Saturday, 20 May 2023

The Promise to Abraham


The Promise to Abraham

The conflict between the two seeds (Genesis 3:15), seen first of all in the religious difference between Abel and Cain, continued.  In time, there was intermarriage between the sons of God and those who were of “man”, ie of the ideology of Cain, crossing the “enmity” which God had placed between the two ideologies.  As a result of men leaving the ways of God, wickedness and violence increased, which resulted in the flood. Genesis 6:2,3,5
Noah was saved, because:
  • He was just and upright
  • He walked with God (Genesis 6:8,9)

After the flood, the earth was repopulated.  But problems developed again, and people left serving God to do “things their way” … Men departing from God’s way built cities and developed empires (Babel, Genesis 11:9; 10:10), seeking to “ make us a name” (Gen 11:6).  God thwarted their purpose by confounding their language.  He decided to work through one man (Abraham), one family, and ultimately one nation, to bring about His purpose. 

Abraham is VERY important in the purpose of God.  God tells us what He thinks of him in Genesis 18:19.  He was a man who had the capacity to “keep the way of the Lord” and pass it on.   Abraham is mentioned 74 times in the New Testament.

The promises made to him form the basis of the Gospel. (It is not possible to understand the gospel without Abraham).

Abraham is described as:
The friend of GodJames 2:23
Father of the JewsRomans 4:12
Father of us allRomans 4:16
Heir of the worldRomans 4:13

Genesis 11:27-32   Abraham lived in a sophisticated civilisation. “Ur of the Chaldees”  was a city of culture and learning, also a centre of idolatrous worship (Joshua 24:2-3).  The temple or ziggurat of Ur is one of the best preserved ancient monuments in Iraq today, (Tell al-Muqqyyar).  Abraham received a message from God to leave.  This is recorded in Acts 7:2.  He and his family moved to Haran – 800 miles north-west.

In Haran, Abraham is again called to leave. (Genesis 12:1-3)  The story demonstrates two types of people:
  • Those who remained in Ur and Haran (idolatrous)
  • Those who, because of God’s Word, are prepared to separate from their former life

Genesis 12:1-3, 6

(a)    A great nation 
(b)    A great name
(c)    Bless them that bless thee
(d)    ALL be blessed
These promises remain unfulfilled (Hebrews 11:13).  Though a wealthy man, Abraham continued to live in tents as a mark of his pilgrimage.  He did not endeavour to “put down his roots” as it were, because “he looked for a city .. whose builder and maker is God”. (Hebrews 11:10)  Abraham, like others who are recorded in Hebrews 11, will receive the promise in the future (Hebrews 11:39,40).

The seven words of the international promise (“In thee shall all nations be blessed”) constitute the gospel : Galatians 3:8.  They show that God intended ultimately to bring blessings to ALL PEOPLES.  In Genesis 13:14-17, the LAND is promised to Abraham.

Genesis 15:18-21 – the boundaries of the land are defined.  God makes a covenant (more sure than a promise).

Abraham and Sarah have the promised son, Isaac, in their old age.  They face the supreme test when God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  (Abraham believed in the resurrection – Hebrews 11:19.)

Genesis 22:16-18 – Promises and covenants are conditional. This time, God guarantees the promises – on the basis of His own existence.
Hebrews 6:13-18 states that the promise is now “immutable” – unchangeable.
“thy seed”  is no longer the nation of Israel – the singular pronoun “his” defines the seed as singular.  Paul interprets this as Christ.  Galatians 3:16.
Promise      – requires action on part of person to whom promise is made
Covenant    – A contractual agreement between two parties
Oath           – A declaration of an absolute guarantee, which is irrevocable

Abraham’s Descendants:
Many of the natural descendants of Abraham have returned to the land, in preparation for the final stage of the fulfilment of the Promise.  “God has not cast away his people whom he foreknew”(Romans 11:1)

Jesus Christ, through his death, made the Promise to Abraham effective for all who wished to “join the family of Abraham”.  This can be done by baptism into Christ.  Galatians 3:27-29

At the return of Jesus, Abraham will be resurrected, restored to the land, and truly “his name will then be great”.   Luke 13:28, 29 

Galatians 3:26-29
1.         Mary believes that Jesus is born as a result of the promise to Abraham (Luke 1:54,55)
2.         Jesus taught that Abraham “saw” the day of Christ and looked forward to it.  (John 8:58)
3.         True descendants of Abraham are characterised not by genealogy but by personal qualities (John 8:39; Romans 4:12)
4.         The Promise to Abraham IS THE GOSPEL (Galatians 3:8)
5.         Abraham is “heir of the world”! (Romans 4:13)
6.         Abraham will be in the Kingdom of God. (Luke 13:28)
7.         Jesus Christ died “that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through faith” (Galatians 3:14)
8.         There is only one way we can inherit – we must belong to the family of Abraham, THROUGH BAPTISM INTO CHRIST. (Galatians 3:27-29).
9.         In Christ, we are related to the covenants of promise and the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12,13)
Next Lesson:  The Establishment of the Kingdom of God - how God chose the small nation of Israel to live under His laws.

Friday, 19 May 2023

Ezekiel 38


Ezekiel 38

Ezekiel 38

In this way of thinking, Ezekiel 38 is part of the global Armageddon battle that happens AFTER Jesus has returned. It is the 'day of the Lord' when God reveals himself to the nations through the destruction of Gog.

Here is a non-Christadelphian video that gives some reasons why this has to be.

Dr Thomas is confused on this issue. In Eureka Vol IIB p181-182 has Egypt already invadedand afflicted by 'Russo-Assyrian' Gog prior to Jesus return. This is countered by the Rainbowed Angel who conquers and restores Arabia then somehow protects Israel and p183 brings about the 'dwelling safely' Ezek 38. Then, p183, this proves an "irresistable temptation' to Gog who invades Israel (again?). Finally p184 the Rainbowed Angel comes out of Egypt and to Jerusalem and conquers Gog 'inaugrating' Armageddon.

This at least fits well the concept proposed here that there is one (Asshur) invasion before and one (Gog) 'after' Jesus returns.

Graham Pearce, however, questions this in 'How will Christ Come?' 1993,p41-42. From Isaiah 30:25 he deduces that the restoration of Arabia is 'on the day the towers fall' and so must be after the conflict with Gog at Jerusalem. He further argues that if the 'Arabian phase' happens before Gog attacks Jerusalem then it must be some time before because there needs to be enough time for the 'dwelling safely' bit to happen - having war in the south and peace in Israel at pretty well the same time 'not very likely'. Also Habbakuk shows a 'continuous forward movement of events'  from the time the Holy One 'shines forth' in the south.

In the modern traditional incarnation of these ideas, Gog (seen as Russia) does indeed invade Israel after the 'dwelling safely'. However this 'safety' is now seen as a secular peace brought about politically in Israel sometime soon. Any possible link with or 'influence' of a prior 'Arabian' return of Jesus has been quietly forgotten.

(Note: The whole 'Arabian phase' needs re-examination. There are several differing versions of this in Dr Thomas's writings and none are particularly convincing, They all make the assumption that use of language relating to the Exodus is literal and not metaphorical)  

It is suggested that a 'land at peace' is only possible after Jesus returns:

Ezekiel 38:6 In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.

For other passages describing Israel 'dwelling safely' see the following. Some are in the context of return or return from Babylon etc but use exactly the same language as those associated with the kingdom:

Jer 23:6 In his (Jesus The Branch) days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. this is the name by which he will be called:  The LORD Our Righteous Savior. “So then, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when people will no longer say, ‘As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ but they will say, ‘As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ Then they will live in their own land.”

Jer 32:37  I will surely gather them from all the lands where I banish them in my furious anger and great wrath; I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety. They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them. I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me. I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul.

Jer 33:16 “‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. “‘In those days and at that time will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line;  will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called:  LORD Our Righteous Saviour.’

Ezek 28:26. When I gather the people of Israel from the nations where they have been scattered, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of the nations. Then they will live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob. They will live there in safety and will build houses and plant vineyards; they will live in safety when I inflict punishment on all their neighbors who maligned them. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.’”

Ezek 34:28 They will know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke andrescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them. They will no longer be plundered by the nations, nor will wild animals devour them. They will live in safety, and no one will make them afraid. 29I will provide for them a land renowned for its crops, and they will no longer be victims of famine in the land or bear the scorn of the nations.

The Ezek 38 Gog invasion follows. This may be Russia/Europe etc as part of the larger 'Armageddon'. Note the only other use of Gog/Magog in Revelation 20:8 describes a global rebellion at the end of the millenium.

If Iran is the first invader then this phase cannot be Ezek 38 because Persia is only 'at the steps' of Gog.


God's Kingdom

In the days of these kings , shall the God of heaven ​
set up a  KINGDOM  which shall  NEVER  be destroyed
but it shall break in pieces  &  consume all  these  kingdoms
​​Daniel 2 v 44

It shall come to pass  IN THE LAST DAYS ,  that  the mountain  of  the LORD'S house​
shall be established  in the top of the mountains  &  shall be exalted  above the hills​
&  ALL NATIONS  shall flow unto it  &  MANY PEOPLE  shall go  &  say , ​
Come ye  &  let us go ,  to  the mountain of the LORD ,  to  the house  of  the God of Jacob​
&  He will teach us of his ways  &  we will walk in his paths​
for  out of  ZION  shall go forth the law  &  the word of the LORD  from JERUSALEM  -   Isaiah 2 v 2 - 3

Bl​​​​​​​​​essed are the meek :  for  they  shall  INHERIT THE EARTH​   -    Matthew 5 v 5

The kingdoms of  this world  are  become  the kingdoms of our Lord  &  of his Christ  &  he shall reign  FOR EVER  &  EVER    -   Revelation 11 v 15

It  shall  come to pass , that  every one that is left  of  ALL THE NATIONS  which came against  Jerusalem
shall even go up from year to year  to  worship the King , the LORD of hosts   -    Zechariah 14 v 16

The Gentiles  [ nations ]  shall come unto thee  from the ENDS OF THE EARTH  &  shall say , ​
Surely our fathers have  inherited lies , vanity  &  things wherein there is no profit. ​   -    Jeremiah 16 v 19

IN HIS DAYS  [ Christ's ]  shall the  righteous flourish  &  abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.
He  shall have  dominion  also from  sea to sea  &  from the river unto the  ends of the earth
They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before Him  &  His enemies shall lick the dust
The kings of  Tarshish  [ Britain ]  &  of the isles shall bring presents:
The kings of  Sheba  &  Seba  [ Saudi Arabia ]  shall offer gifts.
​​​Yea ,  ALL KINGS  shall fall down before him :  ALL NATIONS  shall serve him   -    Psalm 72 v 7 - 11

And  they  shall come  from  the east  ​
                                 &   from  the west
                                 &   from  the north
                                 &   from  the south
&  . . .  shall sit down  in the KINGDOM of God​​   -    Matthew 5 v 5

And he that overcometh  &  keepeth my works unto the end ​
to him will I give ​power  over the nations​​​   -   Revelation 2 v 26

Thou [ Christ ]  art worthy to take the book  &  to open the seals thereof: ​
for thou wast slain  &  hast redeemed us to God by thy blood
out of every kindred  &  tongue  &  people  & nation
&  hast made us unto our God kings  &  priests  &  we shall reign on the earth   -    Revelation 5 v 9 - 10

But the saints of the most High shall take the KINGDOM  ​
&  possess the  KINGDOM  for ever , even  FOR EVER  &  EVER​    -    Daniel 7 v 18

The KINGDOM  &  dominion  &  the greatness of the  KINGDOM  under the whole heaven , ​
shall be given to  the people of the saints  of the most High ,
whose  KINGDOM  is an ' everlasting '  KINGDOM  &  ALL  dominions  shall serve & obey him   -    Daniel 7 v 27

Behold , the days come ,  saith the LORD , that I will raise unto David  a righteous Branch  [ Christ ]​​
&  A KING [ Christ ]  shall reign  &  prosper  &  shall execute judgment  &  justice  IN THE EARTH​   -    Jeremiah 23 v 5

He shall judge  among  THE NATIONS  &  shall rebuke  many people ​
&  they shall beat their swords into plowshares  &  their spears into pruninghooks
nation shall not lift up sword against nation ,  neither shall they learn war any more   ​-    Isaiah 2 v 4

​For I know their works  &  their thoughts :
IT SHALL COME  ​:  that I will gather  ALL  nations  &  tongues  ​
&  they shall come  &  see my glory  &  I will set  ' a sign ' among them
&  I will send those that escape of them [ Jews ]  unto the nations
&  they shall  declare my glory  among  the Gentiles
&  they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the LORD out of all nations
to  my holy mountain  JERUSALEM ,  saith the LORD   -    Isaiah 66 v 18 - 20

That ' thy way ' may be known  UPON EARTH , thy saving health  among  ALL NATIONS
Let the people praise thee , O God ;  let  ALL the people  praise thee.
O let  the nations  be glad  &  sing for joy : ​
for thou shalt   judge the people  righteously  &  govern the nations  UPON EARTH . Selah.
Let the people praise thee, O God ;  let  ALL the people  praise thee.
Then shall  THE EARTH  yield her increase ; &  God , even our own God , shall bless us
God shall bless us  &  ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH  shall fear him   -    Isaiah 67 v 2 - 7

​​Surely the isles shall wait for me  &  the ships of  Tarshish  [ Britain ]  first , to bring thy sons from far,​
their silver  &  their gold with them ,  unto the name of the LORD thy God ,  to the Holy One of Israel ,
because He hath glorified  thee  [ Jerusalem ]
The  sons of strangers  [ Non-Jews ]  shall build up thy walls  &  their kings  shall minister unto thee
for  in my wrath  I smote  thee  [ Jerusalem ] ,  but  in my favour  have I had mercy on  thee
Therefore thy gates shall be open continually ;  they shall not be shut day nor night;
that men may bring unto ​ thee  [ Jerusalem ]  the forces ( wealth ) of the Gentiles  &  that their kings may be brought.
For the nation  &  kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish ;  yea ,  those nations  shall be utterly wasted  -    Isaiah 60 v 9 - 12

​Behold, I will do  ' a new thing ' ;  Now it shall spring forth ;  shall ye not know it  ?
I  will even make a way in the wilderness  &  rivers in the desert.
The beast of the field shall honour me ,  the dragons  &  the owls
because I give waters in the wilderness  &  rivers in the desert
to give drink to  my people  [ Israel ] ,  my chosen
This people  have I formed for myself ;  they shall shew forth my praise   -   Isaiah 43 v 19 - 21

The wolf  &  the lamb shall feed together  &  the lion shall eat straw like the bullock  &  dust shall be the serpent's meat. ​
They shall not hurt nor destroy in  all my holy mountain , saith the LORD  ​-    Isaiah 65 v 25

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb  &  the leopard shall lie down with the kid​
&  the calf  &  the young lion  &  the fatling together  &  a little child shall lead them
&  the cow  &  the bear shall feed ;  their young ones shall lie down together​
&  the lion shall eat straw like the ox
&  the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp​
&  the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in  all my holy mountain​
for  THE EARTH  shall be  full of the knowledge of the LORD
                                                    . . .  as the waters cover the sea​  -    Isaiah 11 v 6 - 9

Then  judgment  shall dwell in the wilderness  ​
&  righteousness  remain in the fruitful field.
&  the  work of righteousness  shall be peace ​
&  the  effect of righteousness  quietness  &  assurance for ever
&  my people shall dwell in  ' a peaceable habitation ' ​​
&  in sure dwellings  &  in quiet resting places​​  -    Isaiah 32 v 16 - 18

There shall be an handful of corn  in the earth  upon the  top of the mountains​
the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon  &  they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.
His name shall endure for ever :  his name shall be continued as long as the sun​
&  men shall be blessed in him :  all nations  shall call him blessed
Blessed be the LORD God ,  the God of Israel ,  who only doeth wondrous things
&  blessed be his glorious name for ever  &   LET THE WHOLE EARTH  be filled with his glory   -    Psalm 72 v 16 - 19

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth​
it shall not return unto me void ,  but it shall accomplish that which I please  ​
&  it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it
For ye shall go out with joy  &  be led forth with peace ​
the mountains  &  the hills  shall break forth before you into singing​
&  all the trees of the field  shall clap their hands​​​   -    Isaiah 55 v 11 - 12

​But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength​
they shall mount up with wings as eagles ;  they shall run ​
&  not be weary  &  they shall walk  &  not faint​​​​   -    Isaiah 40 v 31

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened  &  the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart  &  the tongue of the dumb sing​
for  in the wilderness  shall waters break out  &  streams  in the desert   -    Isaiah 35 v 5 - 6

And  the eyes  of them that see shall not be dim  ​
&   the ears  of them that hear shall hearken
The heart  also of the rash shall understand knowledge  ​
&   the tongue  of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly​    -    Isaiah 32 v 3 - 4

IN THAT DAY  shall  the deaf  hear the words of  the book  [ Bible ]
&  the eyes of  the blind  shall see out of obscurity  &  out of darkness
The meek  also shall increase their joy in the LORD  ​
&   the poor  among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel​​   -   Isaiah 29 v 18 - 19

ALL NATIONS  whom thou hast made  shall come & worship  before thee , O Lord  ​
&  shall glorify thy name    -    Psalm 86 v 9

Thus saith the LORD ;  I am returned  UNTO ZION  &  will dwell  in the midst  of  JERUSALEM  ​
&  JERUSALEM  shall be called  ' a city of truth '   &  the mountain of the LORD of hosts  the holy mountain
Thus saith the LORD of hosts ;  There  shall  yet old men  &  old women dwell  in the streets  of  JERUSALEM​
&  every man with his staff in his hand for very age.
&  the streets  of  THE CITY  shall be full of boys & girls playing  in the streets  thereof   -    Zechariah 8 v 3 - 5

Sing  &  rejoice , O daughter of Zion :  for ,  lo ,  I come  &  I will dwell  in the midst  of  thee ​ [ Jerusalem ] , saith the LORD.
&  MANY NATIONS  shall be  joined to the LORD  in  THAT DAY  &  shall be my people​
&  I will dwell  in the midst  of  thee  [ Jerusalem ]  &  thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee
&  the LORD  shall inherit Judah  his portion  in the holy land  &  shall choose  JERUSALEM  again  -  Zechariah 2 v 10 - 12

​ALL the ends of THE WORLD  shall remember  &  turn unto the LORD : ​
&  ALL  the kindreds of  THE NATIONS  shall worship before thee.
For the  KINGDOM  is the LORD'S  &  he is the governor  among the nations​    -    Psalm 22 v 27 - 28

Yea , many people  &  strong nations shall come ​
to seek the LORD of hosts  IN  JERUSALEM  &  to pray  before the LORD​   -    Zechariah 8 v 22

But thou ,  O LORD ,  shalt endure for ever  &  thy remembrance unto all generations
Thou shalt arise  &  have mercy upon Zion :  for the time to favour her ,  yea ,  the set time ,  is come
For thy servants take pleasure in her stones  &  favour the dust thereof
So  the heathen ​ [ nations ]  shall fear the name of the LORD  &  all the kings of the earth thy glory
WHEN  the LORD shall build up  ZION ,  He shall appear in his glory
He will regard the prayer of the destitute  &  not despise their prayer
This shall be written for the generation to come  &  the people which  shall be created  shall praise the LORD
For He hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary ;  from heaven did the LORD behold the earth
To hear the groaning of the prisoner ;  to loose those that are appointed to death
To declare the name of the LORD  IN ZION  &  his praise  IN  JERUSALEM
When the people are gathered together  &  the kingdoms , to serve the LORD​​    -    Psalm 102 v 12 - 22

Behold ,  the tabernacle of God  IS WITH MEN  ​
&  He will dwell  WITH THEM  &  they shall be his people​
&  God himself shall be with them  &  be their God
&  God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;​
&  there shall be  no more death ,  neither sorrow ,  nor crying ​
     neither shall there be any more pain  ​
     for the ' former things '  are passed away​​​    -    Revelation 21 v 3 - 4

' God's Kingdom '​
​​​coming soon . . .​ ON EARTH

The Hope of Israel (Elpis Israel)


The Hope of Israel (Elpis Israel)

' The Hope  of  Israel '​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ BIBLE TRUTH  . . .  Churches do NOT teach !!!

God's eternal purpose outlined throughout the Scriptures ,  is to provide a  ' Way of Salvation ' for mankind that He might fulfill His ultimate objective - to fill the earth with His glory.   What is God's Glory ??   Quite simply , it  is  His Character.   God's plan is to fill the earth with faithful people ,  who display a love  &  a desire to reflect  His Ways  &  His Character​

Numbers 14v21    But as truly as I live ,  ALL THE EARTH  shall be  filled  with the ' glory of the LORD '

Psalm 72v19         Blessed be His glorious name for ever  &  let  THE WHOLE  EARTH be filled with ' His glory '

Habakkuk 2v14   For  THE EARTH  shall be  filled  with the knowledge of the ' glory of the LORD ' as the waters over the sea
​The  ' Gospel '  is the  " GOOD NEWS "  concerning the  :
1.  Name of Jesus Christ   (  " the ONLY Way "  unto salvation  )
2.  Kingdom of God  (  " the REWARD "  for His faithful followers  )

The  Hope of Israel  is the central message in the Bible of  ' Salvation for Mankind '
Numbers 14v21    To them , who by patient continuance in well-doing ,
                                seek for glory  &  honour &  immortality ,  eternal life :
                                Glory , honour  &  peace  to every man that worketh good ,
                                to  THE  JEW ' FIRST '  . . . .   &   also to THE GENTILE

God offers salvation to mankind ' solely '  throught the redemptive life  &  work of His Son , the Lord Jesus Christ.  This ' Way of Salvation '  is extended to ALL mankind  -  but  ' first '  to the Jews ( the nation of Israel )  &  then to all other nationalities ( ' Gentiles ' ) ​​

The Jews ( Israelites ) are ​​God's​ ' chosen people '.   As a nation , they are set apart in God's eyes because of the faithful obedience of their fore-father Abraham.  Due to his remarkable belief  &  trust in Him , God made a series of amazing  &  eternal promises to Abraham , to bless his seed ( descendants )  &  to make them great among ' ALL ' nations.

Unknown to  ' most of  ' Christianity  -  these " eternal promises " God made to Abraham  are the  VERY CORNERSTONE  of  ' THE GOSPEL '
Through the promise of  ' A  SEED​ '   &   the promise of  ' THE LAND '  -  we are ,  in the Book of Genesis ,  given the ' prophetic assurance ' of  the Lord Jesus Christ   &  also ,  the Kingdom of God on earth

Throughout God's Word , the Bible ,  there is an unmistakable series of  ' PROMISES '  recorded which underpin God's entire plan & purpose with mankind.   These ' PROMISES '  were  made to a succession of  God's faithful servants   &  they form a wonderful  ' golden thread '  of hope & salvation for both  the Jews  &  the Gentiles.   These ' PROMISES '  attest to the true ' faithfulness ' of God toward His beloved servants  like Abraham  &  highlight His grace  & mercy toward all mankind.   Please consider these wonderful promises we have listed below :

These remarkable promises were then  ' REPEATED '  to his son Isaac  (  Genesis 26 v 3-4  )
&  . . .  later  ' RE-AFFIRMED '  to Abraham's grandson Jacob  (  Genesis 28 v 13-14   &   35 v 10-12  )

Finally to ' under-score ' the importance of these eternal promises ,
they were  ' RE-STATED '  yet again ,  to Abraham's descendent King David  (  2 Samuel 7 v 12-16  )
​So  . . . .  How important were ' These Promises ' ???

​Consider ,  the  APOSTLE PAUL'S  words in the  New Testament  :

​Galatians 3 v 16-17  
Now  to Abraham  &  his seed  were  ' THE PROMISES '  made.
He saith not ,  And to seeds ,  as of many ;  but as of  one ,
And to  thy seed ,  WHICH IS  CHRIST

And this I say ,  that  the covenant  ,  that was  confirmed before  ( of God )  IN CHRIST  ,
      the Law ,  which was four hundred  &  thirty years after ,  cannot disannul ,
      that it should make  the promise  of none effect.
For if  ' THE INHERITANCE '  be of the Law ,  it is no more of promise :
      but  God gave it to Abraham  . . .  BY PROMISE

Romans 15 v 8     ​

Now  I  [ Apostle Paul ]  say that   Jesus Christ  was a minister of the circumcision for  ' the truth of God '
     to  ' CONFIRM  THE PROMISES '  made  unto the fathers  [ Abraham , Isaac  &  Jacob ]

Vision of Four Beasts


Vision of Four Beasts

Vision of Four Beasts 
Nebuchadnezzar had been shown the kingdoms of men represented by the pleasing symbols of a tall statue and a great tree, in Daniel chapters 2 and 4. Here in chapter 7, Daniel, the servant of God, is shown these kingdoms as they really are: like dangerous wild animals. The same four empires are shown and this vision supplies more details to what had previously been revealed.

Daniel 2 & 7The first beast was like a lion, a fitting symbol of Babylon. Many stone lions have been unearthed at Nineveh and Babylon. The outstretched eagle’s wings refer to the territory ruled by Assyria. Wings were plucked when the power of Assyria passed to Babylon, and the addition of a man’s heart means Babylon was more humane than the cruel Assyrians. These powers had ended the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 50:17). Babylon’s empire covered the Fertile Crescent from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.

Another beast, like a bear raised on one side, symbolised the Medes and Persians, with the latter dominant. This empire devoured much more territory than Babylon.

A leopard, a swiftly moving beast of prey, indicated the rapidity of the Greek conquest of Persia. Four wings indicate the expansion of the empire of Alexander the Great, and four heads show its subsequent four-fold division under four of his generals.

The lion, the bear and the leopard (Daniel 7:4-6) correspond to the gold, silver and bronze parts of the image in the king’s dream (2:32, 38-39). The dreadful and terrible fourth beast had great iron teeth (7:7) and corresponds to the legs of iron (2:40).

Iron teeth refer to Roman power. Bronze claws refer to the persistence of Greek culture and philosophy. [Also the two legs of the image relate to the Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) aspects of the iron Roman empire]. Ten horns refer to the ten barbarian nations that succeeded the Western empire in the 4th and 5th centuries. The things attributed to the little 11th horn, which was in the midst of the ten, are so remarkable and so appropriate to the Papacy that no other application seems possible.
Little Horn war with the saints

As the little horn uprooted three of the horns, so the emerging Papal power took the lands of three barbarian kingdoms. As overseer and spokesman, its eyes and mouth have gone throughout the earth. It spoke “great words against the Most High” (7:25), accepting such titles as Holy Father and the infallibility that belongs to God alone. It made war on the saints and prevailed over them for a period of three and a half times. This refers to 1260 years from AD 533, when the Eastern emperor Justinian acknowledged the Pope as Universal Bishop, to 1793, the date of the “reign of terror” in the middle of the French Revolution, which curtailed the Papal power to persecute.

 Decree of Phocas
Another Eastern emperor, Phocas, confirmed the authority that Justinian had granted to the bishop of Rome. Some 1260 years later the Papal States were lost and the Papacy was confined to the Vatican. It now professes to work for the reunion of all churches, provided it is recognised as the mother church. It wants Europe to unite under its Christian influence. The Catholic Church, patterned upon the operation of the Roman empire, maintains its institutions in the style of autocratic Rome.

Daniel saw that the Son of Man would be given dominion and an everlasting kingdom over all nations, and the saints of the Most High would reign with him (7:13-14, 18, 22, 27). At his trial, Jesus told his accusers that Daniel 7:13 and Psalm 110:1 applied to himself: “Hereafter you shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64).

It is abundantly clear that God has ruled in the kingdom of men, and is still doing so. As saints, called out from the world, there is a crown of life laid up for us. Not all of the saints will be chosen, but only those who keep the commandments of Christ. We must keep the vision fresh and alive in our hearts.

In the symbol of the dreadful fourth beast, God showed Daniel that the power of Rome would continue in one form or other until its dominion is taken away and replaced by the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the saints. The Apostle John, who lived in the time of the Roman Empire, was given many more details of the development of the Roman Beast.  
 Beast of Revelation