthThe second resurrection frees him from the pit
>Smoke from a furnaceFalse doctrineConfusion and false doctrineHe deceives the nations again
>Crowned locustsJesuitsDestroy the harvestHe forms an army
>Teeth of LionsThe PapacyBabylon the GreatBabylon (Gog and Magog)
>Men without the sealThe wickedThose who reject GodThe wicked
>Tormented five months150 years of Jesuit domination (1618-1768)150 years of communism (1841-1991)Satan is loosed for a "short time". Is this five months?
>Scorpion tailsCauses deathCause sinSinners marked for death
>Key Men seek death and do not find itTorture of the persecutedTorture of the persecutedAfter second resurrection, the wicked cannot die the second death until God destroys them.
>King Abaddon (Apollyon)SatanSatanSatan
Key The sealing must end before the angels are released or before they release the winds
6The four angels releasedThe time of the end. Wars of the French revolution (1798)Time of troubleThe four cherubim
>EuphratesThe end of Babylon is nearThe end of Babylon the GreatThe end of sinners is near
>Hour, day, month, yearThe time for judgment (1844)An appointed time (1981)The time for final judgment
>Third of men killedThe sinnersA third killedThe wicked
>The rest did not repentThe disobedientTwo thirds disobedientThe wicked
>200 million armyThe final persecution armyEvil army that attacks IsraelEvil army that attacks Israel
>Head of horses like lionsArmy of Babylon the GreatArmy of BabylonArmy of Satan
>Fire, smoke, brimstonePersecutionConfusion, plaguesFinal rebellion
7Christ reignsBabylon the Great fallsBabylon the Great fallsSatan falls
>Nations enragedWorld wars and Wars of the French revolutionLast persecution of global Israel. Middle East warsThe Wicked surround the New Jerusalem
>The Wrath of GodSeven last plaguesSeven last plaguesHell fire
>Key Dead Judged1844 Judgment to identify the righteousMillennium judgment of the wicked dead by the righteousAll the wicked resurrected for the final judgment before God
>Reward righteousSecond ComingSecond ComingNew earth
>Earthquake and hailSeventh plagueSeventh plagueHell fire
>Mystery of God finishedGospel preachedSeven thundersAll traces of sin removed

The trumpets have been described as a partial judgment because it destroys only one third. Perhaps, it becomes a total judgment if it is repeated three times and all the three interpretations will occur. These cycles occur because God acts in a definite pattern based on the covenant and the curses. The justification for this is that the curse cycles are repeated and the trumpets are based on the curses.

Key Events. These are important events in locating the fulfillment. We will assume that only one interpretation is correct. The key to determining which sequence of events is correct is to locate the fulfillment of one or more trumpets and then look at the other ambiguous ones. The following additional information helps us to identify these key events.

  • Time to Judge the Dead. The seventh trumpet stands out as one that can be identified. Unfortunately, it can fit three points in history when the dead are judged. It is this fact that limits the interpretation to these three times.
  • One Third of the Stars. The war in heaven described in Revelation 12 shows Satan taking a third of the stars. This would place the first trumpet before the 1260 day persecution. This would eliminate the third interpretation. However, it could just as easily be a warning to the wicked who have just been resurrected.
  • Wormwood. The person from the third trumpet is linked to the fifth. This means that the time between the third and fifth trumpets is very short, or it refers to the activity of Satan, or it is the continued activity of a power that exists for a long time.
  • Keys to the Abyss. This is mentioned in Revelation 20: 1 when Satan is bound at the beginning of the Millennium. Naturally, the keys would also be needed at the end of the Millennium to free him. But Jesus received the keys to death and hell because of His resurrection. (Revelation 1: 18). Therefore, it could just point to the use of this authority that He has over death and hell. He exercises this power at the Second Coming, during the millennium and the third coming. It could even be said that He uses this power in the 1844 judgment.
  • The Three Woes. The context suggests that the earth is still populated with good and evil before the last three trumpets.
  • The Sealing . It seems to end before the sixth trumpet or before the angels from the sixth trumpet release their winds. This would eliminate the third interpretation. However, one could say that as far as God and the righteous are concerned, those who have been sealed are accepted. However, this judgment is not shared by Satan, who accuses the people. But at some point after the final judgment, every knee will bow and confess the righteous judgments of God. So, it could be argued that it is at this point that the sealing is complete because all creatures agree with the selection of the righteous and the wicked at this moment in time.
  • Men Seek Death But Do Not Find It. This event best fits the third interpretation. Because it is only God that can issue the second death. Therefore the wicked may not be able to kill themselves or each other to avoid the judgment.
    The only way this fits other time periods is if we look at the process of torture. It leaves a person in the state of wanting to die without having the ability to do so. This describes the experience of people during a persecution.
  • The Mystery of God Finished. Revelation 10: 7 places the seventh trumpet with this event. This is the gospel message. But is it finished at the Second Coming or the third? Since it is a mystery we cannot say that it only includes the preaching of the gospel to the world before the Second Coming. Even the angels are still learning about the mystery.

Context. The events have not helped us to identify which period is correct. Therefore we will look at the context.

  • Revelation 8: 5 (Earthquake). There was a great earthquake before the trumpets began.
    1. Crucifixion (31 AD). A significant earthquake occurred at the crucifixion. It raised the dead.
    2. Lisbon Earthquake (1755). This great earthquake was felt in most of the earth.
    3. Second Coming. This earthquake splits the earth in two. It is described in both the seventh trumpet and the seventh plague.
    JudgmentSatanTrumpetsPapacyFranceSecond Coming
    City FallsJerusalem (70)MartyrsRome (1798)ParisBabylon the Great falls
    Earthquake CrucifixionFifth Seal LisbonSixth TrumpetSeventh Trumpet  Seventh Plague
    Date31 AD1798-?(1755)1798-1815Both earthquakes are the same
  • Revelation 8: 2-6. (The Prayers of the Martyrs in the Fifth Seal). The trumpets are sent as an answer to the prayers of the martyred saints who were to wait for more martyrs. These are the significant periods of martyrdom.
    1. Ten Roman Persecution (67 -313 AD). Ten emperors had a period of persecution. Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Antonius, Severus, Maximus, Decius, Valerian, Aurelian and Diocletian (303-313 AD).
      The martyrs are those of the apostolic church of Ephesus who were to be persecuted for ten years.
    2. Papal Persecution (1000-1260 AD). The millions of martyrs of the crusades and Inquisition.
    3. Mark of the Beast Persecution . Revelation 13 and Daniel 12: 1.
  • Revelation 11: 14 (The Sixth Trumpet). Revelation 11: 1-13 is interpreted as the French Revolution. The revolution is described as concluding at the end of the sixth trumpet. This best fits the first interpretation. However, we can show that when Babylon falls again, another revolution will mimic the events of the French revolution. So that would support the second interpretation.

    The best we can determine is that the trumpets occur after the fifth seal (Revelation 6: 9-11) and the Lisbon earthquake. These were the martyrs who asked for judgment. Therefore, I chose the second interpretation as the one to explain as the fulfillment. The trumpets begin in the time of the end at the feast of trumpets.

    SanctuaryOuter CourtHoly PlaceMost Holy Place
    FeastsSpring FeastsEarly rainSummerFall FeastsLatter rainFruit Harvest
    PassoverWavesheafPentecostDroughtFeast of TrumpetsYom KippurTabernacles
    HistoryCrucifixionCrucifixionWave sheaf ResurrectionDove Holy SpiritApostasyTrumpetJudgment Judgment (1844)Rapture Rapture
    The SealsWhite HorseRedBlackGreyMartyrs revengeSun, moon, starsSilence

    The Witness
    As you study the seven trumpets, you will notice that in each case a faithful witness was sent and was rejected.
    In each case, the word of God was the witness that came in a different form, through different people. This word of God would preach the eternal gospel in every age. In each age, the forces of evil would reject the testimony of the witnesses and try to kill them. The rejection sealed their judgment.

    The Legal Witnesses
    #JudgmentWitnessResponse of the NationsGod's Response
    -Ancient IsraelThe law and the prophetsThey killed themJesus was sent
    -IsraelJesus and JohnThey killed themThe disciples and the Holy Spirit sent
    -JerusalemThe early church. Jesus and the apostlesThey killed Jesus and the apostles and persecuted the churchGospel sent to the Gentiles
    -PapacyThe persecuted church.
    The scriptures and the hidden church
    They persecuted the church for 1260 yearsProtestant reformation. The book of Daniel is opened
    1French RevolutionTwo Witness of Revelation 11.
    They are the Holy scriptures - the law and the prophets
    Beast from the abyss killed the two witnesses (Revelation 11: 7).The Great Awakening
    2Papacy fallsReformers and the printed BibleRejected sola scripturaProtestantism
    3AtheismThe first angelNatureDemonic theories taught in schoolsThe world was given to secularism and atheism
    4Formal Judgment beginsSecond Angel's MessageEternal gospelThey hope in science and technologyCalls the remnant to prophesy again
    5Rise and fall of communismEternal gospelGod is rejected
    6Babylon persecutesThird Angel's MessageEternal gospelThe Righteous are persecutedGod pours out His Spirit. Israel is defended
    7Babylon fallsEternal GospelThe sealed saintsThe eternal gospel that will be a witness to all nations. The remnant will be persecuted.Second Coming

    These trumpets chronicle the last efforts of Satan to set up a kingdom. It begins with his introduction of atheism through one particular state and ends with the creation of a religious system in which he is the god.

    Sons of Israel The Twelve Tribes. This symbol will be used to show the tribe in the north who symbolizes the trumpet. Since each person judged will be given a double portion, each tribe will be judged by two trumpets.

    Alarm The Shofar. Numbers 10 actually gives the rules for sounding the shofar. An alarm is blown when the enemy attacks, when Judah and Reuben set out. The implication is that only Judah and Reuben will be directly attacked. It also says that the first alarm is sounded when Judah leaves and the second alarm when Reuben leaves. So we possibly have a starting point for the first and second trumpets. In addition, the trumpets sound during feast days, fasts, first of the month, when we assemble, offer sacrifices and when we are happy.

    Trumpet First Trumpet - The Persecutions to The French Revolution (1300 - 1789)
    The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. (Revelation 8: 7)

    The Punishment of Babylon
    SourceFirst TrumpetFirst Plague
    EarthEarth burnedSores
    They destroyed the earth and God destroys their bodies which are made from the dust of the earth.
    • Hail and Fire thrown to the earth. War and death came to the world because of the Papal persecutions.
      Then another sign appeared in heaven: and look, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his head were seven diadems. And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.
      And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 
      (Revelation 12: 3-4, 9)
      Sons of Israel Dan ("Serpent Judged"). Dan is the son that is judged to be a serpent who "makes the horse and rider fall backward". Satan is the seven-headed dragon who made the stars of heaven fall to the earth. So he met the same fate when he was judged. The principalities and powers that Satan controls no longer represent earth and he intensifies his efforts to corrupt the powers on earth.

      » Volcanic Eruption and Days of Darkness (535-546). If the entire reign of the papacy is the fulfillment then this event began the fulfillment. In February 535, a great volcanic eruption split the island of Java and created Sumatra. The sound was heard around the world, even in Mexico. The volcanic ash blotted out the sun totally for 18 months so that the day was as dark as night. 536 was the worst year. The light from the sun was as effective as the light from the moon. Civilizations collapsed, tree growth was stunted because of the years of decreased light, many famines and plagues including Justinian's plague which killed over 25 million. Many plants and animals died and some sources claimed that over 50% of the population may have died.
      Alarm The Shofar (Judah Leaves). The first alarm sounds when Judah leaves. Christ began His exodus at the crucifixion and was attacked by Satan. Satan and a third of his angels were cast out to the earth (Revelation 12: 9).
      The Pattern of the Judgment of Satan
      1One third of heavenRevelation 12: 3-4
      2Satan confined to the "sea" (populated earth)Revelation 12: 9
      3The wrath of SatanRevelation 12: 12
      4The 1260 year Dark AgesRevelation 12: 14-15
      5The 150 year persecution of the remnant (no martyrs)Revelation 12: 16-17
      6The final persecution of the remnantRevelation 13
      7Second Coming and the plaguesRevelation 14-19
    • One Third of the Earth. There is one period in history since the time of Christ when one third of the global population was killed. This was the late fourteenth century. The black death, wars of religion and a global economic collapse killed so many people that the population was in a negative growth.
    • One Third of the Trees. Trees are leaders and green symbolizes the things of God. Many clergy were imprisoned or banished when religion was banned and church property was confiscated. Many Protestant clergy were martyred or tortured as galley slaves.
    • All the Green Grass. Grass symbolizes people. The green grass is probably the church. The people "died" because they were led into idolatry and sin by rejecting God. Also many people were martyred as heretics.

    Trumpet Second Trumpet - The French Revolution: Fall of the Papacy (1789-1798)
    The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Revelation 8: 8-9)
    Sons of Israel Dan ("Serpent Judged"). The judgment of the serpent includes the judgment of the little horn, the power on earth that Satan uses. This described the fall of Papal Rome during the French Revolution. Rome had ignored the witness of the Christian church and had persecuted them instead.

    The Punishment of Babylon
    SourceSecond TrumpetSecond Plague
    SeaBloodBlood of the dead
    They are guilty of causing death, so God gives them blood to bathe in
    • Great Mountain. A mountain is a power. This falling mountain was the Papacy. It fell into the sea (Europe) during the turbulent period of the French Revolution.
    • Ships Destroyed. The invasion of Egypt from the sea. Napoleon lost his navy to the British and the Turks. The British destroyed the French fleet and in one day in Abukir Bay, and the French army was stranded. Later, as the French marched against Syria, British forces again captured ships bring supplies.
    • The Witness. The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 testified during the past 1260 years. Some, like the Huguenot, Waldenses, Albigenses and the reformers would hear the message and would be faithful. The response of the apostate church would be persecution and martyrdom.

    Alarm The Shofar (Reuben Leaves). The church suffers great affliction during the 1260 years of persecution.

    Trumpet Third Trumpet - The French Revolution: Secularism and Atheism (1800's)
    The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. (Revelation 8: 10-11)
    Sons of Israel Asher ("Death, Fat Bread"). This is the phase of death and sheol (Hades). Although Asher represents the death phase, the promise is that he will be fruitful in death. Satan introduced theories in this death phase that are now ruling the world. But what we have is bitter, poisonous fruit that will cause the second death.

    • Star Named Wormwood. Satan formulated a plan to destroy the whole world. He causes the fall of the church and rejection of Christianity. He proceeds to export the new theories to the world through the godless revolution.
      It corrupted both the secular and the religious world. Atheism, immorality, evolution and many other changes in thinking that forgot or minimized God and the Bible.
      This fallen star shows up during the fifth trumpet. It takes all this time for the fruit that was planted during this trumpet to reap their harvest. Jeremiah shows the reasons for sending Wormwood. They are caused by idolatry, adultery and apostasy among the leaders so that the people do not repent.
        Idolatry. Moreover, among the prophets of Samaria I saw an offensive thing: They prophesied by Baal and led my people Israel astray.
        Lying and Adultery. Also among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: The committing of adultery and walking in falsehood; And they strengthen the hand of evil doers, so that no one has turned back from his wickedness, All of them have become to Me like Sodom, and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.
        Wormwood. Therefore, so says the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets, Look, I am going to feed them wormwood and make them drink poisonous water, for from the prophets of Jerusalem pollution has gone out into all the land. 
        (Jeremiah 23: 13-15)
      The Punishment of Babylon
      SourceThird TrumpetThird Plague
      Rivers and SpringsPoisoned waterBlood to drink
      They poisoned the earth and killed the people so God gives them blood to drink
    • Bitter Waters. The spread of apostasy and false doctrines among the people. Some of the philosophies that came out of the behavior of the French Revolution were atheism, secularism, people creating their own religion, idolatry, evolution, communism, homosexuality and sadism.
      Contrast all of this to the saints and the accusations against the wicked.
      • Idolatry. The beast tried to make the world commit idolatry. (Revelation 13: 14-15)
      • Lying. God praised the saints for not being liars. (Revelation 14: 5)
      • Adultery. Babylon the Great was the mother of harlots. (Revelation 17: 1-5)
      • Sodom and Gomorrah. Their immorality was as offensive as these cities.
      • Celebrate Evil. They allow evil and forget their task of being watch men.
      • Wormwood. It is God who causes Wormwood to come. It reminds us of the third plague. By that time they get blood to drink.

    Alarm The Shofar (Warning).

    Trumpet Fourth Trumpet - Judgment Begins (1800 - 1844)
    The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not shine for a third of it, and the night in the same way. (Revelation 8: 12)
    Sons of Israel Asher ("Death, Fat Bread"). The first death advances and its darkness obscures the light. The darkness of Hades is pictured here with the judgment of false teachers. There was no light because those who should guide us have fallen.

    In the middle of the trumpets we have a pause. The first three trumpets caused the first fall of the papacy.
    The last three trumpets will cause the second fall of the papacy as it forms Babylon the great.

    The Punishment of Babylon
    SourceFourth TrumpetFourth Plague
    Sun, Moon and starsDarknessHeat
    They rejected the light of the gospel and filled the earth with idolatry. God punishes them with heat.
    • Partial Darkening of the Sun, Moon and Stars. The rejection of the gospel was reflected in a change in the church of God. In this period people believed that they were about to celebrate a millennium on earth. The love of God was being replaced by new theories, new laws, and the revolutionary hope of new scientific inventions. The church fell asleep and did not carry the Protestant Reformation forward. Fortunately, the second great spiritual awakening was occurring and the light of God was not totally diminished.
      » The Year Without a Summer (1816). A volcanic eruption in Tambora in 1815 killed 92,000-177,000 and caused crop failures for two years and a little ice age, triggering global famines and epidemics.
    • Celestial Events. It is during this period that the great Leonid meteor shower occurred on November 12, 1833.
    • The Witness. With the judgment God sends three angels with a message that will combat the evils that will grow from atheism.
      1. The first angel warns us to accept God as the creator. This fights against the theory of evolution.
      2. The second angel states that Babylon has fallen. The secular world systems have failed.
      3. The third warns us not to receive the mark of the beast. Obey God. Do not create our own gods.

    Alarm The Shofar (War).

    Trumpet Fifth Trumpet - Atheistic Communism (1841-1991 or the Scapegoat)

    The Two Thrones
    Vision of God
    Vision of Satan
    The symbols of this trumpet are clearly the struggle of an evil empire. In challenging God, Satan has set up his own throne. We see the throne mimics the attributes of God's throne as described in Ezekiel. Here the throne of God is above the cherubim creatures who are among the fires of God. In the fifth trumpet, the king of the abyss is over the creatures that crawl out of the pit of fire and smoke.

    Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man. And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death flees from them. The appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads appeared to be crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to battle. They have tails like scorpions, and stings; and in their tails is their power to hurt men for five months. They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon. The first woe is past; Look, two woes are still coming after these things. (Revelation 9: 1-12)
    Sons of Israel Naphtali ("Resurrection, Wrestling"). The abyss of Hades was opened with a key and the demonic forces were freed. They only had the power to corrupt those who wanted Satan's values. In the resurrection others are also freed. Satan sent an army of atheists, teachers, scientists, politicians and preachers to corrupt the world with his theories.

    • Star Fell from Heaven. Satan had introduced atheism as a national religion during the French Revolution. Immorality and secularism also flourished at this time. God was actively removed from society. This was shown in the events of the third trumpet. It took several years for immorality, atheism and the theory of evolution to be taught in the colleges and universities until its bitter fruit ripened in the communist takeover after World War II. Religion departments in colleges and universities even changed to accommodate these theories and they introduced religious theories that questioned the power and authenticity of God and the Bible.

      It was during this period that the world and the clergy openly embraced all the sins that God mentioned in Jeremiah 23: 13-15. For those sins God would send the wormwood. The sins are adultery, immorality, homosexuality, idolatry, lying, injustice and failure of the clergy to warn the people that they are living in sin. In fact, the clergy encourages sinners. This is a description of our days.
    • Key to the Bottomless Pit (Abyss). The earth is the abyss. Satan was given this time to set up an army.
    • Men will Seek Death and not find it. This refers to those who suffered under the harsh rule of these atheistic states and also the mistreatment of native populations by imperial conquerors.
      This particular statement best fits the condition of the wicked after they have been resurrected at the Third Coming. At that time they are not allowed to kill or be killed. God alone dispenses the second death.
      However, the statement could refer to the present time and the need of people to end their suffering under communism and the pressures of modern living. Death will not come to them except by suicide and they are unwilling to do this. The only expectations that they had were a hard life, work, poverty and deprivation.
      And death will be chosen rather than life by all the remnant that remains of this evil family that remains in all the places to which I have driven them declares the Lord of Hosts. (Jeremiah 8: 3)

      Job confirms that this phrase can refer to the condition of those who are suffering.
      Why is light given to him who suffers, and life to the bitter of soul, who long for death but there is none, and dig for it more than for hidden treasure. (Job 3: 20-21)
      » The Symbolic Way. If we look at this symbolically, they have just passed through the death phase and they cannot possibly turn back along the path, they must go through all the twelve steps in order. So in the resurrection phase, the death phase is at the furthest point so they cannot find it yet.
      The Sealing
      SealedTo be sealed Undecided WickedUnsealed
    • Hurt Those without the Seal. We learned from Revelation 7: 3 that the four angels with the winds of strife will not blow until the church is sealed. We know that they will be released during the sixth trumpet. However, this trumpet mentions people without the seal. Does this mean that the sealing is over in this time?
      No. The sealing is still in progress because it will not conclude until the sixth plague. But we learned from this that the judgment has passed from the righteous dead to the righteous living. Some who are living are being rejected.
    • Complete Darkening of the Sun, Moon and Stars
      The Punishment of Babylon
      SourceFifth TrumpetFifth Plague
      DarknessSmoke from the abyss darkened the sun and airDarkness in the kingdom
      TortureWill seek death and not find itGnawed tongues because of pain
      Because they caused darkness in the world, God causes darkness in their kingdom. The darkness originates from the throne of the beast.
      Traditional Christianity has been crippled by the theories from this dark place. Secularism, communism and atheism have taken hold of our governments and institutes of learning, media and popular culture. Now the Bible is no longer obeyed by many churches and its laws are considered old fashioned. The light of God has been dimmed by their theories and the majority who believe them.
      » Krakatau (1883). It made a sound that was heard 3000 miles away. It killed 36,417 and exacerbated the little ice age conditions.
    • Five Months (1841-1991). 150 years of the domination of atheistic theories.
      » 1859 - Darwin's book, "The Origin of the Species".
      » 1945 - Communism takes over eastern Europe, Russia and China.
      » 1991 - Communism fell as the beast of the next trumpet emerged. The seventh head of the beast of Revelation 17 defeats the sixth head. The United States and the Catholic church together defeat communism.
    • Locusts. The horde of unbelievers and the demonic forces that control them. As you can see, Satan is attempting to build an army and a kingdom to rival God. This army marches in the sixth trumpet.
      The Two CreaturesComparison
      Evil CreatureCherubimItemLocustCherubim
      KingAbaddonGod (YHWH)
      CreaturesMan, teeth of lion, horse, scorpionMan, lion, ox, eagle
      WingsWingsSix wings
      Wing SoundWar chariots and rushing horsesRushing water
      LightSun and air darkenedLight brighter than the sun, rainbow
      WeaponTail stingsFlaming sword
    • King Abaddon. A king has been orchestrating their progress. This is Satan who appears in physical form to take over the world during the next trumpet. This stage of their growth is defined in Revelation 17 as the eighth head of the beast.

    Alarm The Shofar (An Assembly at The Last Trumpet on Yom Kippur). The shofar sounds at the end of the Yom Kippur service, it calls for the assembly of a leader. The scapegoat is called to assemble his people. Giving permission for Wormwood to have control over the bottomless pit, appears to be related to the time when the scapegoat will be allowed to appear before the people. The scapegoat makes war with God and begins the persecution by instituting the Mark of the Beast test.

    Trumpet Sixth Trumpet - The Time of Trouble (1991 or Scapegoat - Plagues)

    The Two Armies
    Good Army
    The Army of Christ comes to defend the church in the seventh trumpet
    Evil Army
    The Satanic Army assembles in the sixth trumpet

    Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind. The number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them.
    Horses of Zechariah. And this is how I saw in the vision the horses and those who sat on them: the riders had breastplates the color of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone; and the heads of the horses are like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone. A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which proceeded out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents and have heads, and with them they do harm. The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts. 
    (Revelation 9: 13-21)
    Sons of Israel Naphtali ("Resurrection, Wrestling"). Resurrection is pictured with an earthquake because it can be symbolized as a breaking open of the earth to free the captives or a parting of the raging sea to let the captives escape. The Euphrates parts and the forces of God are also unleashed to execute judgment.

    • The Voice from the Golden Altar. We first heard this voice telling the four angels to hold the winds of strife until the sealing of the saints has been done. Now that they are allowed to work, we can assume that the sealing is done.
      With the identification of the righteous and the wicked, God allows Satan to assemble his army. We can see a contrast with this army and the one that God was prepared in Revelation 19. This righteous army separates the righteous from the wicked.

      The Saints at the AltarWhen the lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained.
      And they cried out with a loud voice saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will you refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" 
      (Revelation 6: 9-10)
      Now their prayers are going to be answered and the winds of strife will begin to blow.
    • Four Angels at the Euphrates. The winds of strife are no longer delayed. These are the messages of the three angels and the fourth angel in Revelation 18 who repeats these messages. Because these angels bring the gospel and the warnings, they also bring judgment. We see this image repeated in Revelation 19: 15 where Christ has a sword coming out of His mouth. This sword is the word of God.

      Hold Back Winds of StrifeAfter this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads." (Revelation 7: 1-3)

      The Sealing Ends
      The sealing ends in this trumpet. The winds of strife that are held back might be the final persecution. Ever since this trumpet began we also see trouble beginning in the Middle East. This trouble will terminate in the siege of Jerusalem and the Mark of the Beast persecution.
      Is it possible that the winds of strife at the Euphrates are related to a war in the land of the Euphrates river? A war in Iraq. Then this section of prophecy is a parallel of Daniel 11: 44-45. Then we are now living in that time. The United States is now Babylon the Great and it is involved in a war in the land of the Euphrates.
      "But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go out with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many. "He will pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.
      And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 
      (Daniel 11: 44-45 and Daniel 12: 1)
      The sealing will be over at the point where the King of the North experiences trouble. Because it is at this point that the last persecution starts according to Daniel 12: 1 and the seventh trumpet begins.
      The Growth of the Evil Army
      DescriptionFifth TrumpetSixth TrumpetSixth Plague
      Lion (Babylon)Teeth of a lionHead of a lionEuphrates
      BreastplateIronHyacinth and FireNaked
      MouthSmoke from the abyssFire, smoke and brimstoneThree unclean spirits like frogs
      Tail stingsScorpionSerpentDeception
      ArmyLocustHorses and ridersUnclean spirits gather kings for a war
      WorkAllowed to tormentAllowed to killAssemble for war
    • 200 Million Riders and Horses. These are from the locusts who came out of the abyss in the fifth trumpet. Now that they have worked for 150 years, they have developed an army of humans just like them. This is the global army that surrounds Jerusalem and persecutes the saints. God will destroy them in the last great show down. Their connection to ancient Babylon can be seen in the reference to the horses with "heads of a lion". This army had begun to form in the fifth plague. At that time they only had the teeth of lions. Now they have fully developed.

      Look, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem it will also be against Judah.
      It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.
      "In that day", declares the Lord, "I will strike every horse with bewilderment and his rider with madness. But I will watch over the house of Judah, while I strike every horse of the people with blindness."
      And in that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that come against Israel. 
      (Zechariah 12: 2-4, 9)
    • Breastplate. In their evolution from the fifth to the sixth plague, these creatures change from an iron to a red and blue breastplate. It means that they have transitioned from using the force and brutality like the Roman empire to creating laws that will bring death. Theirs is a civilized persecution, based on law.
      Even now, we see the church silently organizing efforts since 1993 to change global laws to a system modeled after the laws of the inquisition.
    • Hour, Day, Month and Year. They were released at a specific time - after Babylon the Great has formed. The structure of the sentence in the original language is one of emphasis which points to a particular point in time not to a period of time.
      The Punishment of Babylon
      SourceSixth TrumpetSixth Plague
      EuphratesFlood of an armyDries up
      DeceptionSmokeUnclean spirits like frogs
      They deceived the world and God allows them to be deceived by demons.
    • Fire, Smoke and Brimstone Are these part of the seven last plagues? During this trumpet, the message of the third angel will make its final warning. Babylon has fallen and is now persecuting. The third angel now warns with more urgency not to receive the mark of the beast. The punishment for receiving this mark is the fire, smoke and brimstone from the wrath of God.
      But this trumpet seems to suggest this these plagues are caused by horses from the army. What is correct? It is God who ultimately permits it. We see the same principle operating during the plagues of Egypt. Pharaoh hardened his heart, yet God said that He did this. Finally God said that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. This was because God allowed it by not pleading with Pharaoh anymore. In the same way, the wicked will cause their own plagues. And it will be their own fault. Because with their mouths they will not acknowledge God.
      But will these three plagues occur during this trumpet? No, God is only warning them that this generation will receive the plagues if they do not repent.
      It is the warning of the third angel.
      • The Three Plagues From their Mouth
        And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. (Revelation 16: 13-14)
        The army that will be fully developed by the sixth plague is now at work during the great persecution. They will attempt to kill the people of God at that time. Now they force the world to take sides and essentially have marked the wicked for death.
        Notice that God makes them the source of these plagues. Just as the plagues of Egypt appeared to be a condemnation of their gods, the seven last plagues will be a condemnation of the gods of this final generation. Therefore, these plagues will come as a result of their errors and arrogance.
        1. Brimstone. Causes the red and the contamination of the fresh waters in the third plague.
        2. Fire. Causes the heat of the fourth plague
        3. Smoke. Causes the darkness of the fifth plague.
        Warning Plagues. When the plagues fell on Egypt, the first three fell on the whole land, but the seven last plagues did not fall on Israel. This could be like the first three plagues that fell on everyone. It may be what we are experiencing now in cycles of "mock plagues".
        » The Four Horses of Zechariah. The horses of the sixth trumpet are the first three horses of Zechariah. The fourth horse is the seven last plagues.
      • The Third Angel's Message. However, this might be the message of the third angel. It warns about the punishment of the plagues to come with the same symbols.
        Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
        "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." 
        (Revelation 14: 9-11)
        1. Brimstone. The wrath of God.
        2. Fire. The wrath of God
        3. Smoke. Their torment
      • Powers of Heaven Shaken. This period of strife and distress among the nations is the perfect time for the events of Luke 21: 26 to come through. These celestial objects, asteroids and fireballs, can be seen as fire and brimstone. Men will be looking into the skies in fear because of an astronomical event. I believe that it will be the threat of a large asteroid impact. It will propel the world into religious persecution as men try to appease god.
        The Righteous Martyrs. The same message places the righteous at this moment within the generation that will see God. The seventh trumpet will only last one year. Therefore, the results of their work will be important. It also encourages them to be patient and to obey the commandments. The first four will be under attack by the beast.
        Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, "Write, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!" "Yes", says the Spirit, "so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them." (Revelation 14: 12-13)
    • One Third Killed. Perhaps only one third will reject God. On this great harvest day, they have finally chosen the wrong side. They have not been sealed by God. They have been marked for death.
    • Power in the Mouths and Tails ("Church and State Union"). This refers to their power of persuasion, fear, torture, punishment and force of law that will be used to enforce religion. It ultimately refers to their power to give the sting of death. This comes by persuading the world through actions or conviction to sin against God. This is done through their leaders and false prophets.
      » Tail ("False Prophets"). ... the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail. (Isaiah 9: 15)
      » Mouth ("Babylon"). ... he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. (Revelation 13: 11)
      So through the use of draconian laws by the state and a complicit clergy, they do their will.
    • Did not Repent. This is the lament of the sixth plague. The people did not repent, instead they start a war against God. This trumpet shows the armies preparing for battle.
    • Idolatry. Their sin is worshipping demons and idols. This idolatry in the house of God is an abomination that causes desolation. Their judgment is near. In Revelation 13 we learned that during the mark of the beast persecution that they will try to enforce idol worship on the world.
    • The Witness. Now the eternal gospel is being preached by the remnant church. The final message given by the three angels of Revelation 14 is God's last testimony to the world before the end comes. This message will be a witness to all nations. When this message is rejected and His people are persecuted, God will return.
      1. The eternal gospel is preached. The Judgment has begun. Worship God as the creator.
      2. Babylon has fallen. The system of false religion had been judged by God.
      3. Do not worship the beast or receive the mark.

    Sixth Trumpet - Interlude
    The sixth trumpet ends before the judgment of the wicked. The final chance to choose God has gone. It is at this point that we are interrupted with the interludes of Chapters 10 and 11. Both chapters are about the judgment of the trumpets.
    In the feasts of Israel, the trumpets begin to blow on Rosh Hashannah to prepare people for Yom Kippur. This is the trumpet that is blown on Yom Kippur. It is a final warning.

    • The Last Harvest (Chapter 10). This chapter concerns the opening of the book of Daniel so that the prophecies could be understood. It also shows the experience of those who preached the judgment message.
      It is at this point in history, the message to prophecy again must be stated as loudly and as clearly as possible. Because this will be the last opportunity. This is the last generation. There is only one to four years left.
    • The Last Witnesses Murdered (Chapter 11). This chapter talks about the judgment (measurement) of the people of God and the temple of God. It is at this point in history, during the sixth trumpet when all the saints who have been measured and judged will be symbolically taken into the holy city because they have been sealed.
      So the interlude emphasizes the efforts of God and the separation of the righteous before we continue with the final punishment of the wicked.

    Alarm The Shofar (War). The mark of the beast issue separates the world into two groups.

    Trumpet Seventh Trumpet - The Plagues to the Second Coming

    Events1844Second ComingThird Coming
    Dead JudgedRighteousWickedWicked
    JudgmentYom Kippur CleansingMillennium judgmentExecutive judgment
    WrathThe same events as the second comingSeven last plaguesHell
    Nations enragedMark of the beast and occupation of JerusalemSurround the New Jerusalem
    Destroy wickedSecond ComingHell fire
    Hail and earthquakeSeventh plagueHell fire
    Reward saintsSelected, sealedHeavenNew earth

    Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." And the twenty four elders, who sit on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshipped God, saying, "We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who are and who were, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign. "And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth." And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple, and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm. (Revelation 11: 15-19)
    Sons of Israel Judah ("King, Praise the Lord"). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah comes from the east and goes to the living temple.
    The seventh trumpet occurs between the beginning of the seven last plagues and the Second Coming. The key to understanding this plague is in the phrase "the time came for the dead to be judged". The question is which dead and which judgment? There are three possibilities.

    1. 1844: Righteous Investigated. Judgment began with the righteous dead in 1844 and it will pass to the living.
    2. Millennium: Wicked Investigated. During the millennium the saints will judge the wicked. This is to satisfy their curiosity about the fairness of God. It is equivalent to the establishment of a grand jury who will decide whether or not charges should be brought based on the evidence.
    3. Third Coming: Wicked Judged and Executed. The time for the trial and punishment phase of their judgment is after the third coming and their resurrection.

    Alarm The Shofar (War: The Battle of Armageddon and the Yom Kippur of the Jubilee Year). This trumpet included many events that require the blowing of a trumpet. Yom Kippur is the fast at the judgment, the wrath of God includes the beginning of Armageddon and it is a time of rejoicing because God has begun to rule.

    Silent Trumpet

    • Christ Takes the Kingdom (Verse 25). Daniel 2: 44, Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 all describe this same scene. Christ goes to the Ancient of Days and takes the kingdom and begins to reign. This formality is recognized among the principalities and powers of heaven. But only at the Second Coming does He physically take the people of His kingdom. This taking of the kingdom is the outpouring of His Holy Spirit so that the gospel can be finished. He can reign because all His people are ready and they have been sealed.
      A part of this gospel is the writing of the law in the heart. We assume that at the end of the sixth plague the sealing has occurred. Now the sealed ones agonize over their savior. They struggle as Jacob did. He had been sealed. He had been chosen. But he did not feel as if he deserved it. But he wrestled with God until he received a blessing.
        Days of the Trumpet
        Trumpet inactive or silentTrumpet sounds
        7Gospel finished
        Verses 15-17
        Verses 18-19
        The Sealing (Four angels wait)Winds released
      • Gospel Completed - Three Angels' Message. The mystery of God (gospel) will be completed during the seventh trumpet (Revelation 10: 7). This is the eternal gospel mentioned in Revelation 14: 6 - the message of the three angels.

        About to SoundBut in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as he preached to His servants the prophets. (Revelation 10: 7)
      • Sealing Finished - The Four Angels Wait. The statement "about to sound" shows that the events of the seventh trumpet do not occur until after the Gospel is preached and people have taken sides. This means that the sounding of the trumpets is different from the time it is active. The time the trumpet sounds is probably the same time that the four angels release the winds of strife (Revelation 7: 1-4). The sealing occurs when they wait. During the same time the trumpet waits silently.
        These angels were released in the sixth trumpet. However, an enlargement of Revelation 7 shows that they were told to delay their destruction until the sealing is finished.
    • Your Wrath Came (Verse 18). Although the destruction of the wicked in hellfire is the final wrath of God, this phrase points to the seven last plagues. They cause the fall of Babylon and the punishment of those powers that are persecuting the saints.
      The Seven Last Plagues... Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God. (Revelation 16: 1)
      The Great Harvest... put in your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.
      So the angel swung his sickle in the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth and threw them into the great winepress of the wrath of God. 
      (Revelation 14: 15, 19)

    The Punishment of Babylon
    SourceSeventh TrumpetSeventh Plague
    GodGod takes overGod destroys them
    God intervenes and destroys the kingdom.

    The Trumpet Sounds

    • Judgment of the Dead. At the Second Coming the wicked living are killed. It starts the millennium. During this time the saints get a chance to look at the judgments of God. They get to judge angels and to evaluate the sentence of all the wicked. So that by the time the millennium is over all of heaven will be acquainted with all the issues. The wicked are resurrected and they will represent themselves.
      And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come. (Matthew 24: 14)
    • Nations Enraged. The persecution of the saints occurs in these final hours. It is interesting that as the global church is suffering the persecution of the mark of the beast, that the nation of Israel will be surrounded by the nations who want to destroy her. The prophetic imagery is that all of Israel (Jews and Gentiles) will be under attack.
      The Day of the LordLook, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem it will also be against Judah.
      It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.
      And in that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that come against Israel. 
      (Zechariah 12: 2-3, 9)
    • Ark of the Covenant. This is the opening of the Most Holy Place to the saints. Like Stephen at his death they can see God by faith as they flee from the terrible persecutions of the beast.
      These scenes occur from the Most Holy Place. In the previous scenes we were still in the Holy Place. This transition further adds to the evidence that it is now time for the feast of Tabernacles. It is time for the Second Coming which will reward the saints and destroy the wicked. The great hail storm is the storm described by Jesus.
    • Lightning, Thunder, Hail and Earthquake. These are the events of the seventh plague.
      It is the Second Coming. A great storm system that envelops God.
    • The Witness. There are no witnesses except the persecuted saints. God has been totally rejected.

    The Three Woes and the Fall of Babylon
    The Three Woes describe the fall of the Papacy in its different stages and they also mirror the last three plagues which cause the fall of Babylon.
    You will remember from Revelation 13, that the Papacy received a wound and then was healed. After it was healed it rose to power again and tries to conquer the entire world.
    In the last three trumpets this power was judged because it rejected scripture. Then it lost power because of the French Revolution. Finally, Babylon and the entire world will be judged as a result of the message of the three angels and their response to this message.
    In the seven last plagues, the first four affected the people, but the last three cause the fall of Babylon.

    #Babylon FallsTrumpetsPlaguesComments
    5ReligiousSun, moon and stars darkened by smoke from the abyssDarkness on the Throne of the beastPapacy rejects "sola scriptura", they will also reject the message of the three angels and the truth of the Sabbath. This is their religious fall.
    6PoliticalFour Angels released from the EuphratesEuphrates dries upThe French Revolution causes their first political rejection and fall. The loss of support by the world alliance of Revelation 17: 16-17 causes their second political fall at the end.
    7SpiritualChrist takes the kingdomDisaster from the AirGod rejects them, causing their spiritual fall.
    God made a judgment against the "Little Horn" in 1844 and He will make a judgment against Babylon at the end.

    The Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of the Lord
    We may be able to refine the interpretation more by looking at the feast of trumpets. Although Christ died on Passover, He began to fulfill the fall feasts at the same time, just like the Jews who began the feast of tabernacles when they left Egypt in the first month (Nisan). When Christ died, the curtain was ripped, signifying that the great day of Atonement had begun and the temple was opened. The day ends after the scapegoat is banished.

    Crucifixion70 ADDark AgesFrench Revolution1844PersecutionPlaguesSecond Coming1000 Years
    Feast of TrumpetsDays of Awe (Sealing)Yom KippurTabernacles
    -Trumpet 1Trumpet 2-3Trumpet 4Dark DayBlood MoonFalling starsTrumpet 5-6Trumpet 7
    Lord's GoatTemple Opened on the Day of AtonementScapegoat Banished
    TekiahTeruahShevarimTekiah Gadola

    The trumpets are the most cyclic of all prophecies. As each trumpet sounded, the pattern of events were repeated, occurring in the feast of trumpets, the seven thunders, the seven last plagues and the day of the Second Coming.

    1. Crucifixion. This was the beginning of the "Day of the Lord" and the beginning of the days of awe when the righteous are being sealed.
      "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. "The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be delivered; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, as the LORD has said, even among the survivors whom the LORD calls. (Joel 2: 30-32)
      Shofar Shofar Sound ("Tekiah"). The call to assemble for the judgment. Wrath is poured out on the Messiah.
    2. Fall of Jerusalem. Israel is replaced by the church.
    3. Fall of the Dragon. The fall of Satan and the Roman Empire and the corruption of the church by Rome as it fell. Rome created laws to suppress others and establish the church by giving both laws, gifts, land and authority.
    4. Dark Ages (530-Plagues). The church falls into apostasy and persecutes heretics.
      » Astronomical Signs. We should experience a dark day, blood moon and falling stars again.
      Shofar Shofar Sound ("Teruah"). The moaning and groaning sound that is also an alarm describes the urgency of the last call and the persecution that is occurring at that time. It runs parallel with the seven thunders, the sound of God that recreates the righteous.
    5. Plagues 1-4. Instead of beginning this trumpet in 1991, we begin with the appearance of Satan on the last Yom Kippur before the year of the plagues. However, since 1991 we have been receiving signs that the plagues are about to occur in the form of "mock plagues" which mimic the real plagues.
      King Abbadon (The Angel of the Abyss). Satan appears in the false Second Coming just before the plagues begin. The wicked people are judged by being given to Satan for 5 months out of the twelve months of the plagues. They do not have the seal.
      Shofar Shofar Sound ("Shevarim"). The sighing of the trumpet is the sound of giving up the wicked to the plagues. The three woes sound like the three notes of the shevarim or the three sets of notes of the teruah.
    6. Plagues 5-6. Government and powers judged. The Euphrates parts bringing the forces of their destruction.
      Prophesy Again. In this period, we can prophesy with certainty that time has run out and the Second Coming is near. We will have a bitter experience because the persecution will intensify.
      Little Book. The little book is the book of life and the righteous are the people who are sealed.
    7. Second Coming. This is the end of the "Day of the Lord". Wrath is poured out on the wicked.
      Shofar Shofar Sound ("Tekiah Gadola"). The long blast is the trumpet of God for the assembly at the first resurrection.
      For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4: 16,17)
      So the Messiah appears at the little tekiah at the crucifixion and the big tekiah at the Second Coming. At both times the wrath of God is poured out.

    Prophesy Again: The Great Time of Trouble
    This prophecy is like peeling several layers of an onion. The prophecy looks like a wheel within a wheel where it is repeated in smaller cycles until the end. So we present one other possibility. It is based on the assumption that the previous interpretation is true. However, during the sixth trumpet, John is told to prophesy again and we use that as the point where the cycle is repeated again. We are not using prophetic time anymore because the instruction to prophesy again also included the information that there will be prophetic time no more. (Revelation 10: 6)

    Eventually, physical fulfillment meets spiritual fulfillment and the generation has no excuse for their ignorance. It is the last call for the last generation to make sure that their names are sealed and written in the book. The prophecy begins after a great earthquake.

    Great Earthquake. The great earthquake in south east Asia on December 24, 2004 is probably the event. It also occurs in the context of many prophecies suddenly being fulfilled.

    1755Dark DayBlood MoonFrench Revolution1798Falling stars1844Time of Trouble2004Fire BallPersecutionPlaguesChrist
    Trumpet 6 (Prophesy Again Repeat) The Three Angel's MessageTrumpet 7
    Lisbon EarthquakeTrumpet 1-4Trumpet 5Trumpet 6 (Prophesy Again Repeat) The Third AngelTrumpet 7
    Babylon the Great Rises1991DisastersAsian EarthquakeTrumpet 1-4ScapegoatDark DayBlood MoonFalling starsTrumpet 5-6Trumpet 7
    1. The Asteroid or Meteor (A Global Paradigm Shift). Since great national and human made disasters and plagues do not seem to drive the population to return to God, an approaching planet killer or country killer will accomplish this task. Luke hints at this fact. The threat from the heavens in outer space occurs at the time we are also experiencing fear from the atmospheric heavens in the forms of great floods, cyclones and tornadoes. The threat from the heavens escalates.
      There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars and on the earth distress of nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the waves and the sea. Men fainting from fear and the expectation of things which are coming upon the world for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Luke 21: 25-26)
      "Hail with fire" is a good description of a burning object from space. It could be a series of smaller objects that are large enough to destroy a city. The uncertainty that causes fear is the widespread impact and the uncertainty in predicting where they will strike. I believe this might be the event that pushes us towards a religious solution and it begins the great persecution. All life is affected.
    2. Burning Mountain Falls into the Sea: (Babylon the Great Falls). Italy and the United States might also experience devastating eruptions of some of their volcanoes or "burning mountains" as a physical sign of this fulfillment. But the spiritual, political and religious fulfillment will be that all the events that characterize this time of trouble will openly be a problem for these powers. The pedophile scandal among the priests and the efforts of the church to cover it up, avoid prosecution and reassign these offenders among a new group of victims is a testimony to the fact that they cannot speak for God, or have authority over sin and forgiveness.
      The failure of the wars in the Middle East and the willingness of this gentle nation to torture even to the point of raping children while claiming to be doing the will of God is a testimony to their moral bankruptcy. Finally, the willingness of the conservative religious right to make excuses for these policies is a testimony to the moral failure of the Protestant and Catholic leadership.
      Because they have begun the persecution by making laws, it signals their ultimate fall in the eyes of God and it begins His final rejection of them. They will get what they want and they will receive the seven last plagues.
      Babylon is The Mountain that Destroys. Look, I am against you, O destroying mountain, who destroys the whole earth ... and I will make you a burnt out mountain ... but you will be desolate forever ... (Jeremiah 51: 25-26).
      Babylon will be thrown down with violence.
      Then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, "so will Babylon, the great city be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer". (Revelation 18: 21).
    3. The Great Star Wormwood Falls to the Earth (Satan Takes Control). Since they will not obey God, God turns them over to the powers they admire. Babylon is given into the hands of the ultimate king of Babylon, Satan. This may be the false Second Coming. At a minimum it means that open Satanic activity substantially increases and Satan will appear in person in the fifth trumpet when he is given the keys to the bottomless pit, which is the earth.
    4. Darkness: Sun, Moon and Stars (Evil's Last Gasp). We will probably have a real solar eclipse, blood moon and falling stars to fulfill this prophecy and also complete the astronomical signs that are repeated for this cycle. Since Satan is here, this means that moral darkness and an attempt to fight back with false signs and doctrines will be occurring. Revelation 10 gives more detail about this time.
      » It is Finished! They have committed the final act that seals their judgment and rejection. This is equivalent to the three hours of darkness on the cross. God turns His back on the wicked.
      Last SignsTishri 10 (Yom Kippur)Tishri 11-206 Months5 Months2 Weeks1 Week
      EarthquakeTrumpet 1-2Trumpet 3 (Scapegoat Appears)ScapegoatTrumpet 4Dark DayBlood MoonFalling starsTrumpet 5Trumpet 6Trumpet 7
      Last WarningFalse Second ComingSatanDecision Made!123Plague 456Plague 7
      The next act of God is their punishment and His revenge.
    5. The First Woe: (Satan and His Locusts Spread Misery). The plagues begin. They are the first four plagues which target all the wicked people. Satan turns against his own people and he is probably responsible for the devastation that occurs. God simply allows it, but Satan is given the permission to do it. He will appear during the plagues to blame God and the church and to convince the world to intensify the persecutions.
      » Five Months of Torment. At this point, he cannot hurt those with the seal, but Satan can torment the wicked for five real months. This may be during the fourth plague.
    6. The Second Woe: (Satan Prepares to Fight God by Murdering the Saints). This is the darkness of the fifth plague. It is earth's darkest moment. The presence of Satan totally obscures the light of the sun. The reference to the Euphrates and the large army probably also includes the sixth plague in this trumpet.
      The last two trumpets may in fact be the last three plagues that fall on the governments and institutions of Babylon. This is when Revelation 18 is fulfilled and the financial ruin of all businesses occurs.
      ... did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood. (Revelation 9: 20)

      » 200 Million Gather for War. This trumpet also mentions the armies of Babylon, the locusts that cover the earth to prepare to fight God. This event is also the sixth plague where they prepare for the battle of Har-Magedon (Revelation 16: 12-14). God also sends a large army (Revelation 19). It is also the termination of the war described in Revelation 17: 14.
    7. The Third Woe: (Satan Falls). The mystery of God is finished. This does not mean that the gospel is still being preached. It means that the seven thunders have completed their work and the image of God has been created in His people. They have passed the fiery trials of the great persecution.

      » Nations are Enraged. The wicked persecute the righteous and gather for war. Now they are about to kill them.
      » Your Wrath Came. This is the seventh plague or the Second Coming. This completes the wrath of God for this cycle. This event brings its own set of signs, symbols and events that include all the wrath of God.
      » The Judgment of the Dead. It is now time for the righteous to judge the wicked dead.

    Repetition and Enlargement
    The seven plagues do not parallel the time of the seven trumpets. But they show the same pattern of judgment as the trumpets. The trumpets are the partial judgment on those who reject the witness of the eternal gospel. The plagues are the total judgment on those who reject the witness of the three angels - God's final testimony to the world.

    -PassoverPentecostFeast of TrumpetsFeast of Tabernacles
    Beast Heads7 ChurchesSeven SealsSeven TrumpetsSeven PlaguesHistory
    13, 171-34-68-10, 18167, 12-15, 20-22
    1BabylonIsraelPatriarchs and ProphetsTraditional feastsFifth CurseFirst temple destroyed
    2Medo-PersiaIsraelPatriarchs and ProphetsTraditional feastsCursesCyrus
    3GreeceMaccabean revolt
    4RomeJesus ChristPassover CrucifixionFifth CurseSecond temple Satan JudgedCrucifixion
    1Ephesus1White horse: Pure early churchPentecost TrumpetBlessingsApostlesMartyrs
    2Smyrna2Red horse: Roman persecutionsSummer droughtFirst curseRoman
    3Pergamos3Black horse: Apostasy
    5Papacy4Thyatira4Pale horse: Papal persecutionsFeast of Trumpets TrumpetPapal
    5Sardis5Martyrs ask for revenge1French RevolutionSecond curse
    dark sun, blood moon,
    stars fall

    1755 Lisbon earthquake
    1780 dark day, blood moon
    1833 meteor shower
    Signs in the heavens asteroid

    Sky rolls up
    Seven Thunders




    2Papacy fallsThird curseReformation
    7Laodicea3Atheism begins
    4First Angel's MessageJudgment Yom KippurRighteous Judged Judgment
    5Second Angel's MessageAtheism spreadsSealing 144,000
    7United States
    and Papacy
    6Third Angel's MessageBabylon the Great persecutesFourth curseMartyrsMark of the beast
    Jerusalem surrounded
    7The Gospel is finished with the Holy SpiritIsrael converts
    Babylon the Great falls.Fifth curseSealing ends.

    Protected in the sanctuary
    2Blood sea
    3Blood river
    6Euphrates dries
    7Silence in heaven7Hail, EarthquakeSecond Coming
    GodIsraelCovenant keepersFeast of TabernaclesBlessingsFirst Resurrection
    SatanSatan boundMillenniumSaints in HeavenSaints Judge Wicked Judgment
    The Third ComingSecond Resurrection
    Satan releasedJudgment Judgment of the WickedHell Fire Hell fire
     New Heaven and Earth

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    Study to show yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.   2 Timothy 2: 15
    Copyright     Updated : May 19, 2004. 2008. 2009
    Credits: The views expressed here are my own.
    Author: Laverna Patterson. Editor: Patterson (January 2008)
    All images were created by Laverna Patterson and are the property of teachingheart.org