Thursday, 27 February 2020

Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO CHRIST'S RETURN

Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return


The events in sequence from Christ's return are as follows:
1. Christ's personal coming to Sinai.
2. The resurrection of the dead and. the gathering of them with the living to Sinai to
3. The Judgment of the Responsible — Life Eternal to the righteous, rejection and.
death to the rejected.
4. The Marriage of the Lamb to his perfected Bride — fraternisation at Sinai apart
from the world.
5. Meanwhile the world is left to its own resources. Complete and utter spiritual
darkness falls upon it (Isa. 60:1-2).
6. Russia, having occupied Turkey, consolidates its power therein, forging the Gogian
confederation, and setting up the Image of Daniel 2. This results in the "peace and
safety cry" being proclaimed (1 Thess. 5:1-2).
7. The Gogian confederacy then sweeps south in a lightning attack on Egypt, which
will fall to Russia, and will be occupied by Gog.
8. Tidings "out of the east and north" will cause Gog to leave an occupation force in
Egypt, and withdraw his main forces to Jerusalem (Dan. 11:45).
Tidings out Of The East And North
The former comprise the remarkable events taking place in Sinai (east of Egypt), whilst
the latter probably relates to the efforts of the Western Powers to consolidate their
power in Jerusalem to resist the attack of Gog. He understands the nature of the latter
threat, and. ignoring the first (which he does not quite comprehend), sets siege to
Jerusalem. He is here, ultimately, destroyed by Christ and the saints (See Dan. 11:45;
Dan. 8:25).
This Middle East attack by Russia will inaugurate the "time of trouble" for Jewry
(Jer. 30:67; Ezek. 47).
(1) - Elijah's work
In conjunction with his associates, he will go forth to the Jews scattered abroad to
proclaim to them that Messiah has returned, and that they should make their way back
to the Promised Land. As this Land will be involved in war, they will resist the Jews
returning thereto, and they will have to fight their way back.
Elijah is sent out BEFORE Armageddon (Mal. 4:5; Zech. 14:1), but the Jews will not return
until AFTER Armageddon, for the land must be cleared to receive them.
(2) -Christ's first work of conquest: Subduing the Arabs
Christ's work of conquest is outlined in Habakkuk 3. Verse 6 shows him surveying the
work of conquest and planning the work before him.
Verse 7 declares: "I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of
Midian did tremble."

These are Arab territories. Midian is well known in that relationship.
What about Cushan?
There was a Cushan associates with the Arabs. Sheba and Dedan were descendants of
both Abraham and Cush, evidently through intermarriage (Gen. 25:3; 1 Chron. 1:9).
Moses' Midianitish wife is called a Cushite in Num.12:1.
There are therefore three areas relating to Gush in the Bible:
a. That in the north associated, with the Gihon (Gen. 2:13);
b. That referred to by Habakkuk 3, and adjacent to ancient Midian - i.e. in the
Arabian Peninsular.
c. Modern Ethiopia referred to in Dan. 11:44; Ezekiel 38.
The Cushan of Habakkuk 3, therefore, relates to the Arabian peninsular.
Why are their tents in affliction, and. the curtains of Midian tremble?
We shall show that it will be due to the conquest of Christ.
But first, let us emphasise that the prophecies relating to Edom should NOT BE
The Edomites were to be completely destroyed; the Arabs are to find an honoured place
in the Kingdom of God.
Abraham's prayer on behalf of Ishmael (Gen. 17:18) will then find its fulfilment
(Gen. 21:13).
Isaiah 60:6-7 predicts that they shall worship at Jerusalem, and shall "shew forth the
praises of Yahweh" (v.6), and their offerings shall "come up with acceptance upon Mine
altar" (v.7).
This is in accordance with Isaiah's prophecy relating to Arabia (see also Psa. 72:9).
Verse 15
"In the forest" — The Arabian Peninsula is noted for its aridness, its desert, not for its
prolific growth and forests. But the future will see forests instead of desert. Why?
Because of vast changes in the land that will be brought about (it seems) by the
tremendous earthquake that will alter the land when Christ appears at Armageddon
(Zech. 14:5). See Isa.43:20, and note Bro. Thomas’ comments in "Eureka" vol. 3, p.598.
See Isa. 42:11 - "Kedar" is an Arab tribe.
The "inhabitants of the Rock" relate to Petra. The prophecy speaks of vast changes in
the character of the land and people.
"In Arabia" — The R.V. renders this as "at evening" (cp.v.12), and in Jewish reckoning, the
"evening" is the beginning of a new day (Gen. 1:5). If the RV is to be accepted, therefore,
the term could relate to the Millenium (2 Pet. 5:8).
Though Christ will subjugate the Arabs shortly after he emerges from Sinai, the
completion of the work of restoration will not be finalised, and the desert will not have
produced its forests, until the Millenium commences, some 40 years later.
"Shall ye lodge" — Here is a difference in the character of the people. Instead of being
travelling bedouin, or nomads, as today, the Arabs will be induced to occupy settled
abodes in the Arabian peninsula which shall then flourish with growth. They will no longer
occupy the Promised Land, which is to be given exclusively to Israel (Gen.15:18). The fact
that they will "lodge" in that place suggests a settled condition which is a great contrast
to the present nomadic existence of the Arabs.

"Ye travelling companies of Dedanim" — This likens this prophecy with that of Hab. 3:5.
A son of Cush (Gen. 10:7), and a son of Keturah (Gen.25:3) settled in this part, and gave
his name to this country. The description "travelling companies" indicates the bedouin
Verse 14
"The inhabitants of the land of Tema" — This is the Teman of Hab.3:3,7, and relates to
the "south", the present land of the Arabs.
"Brought water and bread" — The RV renders: "shall bring" — pointing forward to the
future. This is an act of kindness (Deut. 23:4), contrasting with the present hostile attitude
of Arabs (cp. Gen. 16:12). This change of attitude on the part of the Arabs doubtless
caused by the disciplinary action of Christ (Isa. 42:11; 43:19-20; Hab. 3:7) in subduing
them. Doubtless, the terms of capitulation will be the demand on his part of a change of
heart by the Arabs towards the Jewish people. Thus, to the amazement of the Jews
fleeing from the attack of Gog, they will be met with kindness by the once-hostile Arabs.
Verse 15: "They fled" — This is Israel, fleeing from the attack of Gog, in which two-thirds
are going to be cut off and. die (Zech.13:8).
Following upon this disciplinary action, the Arabs will submit to Christ, will be ultimately
educated, in the Truth, transferred to their fertilised Arabian peninsula and ultimately
ascend to Jerusalem to worship before the King (Zech. 14:16; Isa. 60:6-7).
Thus, the Arabs will be subdued and converted to Christ.


1. THE MILITARY DEFEAT OF RUSSIA -- In Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 the prophet describes the invasion of Israel by Russia's army. Though Russia is not mentioned specifically, the names given: Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal exactly correspond to the geographical area of Russia at the time Ezekiel wrote.
"Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophecy against him . . .'' (38:2, NASB)
According to the prophecy, Russia will attack the young nation of Israel -
". . . in the latter years you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land where people were gathered from many nations upon the mountains of Israel . . . You will advance . . . you will be like a cloud covering the land . . ." (38:8-9)
In the midst of an apparent victory, Russia will meet with sudden destruction. God working and manifested through Jesus and the immortalized saints, will defeat the invading Russian army.
". . . when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord God, my wrath will be roused . . . I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain upon him . . . torrential rains and hailstones, fire and brimstone. So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord. (38:17-23, see also 39:1-6)
2. A NEW COVENANT TO BE MADE WITH ISRAEL -- Following the destruction of the Russian army, the Jews in Israel will realize that it was Jesus who saved them from certain annihilation and will recognize him for the first time as their Savior (Zechariah 12:10-14). A new covenant will then be made by Jesus with the Jews -
"Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah . . .'' (Jeremiah 31:31)
"I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will bless them and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My dwelling place shall be with them; and I will he their God, and they shall he my people. Then the nations will know that I the Lord sanctify, Israel, when my sanctuary is in the midst of them for evermore." (Ezekiel 37:26-28, see also Jeremiah 32:36-41 and Romans 11:25-27)
3. THE REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE TN JERUSALEM -- In Ezekiel chapters 40 through 48 and again in Zechariah 14:20-21 there is a clear indication that the temple first built by Solomon, rebuilt by Nehemiah and destroyed in A.D. 70 by the Romans, will be reestablished in Jerusalem. It will be situated on Mt. Zion, and animal sacrifices will again be offered by the people.
"And on that day there shall be inscribed on the bells of the horses, "Holy to the LORD." And the pots in the house of the LORD shall be as the bowls before the altar; {21} and every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be sacred to the LORD of hosts, so that all who sacrifice may come and take of them and boil the flesh of the sacrifice in them. And there shall no longer be a trader in the house of the LORD of hosts on that day." (Zechariah 14:20-21, see also Isaiah 56:7)
4. JESUS TO REIGN FROM JERUSALEM AS KING OF THE EARTH -- Fulfilling the promise God gave to David 3000 years ago (2 Samuel 7:8-16), Jesus will establish Jerusalem as the capital of his world-wide government and reign on the restored throne of his father David.
"He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, {33} and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end." (Luke 1:32-33, see also Isaiah 9:7)
All nations and people will look to Jerusalem as the source of God's teachings and will visit the city to learn of His ways. If any of the people refuse to go up to Jerusalem, punishment will be brought upon them.
"It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, {3} and many peoples shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." (Isaiah 2:2-3, see also Jeremiah 3:17 and Zechariah 14:16-19)
5. PEACE WILL BE RESTORED ON THE EARTH -- Once Jesus has established himself as King over the earth he will bring about a time of peace throughout the world, between all countries.
"He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." (Isaiah 2:4, see also isaiah 9:6 and Zechariah 9:9-10)

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Gnostic Doctrine: The Gnostic Prophecies

Gnostic Doctrine: The Gnostic Prophecies: Gnostic Prophecy Esoteric Knowledge of the End Times or Gnostic Eschatology Many people think that Gnosticism is beyond prophe...

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Prophecy of
Compiled by
For Bible Marking and Class Study
Detroit Christadelphian Ecclesial Library • 14651 Auburndale, Livonia, Michigan, 48154
The Structure and Contents of the Prophecy
Probably just prior to the Babylonian captivity.
Approximately 600 years B.C.
Obadiah - His name means, servant or worshipper of
Yahweh. As such he becomes a very fitting type of Christ.
Very little Is known of his origin or life apart from the
fact that he belonged to the kingdom of Judah.
...Subject matter
Prophecy relates to the punishment of Edom for its cruel
and unbrotherly conduct towards Judah. It also types the
soon coming universal judgments on the Gentiles as Yahweh
is revealed in power and great glory; fulfilling his
eternal purpose of Numbers 14:21; Daniel 2:44. This time
will also find Israel secure in the promised land,
possessors of the first dominion which will have come to
the daughter of Jerusalem. Micah 4:8; Zech. 8:23; Matt.
1 - 16
17 - 21
. 1 - 2
. 3 - 4
. 5 - 6
. 7 - 9
.10 -14
.15 -16
.17 -21
Edom - Destruction
Israel - Restoration
Yahweh's Purpose
Deceived by Self
Deceived by Others
Immediate Cause - Edom1
Israel's Restoration
s sin
Note this Great Truth:
No one can curse Israel with impunity, Gen. 12:3
No one can harm the city of Jerusalem without paying
the supreme penalty, Zech. 12:2,3-
Verse by Verse
Verse 1 The vision - The prophecy is something Obadiah literally saw. Originally
prophets were called seers, 1 Sam. 9:9. Obadiah is now commissioned to
speak what he saw. This is the Word of God. 2 Pet. 1:21; 2 Tim. 3:16
Lord God - Adonai Yahweh = He who will be lords or rulers.
Concerning Edom - The Edomites descended from Esau (Gen. 3&:1»8-9)» and
were therefore Israel's brethren as they were both the sons of Isaac.
They have always been bitter enemies, Amos 1:11. They type those nations
fitted for destruction.
Rumour - Report or tidings
Ambassador - Yahweh's ambassador who in this instant was Nebuchadnezzar,
king of Babylon, Jer. 25:9-11 - servant of Yahweh. Ezek. 30:24 - sword
of Yahweh.
The heathen - Nations
Verse 2 Small among the heathen - When God's power is contrasted with that of flesh
they will see how futile is man (compare Jer. 49:14-16).
Verse 3 Thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock - Edom or Idumea was rocky
mountainous country and many of its inhabitants dwelt in caves and holes
dug out of the rocks in the hills. The city of Petra was in Edom. This
area was considered by the inhabitants to be virtually inaccessible to
invading armies and this added much to Edom's pride of heart.
Verse 4 Exalt thyself as the eagle - Yahweh answers their boasting and compares
them to the eagle which makes its nest in Inaccessible rocks impervious
to attack.
Among the stars - This refers to the confidence they placed in the ruling
powers of Babylon, Isa. 14:12-13. Cp. future, Matt. 24:29
Verse 5 Thieves. . . grapegatherers - Thieves would steal only sufficient for
their purpose and would leave something. Grapegatherers would leave some
grapes for the gleaners but Edom was to be left bare, absolute annihilation.
Verse 6 Searched out - Rendered by Ginsburg "stripped bare."
Hidden things- R.S.V. translates this "treasure" I.E. Edom was to be
stripped bare and completely robbed of all its treasures. This was to be
Yahweh's punishment.
Verse 7 Al1 the men of thy confederacy - Edom had allied herself with Babylon but
her confidence in this nation was short lived. It satisfies the principles
of justice, that the very nation which the Edomites had urged on to destroy
Jerusalem should in turn be used by Yahweh to punish Edom.
Verse 8 Mount of Esau - Literally, Mt. Seir. Seir and Esau have same meaning -
"Hairy or rough." It is a very fitting application to Edom as a nation.
Contrast the mountains of Dan. 2:35; isa. 2:2.
Verse 9 Teman - The southern district of Idumea, Hab. 3:3
Verse 10
Cut off by slaughter - Edom's punishment commenced with Nebuchadnezzar, but
was finally wiped out by the Romans in A.D. 70.
Violence against thy brother Jacob - The prophecy of Obadlah depicts the
final outcome of the age-old controversy between the sons of Isaac.
Edom's name is the first mentioned because of Esau's desire for that red
thing (red pottage A.V.). His name was changed from Esau (hairy and
rough) to Edom (red). This is an important principle for the word
translated red is ADOM.
A.V. Trans.
Meani ng
Esau sinned, here he was called Edom because he demonstrated his nature
of Adam and as such his final punishment will be completed by the sacrifice
of his typical descendents (Gog, Russia) by the shedding of blood (DAM).
Cp. Ezek. 39; Isa. 63:1-3; Isa. 34:5-8; Ezek. 35:1-6. Note the important
reference to blood (DAM) in these last three verses.
Cut off for ever - Contrary to some present day commentators this verse
clearly indicates that Edom has been obliterated forever.
Verse 11 Thou wast as one of them - When Babylon marched against Jerusalem and the
city was breached, Edom also attacked as an enemy and a stranger. In
this, Edom had rejected the ties of brotherhood with Jacob and
therefore had no claim upon Yahweh"s mercy.
Verse 12 Neither shouidest thou have rejoiced - When Jacob was taken captive Into
foreign lands and as a stranger entered strange lands, Edom rejoiced,
opening their mouth loudly and tumultuously against God's people. Now
Yahweh would mock at Edom.
Verse 13 Thou shouldest not - As Edom helped to desecrate the holy things of Yahweh,
so Yahweh would bring calamity upon Edom.
Verse 14 To cut off those of his that did escape - Edom helped to hunt the afflicted
by cutting off those who fled from the face of the invader.
VERSES 15 - 21 - PROPHECY AGAINST LATTER DAY EDOM (the sin power of the
Gentiles), illustrating the sacrificial punishment of the Gentiles at the
triumph of Zion.
Verse 15 The day of the Lion - The day of triumph for the conquering lion of the
tribe of Judah. Compare Joel 3:14; Mai. 4:5; Zech. 14:1.
Al 1 the heathen - Heathen = nations. The prophecy is now enlarged and Edom
is now presented as a type of the Gentile nations. (Cp. Amos 9:11-12;
Acts 15:15-17) In Acts 15:15-17 James substitutes "Gentiles" for Edom.
Verse 16 All the heathen drink - Cp. Isa. 63:1-6 which contains a similar prophecy.
Isaiah saw the victor of Edom from Bozrah, helping Israel, with his
garments dyed red (Adom) with his blood (Dam) of the slain.
Verse 17 Upon mount Zion shall be deliverance - From a scene of destruction and
punishment, Obadiah turns to a vision of glorious deliverance. This is
the burden of all the prophets of Israel, Joel 2:32; Isa. 46:13; Isa. 2:
2-4. This should be our burden also.
Verse 18 And the house of Jacob - The restored and glorified nation of Judah
constituting the nucleus of God's kingdom.
And the house of Joseph a flame - Exek. 37:16-19 shows Ephraim's house of
Joseph. Zech. 9:13 shows the work of Ephraim as Yahweh's arrow and
Judah his bow, referring to the regathering of Israel as they fight
their way back to their land through the Gentile countries.
The house of Esau for stubble - Obadiah sees the Gentile nations under the
title "house of Esau," as the combustible material which will be burnt by
the flame of Ephraim which constitutes the fire in the "house of Jacob."
Not be any remaining - Utter destruction. Cp. Dan. 2:35,44
The Lord hath spoken it - The voice of authority - the divine seal -
absolute certainty.
Verse 19 They of the south - The redeemed host, the cherubim of God. Christ and
his brethren in militant manifestation proceeding out of Sinai: Hab. 3:3>
Psa. 68:17-18; Deut. 33:1-2; Song of Solomon 3:6.
Shall possess the mount of Esau - Esau or Edom lay to the south east of
Palestine. Philistia was to the south west. Ephraim and Samaria were
to the north. Gilead was to the east.
Verse 20 Shall possess that of the Canaanites - Cp. Gen. 12:6; 13:7 with Zech. 14:21.
The word Canaanite comes from a root Kana, signifying "to bend the knee,"
hence to pretend humility and thus a trader, it is thus rendered in the
R.S.V. in Zech 14:21. Canaanites were a people cursed of God, Gen. 9:25*
They are a fitting type of the spiritual traders - the ecclesiastical
merchants of the world, Rev. 18:11. These will be destroyed and Israel
shall become the head and not the tail, Deut. 28:13; Zech. 8:23. Thus
Israel pushes in every direction, demanding a place to dwell.
All of these territories were then in the hands of enemies, so we see
again God's promise of the ultimate triumph of Israel.
Verse 21 Saviours - These immortal saviours with the Lord Jesus Christ at their
head will discipline and educate the Jews, thus turning ungodliness from
Jacob, Rom. 11:25,26.
Esau Jacob
Edom Israel
Arid Wei 1 watered
Barren Productive
Repu 1 s i ve P1 eas i ng to the eye
Red L i mes tone Wh i te sands tone
Gog of the land of Magog The -herubim of glory

A Warning to Protestants

A Warning to Protestants

In the final vision of the apostate Church in Revelation 17, John was shown not only one harlot church, but an entire family, as is depicted in the phrase "Mother of Harlots'' (v.5). This infers that there would be other churches besides the Catholic Mother which would go astray from God. We find the fulfillment of this prophecy in the general movement among Protestant Churches today to turn back to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

During the 16th century, the Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church over disagreements on specific doctrines. Protestant leaders at that time, such as William Tyndale, John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Knox, and many others, recognized the true identity of the harlot church as revealed in Revelation. They publicly denounced the Papal system which often resulted in the persecution, torture, and even death of these Protestants. Since the Catholic Church was so openly exposed it needed a new interpretation of Revelation which would apply the symbols to someone else, and thereby take the heat off the Papal system.

The first one to come up with the solution was Ribera, a Spanish Jesuit Priest, who published his Apocalyptic Commentary in 1585 AD. Ribera solved the problem by applying the majority of Revelation to a seven year period in the future, just before the second advent of Jesus Christ, during which a "future Antichrist' would rule for 3-1/2 years.1 This interpretation purposely left the Papal Church out of the picture and allowed Protestants to once again look favorably upon the Catholic system.

At first, the Protestants recognized the error of Ribera's interpretation, but gradually through the years this GREAT DELUSION of a "future Antichrist'' begun by Ribera has swept through many Churches. Today we find that Protestants have blindly accepted this "future Antichrist" lie without realizing the background of its origin. They no longer know the true identity of the harlot system, but have drastically changed their beliefs so that they are moving back toward the teachings of the Catholic Church which they originally denounced, and are seeking to become associated again with their Mother. Thus the final state of Christianity before the second coming of Jesus Christ is symbolized as a family of harlots who have gone astray from God and his word.

Revelation 17 - The Harlot on a Beast

Another Look at Revelation 13

Once we know the identity of the apostate system, we can go back and take another look at Revelation 13 with more understanding. The beast of the sea represents a later development of the Roman Empire after the Dragon of chapter 12. At the end of the fifth century the western section of the Roman Empire began breaking up and was divided into 10 barbaric nations (the 10 horns of v. 1). The seven heads (v.l) represent seven forms of government1 which ruled the empire throughout its existence. The sixth form of government (the sixth head), which was Roman Imperialism, was wounded (v.3) when the Gothic people captured and ruled the empire from about 490-530 AD. This ''mortal wound'' was healed when the Goths were overthrown and a Roman Emperor again took the throne. At that time, the military power of the empire (the dragon), which was centered in Constantinople, gave its authority (v.4) to the new Roman Emperor.

The comparison of parts of this beast to a leopard, bear and lion (v.2) indicate that the influences of these previous human empires would be found in this Roman dominion and that it would encompass the geographical areas of the former empires. The mouth which was given to the beast (v.5) represents the Papacy (the line of Popes) which did the official speaking for the empire. By command of the Papacy, the Catholic Church persecuted everyone who would not join, especially those who protested against its false teachings. The Papacy had this authority over the Roman world for 42 months, which is the same period as 1260 days. Using the principle that one day represents one year, the 1260 days equal 1260 years, beginning about 606 AD when the Papacy first received world political power, until 1866 when it lost that power.

The Beast of the Earth

Some time about 800 AD, the Roman world underwent a major change when the Holy Roman Empire was formed, and this is depicted in symbol as the beast of the earth (Revelation 13:11). The Holy Roman Empire had two rulers (the two horns), the emperor who ruled the government, and the Pope who ruled the Church. At first they shared the power, but eventually the Papacy took over the political power and the emperor was reduced to a puppet. This take over by the Papacy is represented as "the image of the beast" of the sea because, in effect, the Pope revived the old Roman Imperialism with himself as the emperor. For many years the Pope had control over those who could buy and sell, and he sought the death of anyone who would not worship him. The priests of the Church marked all its members with a cross (the mark of the beast) on their foreheads, and the priests themselves are marked with a cross on their right hands when they are ordained.

The number 666 corresponds to the numerical value of the Greek word "lateinos" which means "the Latin (man)".1 This is the word referred to because Latin not only related to the Roman Empire, but has specific reference to the Roman Catholic Church itself. Latin was the common language of the Roman Empire and was later adopted by the Church as its official language for hundreds of years. Therefore, "lateinos" was an appropriate word to describe the Empire in general, and more especially the Roman Catholic Church itself.

Revelation 17 - The Harlot on a Beast

When we come to Revelation 17, we find a later development in the Roman world and the apostate Church. The Catholic Church is represented as a harlot sitting upon a beast which has seven heads and ten horns (vs.l-3). The fulfillment of this prophecy is to be found in our own day, when the territory of the Roman Empire (the beast) is dominated by the Catholic Church (the mother harlot). The false Church is clothed in purple and scarlet, and decorated with all gold jewels and pearls (v.4) showing an outward form of godliness, but missing the "hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious'' (1 Peter 3:4). The woman's title of "Babylon the great" (v.5) further identifies her, because in verse 18 John was told at the time he was given the Revelation, "the woman that you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.'' At that time there was only one city that had "dominion over the kings of the earth", and that city was ROME, which soon became the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Identity of the Apostasy

The Identity of the Apostasy

When we look through the pages of history we find that no religious system fits this description except the Roman Catholic Church with its leader, the Pope. Consider the following evidence:

  1. The Church rose out of the Roman Empire in 320 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine became converted to Catholicism and with him, the majority of the Roman world.
  2. The Church gained support and rose to be a great world power for 1260 years with its Pope ruling like an emperor, during the years 606-1866 AD.1
  3. The leaders of the Church (the Popes) have taken their seat in what they call the "temple of God" (actually St. Peter's in Rome), and proclaimed themselves to be God on earth. The very title "Pope" comes from the Latin word "papa" which means "father"2, and Jesus warned us to "call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). Thus the Popes and priests have taken upon themselves a title which only God deserves.
  4. The Popes have not only blasphemed God by allowing themselves to be called "Pope", but have also allowed and encouraged such titles as "our Lord God the Pope"3, "the Holy Father"4, and the "Vicar of Christ"5 to be used of themselves. The Roman Catholic Priests are also blasphemers of God in that the very name which they like to be called (''Father'') is specifically forbidden by Jesus Christ to be used of any man on earth because God is our Father (Matthew 23:9). Furthermore, according to a decree from the Council of Trent, priests are to be "called not only angels, but also God"6, which blasphemes the God of heaven all the more!
  5. The Church has believed and taught for centuries the incarnation of Christ, and that the Son of God had a pre-existence as a spirit. These two doctrines of the Church separate Christ from his body of flesh and their end result is that the Son of God did not come "in the flesh."
  6. For centuries the Church persecuted, tormented and even killed thousands of the people who would not join. There were times when it tortured and slaughtered anyone found reading the Bible. When men began translating the Bible into the common language of the people, the Church called them heretics and sought to burn or drown them. The pages of history are full of examples of men and women who were persecuted, tortured and even killed by the Church as it made "war on the saints and conquered them."7
  7. The Church and its leaders remain to be overthrown by Jesus when he returns. Since Jesus has not returned yet, we cannot look to history for the fulfillment of this event. But we know from the Word of God that the false religious system must be destroyed so that Jesus can replace it with his own system and establish the Kingdom of God.

For a more detailed account of how closely the Roman Catholic Church fits the characteristics in Scripture of the great apostate Church, the reader is encouraged to look into some of the many books available on the history of the papal Church.8

1. Robert Fleming, The Rise and Fall of Rome Papal, (London: Houlston & Stoneman. Paternoster Row, 1849), pp. 45-46. (First edition printed in 1701 ) . Grattan Guiness, Light For the Last Days, (London: Morgan & Scott, 1918), pp. 207-208. E.B. Elliott, Horae Apocalypticae, (London: Seeley's, 1851), Vol. IV., pp. 276-280.
2. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, (William Benton, 1971), Vol. II, p. 1765.
3. Canon Law, Extravagans, quoted in F. Walker et all., Watchman! What of the Night?, (Bristol: F. Walker, The Dawn, 1942), p. 51
4. Henry Halley, Bible Handbook, (Chicago, 1956), p. 880.
5. Loraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, (Philadelphia, The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1962), p. 127.
6. Ibid., p. 51.
7. The Rise and Fall of Rome Papal, p. 34. Cardinal Lepicier, The Stability and Progress of Dogma, (1910), p. 202. Bible Handbook, p. 898. Charles Gulston, No Greater Heritage, (London: The Paternoster Press, 1960), p. 210.

8. Robert Fleming, The Rise and Fall of Papal Rome. Henry Halley, Bible Handbook. G.H. Pember, Mystery Babylon the Great, (London: 1941). Leopold Ranke, The History of the Popes, (London: 1853). James Begg, The Whole Evidence Against the Claims of the Roman Church, (London; 1855). Joseph Priestly, A History of the Corruptions of Christianity, (London, 1871). John Bain, The Developments of Roman Catholicism, (London). Albert Close. The Divine Programme of the World's History, (London: The Protestant Truth Society, 1916).

1 & 2 John - The Word "Antichrist" in Scripture

1 & 2 John - The Word "Antichrist" in Scripture

The only actual occurrences of the word "antichrist" in the Bible are found in John's letters.

"By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, {3} and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already." (1 John 4:2-3)

"For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 1:7)

According to the inspired words of John, everyone who does not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came "in the flesh" is a member of antichrist! John wrote these words because there were people in his day claiming that Jesus was a spirit who only used a body for 33 years and then discarded the body when he died1. Tragically, there are still people today who believe and teach that Jesus was a pre-existing spirit who took on a body for his life on earth and then left the body when it was killed. The apostle John says that this is antichrist teaching because it separates Jesus from his body and teaches that Jesus did not really come "in the flesh'', since according to these people, he could exist without the body.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus was born of a human mother, with God as his father (Luke 1:34,35; 2 John 3). Because his mother was human, Jesus inherited a nature like ours which can be tempted to sin (Matthew 4:4, Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:15), and like everyone since the days of Adam he inherited mortality (Romans 5:12-14). The body of Jesus was exactly like ours and he could no more leave his body than we can leave our own. When the body of Jesus died, Jesus himself died and remained dead for three days (Acts 2:23-32; Matthew 16:21). After that, Jesus (including his body) was resurrected and his body was changed to flesh and spirit instead of flesh and blood (Luke 24:36-43; Acts 2:24,32). Jesus himself said after his resurrection:

"See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have." (Luke 24:39)

In this way, the Bible explains to us that Jesus Christ did actually come "in the flesh". God warns us in his Word that to separate Jesus from his flesh is deadly wrong, for this is the teaching of antichrist.

Notice how the Bible uses "antichrist" to describe anyone who does not teach that Jesus Christ really came "in the flesh''. There actually is no such thing in the Bible as one "future Antichrist", because antichrists were already in existence during John's day and many more arose during the following centuries. Antichrists are also in existence NOW since there are many false prophets today who do not teach that Jesus Christ came "in the flesh". Therefore, it is completely unbiblical to speak of one "future Antichrist" and this alone should teach us to beware of the "future Antichrist" theory.

2 Thessalonians 2 - The Man of Sin

2 Thessalonians 2 - The Man of Sin

In 2 Thessalonians 2, the apostle Paul warned all believers that Jesus would not return and the saints would not be gathered to meet Christ until an apostasy developed which would oppose God.1

Paul refers to this apostasy as "the man of sin" and "the son of perdition" (v.3). who would take God's position by sitting in the temple of God and proclaiming himself to be God (v.4) ! This "mystery of iniquity" was already at work in Paul's day (v.7), but it would not be revealed until a later time. When Jesus returns he is to slay and destroy the apostasy so that the Kingdom of God can be established (v.8).

Notice how Paul's description of "the man of sin" related to certain characteristics of the beast in Daniel and Revelation. All three accounts speak of a power which would arise, related to the Roman Empire, that would oppose God and the true believers. This power would continue to exist until Jesus returns to destroy it for ever.


1. According to the word of God the apostasy would develop and the "man of sin" be revealed before the coming of Christ to gather his saints. Paul writes "concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet him'' (2 Thessalonians 2:1), and then goes on to warn us, "Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day (the day of the coming of Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet him) will not come unless the rebellion (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Most people today who believe in a "future Antichrist" turn this order around so that they expect the "man of sin" (who they call the "future Antichrist") to be revealed after the coming of Christ. Once again the "future Antichrist" concept leads to a wrong understanding of Biblical passages which in the end will cause Christians to reject the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns.

Revelation 13 - Prophecy of Four Beasts

Revelation 13 - Prophecy of Four Beasts

The Beast of the Sea in Revelation 13
Revelation 13 then goes on to describe a later development in the Roman Empire. A beast arises out of the sea, once again with seven heads and ten horns (v.l), which relates this beast to Daniel's fourth beast and the dragon in Revelation 12. This beast is "like a leopard, its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth" (v.2). It appears to have a mortal head wound (v.3), but the wound is healed and the dragon gives his authority to the beast (v.4). A mouth is given to the beast (v.5) and it has power to persecute the saints and to blaspheme God for 42 months (vs.5-7).

In the description of this beast we find the prediction of a power to arise that would rule the world and persecute the true believers for 42 months or 1260 days, which again represents 1260 years. This power would speak haughty and blasphemous words against God and his dwelling, and carry out wars against God's saints to conquer them. Since this beast also has seven heads and ten horns (v.l), it must be related to the fourth beast in Daniel 7 and the dragon of Revelation 12, which both refer to the Roman Empire.

Revelation 12 - The Dragon

Revelation 12 - The Dragon

The Seven Headed Dragon of Revelation 12
Keeping in mind God's revelation through Daniel, we now turn to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. At some point around 96 AD, while John was on the Island of Patmos, he received the Revelation from an angel of God. In the first two verses of chapter one, we are told that it was given to show things that "must soon take place." In other words, the Revelation was given to predict events that would begin occurring about the time John copied it down (96 AD) Furthermore, he was also shown other major events that would occur throughout history from that time until the second coming of Jesus Christ and the setting up of the Kingdom of God. The very first description in Revelation 12 of a woman in heaven, clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and crown of 12 stars on her head indicates to us that events in this and other chapters cannot be taken literally. Back in the first verse of chapter one we are clearly told that the Revelation was "signified", which means it was given in signs or symbols. Therefore we should expect to find many symbols used throughout the Revelation and we must carefully look into their meaning.

Women in the Bible are sometimes used to represent religious systems (see 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:23; Isaiah 47:7-9; Ezekiel 16). Therefore, the "woman" in Revelation 12:1 can be taken to symbolize the Christian religious system after the time of John. The "male child'' of verse 5 then, would be a great Christian leader brought forth to rule the world. If we look back in history to 320 AD, we find the great historical event described in Revelation 12. The Roman Empire at this time was ruled and dominated by pagans. A great leader arose named Constantine, who was converted to Christianity. His goal was to conquer the Roman Empire and he determined to make it Christian. However, the pagan military power of the empire strongly resisted him as depicted in symbols by "the Dragon and his angels" (the pagans) fighting against "Michael and his angels" (the Christians). Eventually Constantine, in the name of Christ, defeated the pagans and the entire Roman Empire almost overnight was converted to Christianity.

Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Image

Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Image

Let us start in Daniel 2 with Nebuchadnezzar's image because this prophecy seems to lay the framework for the history of man from Daniel's time up to the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. In Daniel 2 we find the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar was shown an image made of four different metals. These metals indicated the four, and only four, humanly governed world empires that would arise in the course of man's history from Daniel's day on.

King Nebuchadnezzar was told "Thou art this head of gold" (v.38), relating the head of the image to the Babylonian Empire which flourished around 606-538 BC. After that came the Medo-Persian Empire (538-331 BC), which corresponded to the breast and arms of silver on the image (vs. 32,39). Then followed the Grecian Empire (331-68 BC) led by Alexander the Great, which related to the belly and thighs of bronze (vs.32,39). The last world empire to arise was the Roman Empire (68 BC-476 AD), corresponding to the two legs of iron on the image (vs.33,40). In this way, God revealed through this vision the four world empires which would arise before the kingdom of God would be set up on the earth.

The last parts of the image, its feet and toes, were made of iron and clay, showing that the Roman world would be made up of many different nations from the end of the Roman Empire until Jesus (the stone) came to break in pieces the kingdoms of men, and set up his kingdom on earth (vs.33-35,41-45). So we should expect that the Roman dominion would be made up of many different nations, some strong (iron) and some weak (clay), just before the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Leaders to Oppose Jesus

Christian Leaders to Oppose Jesus

The rejection of Jesus when he returns by the Christian leaders appears imminent. They are not even looking for the return of Jesus to the earth before the 7 year reign of "the Antichrist". Consequently, when Russia soon attacks Israel as the leaders expect, they will begin to declare to both their followers and the rest of the world that "the Antichrist" will soon emerge. Christian circles throughout the earth will then intensify their warnings when they witness the sudden destruction of Russia in Israel. Furthermore, when it is learned that the conqueror of the Russians has established a special covenant with the Jews, has called for the temple to be rebuilt and begins to set up his government with Jerusalem as its capital, the Christian leaders will become ecstatic.

Newspapers, radios and televisions in every city will carry the stories of the mysterious occurrences in Israel. They will describe how the Russian army has been destroyed by an unknown force, and how the leader of the victorious army has declared himself to be king over the whole earth. At the same time the media will also carry the united appeal of the Christian leaders as they frantically warn their followers and all others to resist the man in Jerusalem who claims to be from God. They will label him "the Antichrist" and sternly rebuke any who would follow him, warning that their end will be certain death.

The united efforts of the Christian leaders will generate a high degree of resistance towards Jesus when he establishes his throne in Jerusalem. His appeals to the world that he is in fact the Son of God who has returned from heaven, and his attempts to prove his authority by using his miraculous power will be met by stiff opposition from the leaders. Claiming he possesses satanic powers, which enable him to perform his miracles, the leaders will join forces to denounce him. For the first time in the history of the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Protestant churches their leaders will publicly unite together, declaring that the man in Jerusalem must be opposed. Inevitably, the followers of these leaders will confidently join in the opposition. Very likely others who have spent little time reading the Bible or attending church will be easily influenced when they witness events they cannot explain (e.g. the sudden destruction of the Russian army), especially if the Christian leaders are all declaring the same thing: "Reject the impostor, he is the Antichrist!"

Impossible? It Happened ONCE BEFORE!

When Jesus returns to the earth and is opposed as being "the Antichrist", it will not be the first time he will be rejected by the very people who claim to be looking for his coming. There is a powerful lesson to be learned from the reasons that led to the denial and crucifixion of Jesus by the Jews when he came the first time. If someone had told the Jews in Israel before Jesus began his ministry that they would soon reject their Messiah, no one would have believed it. Likewise, who would have thought that people from the same crowds who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem shouting, ''Hosanna to the Son of David'', and spreading their garments and palm branches before Him, would but one week later be crying out "Crucify him, crucify him !"

It must be remembered that before Jesus began his ministry the Jews in Israel were not completely ignorant as to the nearness of the coming of their Messiah. On the contrary, there were several reasons why more than a few of the people expected their Messiah soon to reveal himself. First of all there was Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27), which stated the coming of the "anointed one" would be approximately 490 years (70 weeks of years multiplied by 7 days per week), after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. Many of the Jews were well aware that in 456 BC, this very command was given by Artaxerxes. Secondly, almost everyone in Israel would have heard of the wise men who visited Herod at the time Jesus was born, looking for the infant who was to become the king of the Jews. They so convinced Herod the Messiah had been born that he ordered every male child two years old and under, in the area of Bethlehem, to be put to death in an attempt to destroy Jesus. Thirdly, the message of John the Baptist had spread throughout the nation. He urged the people to be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins and taught that another would come after him who would be far greater than himself.

Following his baptism by John, Jesus journeyed throughout Israel preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and healing the various diseases and infirmities of the people. His fame quickly spread throughout the nation because of the authority with which he spoke and the wonderful miracles he performed. The four gospels record two separate incidents when he fed over 4000 men, plus women and children, from a small amount of food; three different occasions when he raised a person from the dead; and numerous times when the lame were made to walk, the blind were given sight and the dumb were able to speak. It is little wonder that the Jews began to look toward Jesus as being the long expected Messiah spoken of by their prophets. If the comments of the people are examined it is evident they recognized this man from Nazareth was more than a prophet. On several occasions they referred to him as the Son of David and at other times were quoted as saying, "Never was anything like this seen in Israel."

Why then did the Jews reject the very person who had brought hope and healing to Israel and clamor for the release of a terrorist and murderer instead? The answer can be found upon a close look at the incidents that occurred in the last week of Jesus' life before his crucifixion.

A Sudden Betrayal

Following his entry into Jerusalem when the people hailed him as their king (Luke 19:38) and eagerly expected the establishment of his Kingdom (Mark 11:9-10), Jesus spent several days in the city teaching the people and his disciples. There is every indication that he continued to do this right up to the night on which he was betrayed by Judas. During these last few days spent in Jerusalem the entire city would have become aware that Jesus was there. The stories of the marvelous works he had performed would have been talked about in every home and on every street corner. There was hardly anyone in Jerusalem at that time who had failed to hear of this exceptional man.

But then overnight the people turned against Jesus. Ignoring the kindness, love, dedication, and mighty work shown to them for the past 3-1/2 years they turned their backs on him and sought his death. The reason for this sudden betrayal is clearly indicated in Matthew 27:20,

The CHIEF PRIESTS and THE ELDERS persuaded the people to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.

Mark records in chapter 15, verse 11,

The CHIEF PRIESTS stirred up the crowd to have him (Pilate) release for them Barabbas instead.

Responding to the cries and appeals of their religious leaders the people chose to reject their Messiah. Who in Israel would have believed it possible? Had they been familiar (as they should have been) with the Old Testament prophecies concerning the need for the sacrifice and suffering of the Messiah before he acquired his Kingship, the Jews might not have acted so quickly. But their dependence upon the religious leaders for direction led them to denounce their Savior.

And what of today? Because of the popularity and general acceptance of the "future Antichrist" theory, Christians everywhere are being prepared to follow in the same footsteps as their Jewish counterparts at the time of Jesus' crucifixion. Most of today's Christians have come to rely solely on their leaders for an understanding of the prophecies concerning the return of Christ and read their Bibles only to learn of the moral standards to be upheld in their life. While the latter is extremely important, it by no means fulfills the responsibility of every follower of Jesus Christ to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Therefore, with our Bibles in hand, let us examine the true meaning of the Scriptural passages which are misunderstood by the supporters of the "future Antichrist" theory.

Saturday, 17 August 2019


Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return
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These events will have taken place as the Judgment of the Household proceeded.
All nations are to be drawn to Jerusalem to battle - Zechariah 14:1; Joel 3:2.
Armageddon is at Jerusalem, not at Megiddo, as we shall see when we consider
Revelation 16:15.
The process is outlined in Daniel 11:40-45.
The peace and safety cry will precede this time (1 Thess. 5:3-5; Dan. 7:23-25).
Verse 22 shows that the eastern leg of the Roman Image power is here referred to.
The capital was Constantinople. Constantine transferred the capital of the Empire from
Rome to Constantinople, and when the Empire was ultimately
divided into two, the latter city became the capital of Eastern Rome.-
The prophecy of Daniel 7:23-25 relates to the "last end of the indignation" (v.19).
"Latter time of their kingdom" - Daniel was shown four kingdoms developing out of the
power of Grecia. These four kingdoms were Syria, Egypt, Pergamum and Macedonia, and
they arose after the death of Alexander the Great through the rivalry of his four generals.
The "latter time" of their kingdom was when they were absorbed by the rising power of
Rome. Rome was drawn into the Middle East by the power of Pergamum, and from that
centre gradually absorbed all four kingdoms by BC 65.
"A king of fierce countenance" - This implies a warlike aspect, and relates to Rome.
"The transgressors" - Rotherham renders this as "transgressions," and they relate to the
Jewish transgressions. Rome was permitted to dominate by God to punish the Jews for
their folly.
"A king of fierce countenance" - A warlike aspect, which was a characteristic of Rome.
Drawn into the east by Pergamum, Rome ultimately made Constantinople (in the territory
of Pergamum) her capital.
"Understanding dark sentences" - Rotherham renders this "skilful in dissimulation" or
hypocrisy. Others render it "talking riddles." This latter would relate to the harsh foreign
latin tongue of the Romans, a language that is completely foreign to Hebrew in structure
and idiom. See Deut. 28:50.
"Not by his own power" - His power will stem from God. See: Deut. 28:49; Matt. 22:7;
Luke 20:16,19; John 19:11.
"Practise" - The word means to "establish". The RSV renders: "He shall succeed in what
he does."
"Shall destroy the mighty and the holy people" - The Jewish people. It is important to
note that the prophecy is not dealing with Rome, but with the power that occupies
Constantinople, or ancient Pergamum. Rome continued to do so until 1453 when it was
Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return
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taken over by the Turks. Since then, the Turks have been inveterate enemies of the Jews.
Ultimately, Russia will take over Turkey as Revelation 16:12 indicates. This prophecy
therefore merges into a prophecy of the latter-day possessor of Constantinople, even
"He shall cause craft to prosper" - The Roman power in occupation of Constantinople
supported, the pretensions of the Roman Catholic church, and, thus caused "craft" to
prosper. The latter-day possessor of Constantinople (Russia) will ultimately do likewise.
The word craft is translated from Mirmah, signifying deceit, fraud. The RSV renders it
"deceit." In Jer. 9:6 it is used of religion. See also Dan. 8:12. The policy of the Roman
Emperors ruling from Constantinople was to support Roman Catholicism, and thus uphold,
its religious deceit. Russia must ultimately do likewise.
"By peace" - The word in the original (shalyah) signifies "security", or "success."
Rotherham renders; "By their careless security." The peace referred to is that of
1 Thess. 5:3, by which the world will be taken off its guard.
"He shall also" - This is an additional work, such as is indicated in Dan. 11:40. In that
Scripture the King of the North reappears after a long break of time when he no longer
appears on the scene. That is indicated also in this prophecy. There is a long break
between V.24 and V.25.
"Against the Prince of princes" - Sar-sarim: "The Commander of Commanders" - Christ
and the saints. Cp V.11. Isa.55:3.
"Broken without hand" - Without human agency. See Isa. 17:12-14; 31:8; Zech. 4:6;
Dan. 11:45.
This is an amplification and explanation of Daniel 8.
Compare Daniel 8:8 with Daniel 11:4.
Exposition of Daniel 11:40-45
"The time of the end" - Cp with Dan. 8:19. This is defined as the time of Christ's return
(Dan. 12:1), the time of national trouble (Dan. 12:1), the time of resurrection and
deliverance (Dan. 12:2), the time of judgment (Dan. 11:35), the time of the complete
unravelling of the Divine secret and purpose (Dan. 12:4,6,9), the time when Daniel shall
stand, in his lot (Dan. 12:13). There is a beginning and ending to this "time" which
defines an epoch rather than a day,
"The king of the south" - Consistently throughout this chapter this title defines a foreign
power in occupation of Egypt. In this case it relates to Britain who occupied Egypt in
1882. Note that after the incident referred to in this verse, the "king of the south"
disappears from the narrative, and instead, it refers to Egypt (v.42), thus indicating that
after the event here recorded, Egypt will obtain its independence, as it has today.
"Push at him" - This is the "king" of v.36. Notice the use of the personal pronoun "he"
(vv.37,38,39) all aligned with the "King." This King was originally the Roman Emperor who
established his capital in Constantinople. It therefore relates to the ruling power in
Constantinople. In 1453, the Ottomans drove the Romans from Constantinople, and
occupied it themselves, laying the foundation of the Turkish Empire. Turkey thence
Fundamental Prophecies of Christ’s Return
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became the power referred to. It completed the prophecy of v.39 in that it "divided the
land (of Israel) for gain."
The prophecy demands that at the time of the end a foreign power in occupation of
Egypt should push at Turkey. This came to pass in World War 1, when under Allenby the
British forces drove the Turks from Palestine, and made possible the return of the Jews.
This was in 1917.
"The king of the north" - The Russian power.
"Shall come against him" - The same power occupying Constantinople. This Turkish power
will be completely "dried, up" (2,sv. 16:12). Russia will suddenly drive against
Constantinople, and occupy it. There to consolidate the forces of Europe, so that a
peace and safety cry will emanate from those who witness the power of Russia.
Meanwhile Christ will have returned, and. the resurrection and judgment will take place.
"Also" - This implies an additional drive. After consolidating his power in Constantinople,
and forming the image of Dan. 2, Russia will move south.
"Glorious Land" - Or, the "pleasant land." See Dan.8:9.
"Overthrown" - Kashal, to "totter, waver, faint or fall." The countries shall be overthrown
through very weakness.
"Edom, Moab, Amnion" - These countries on the east of Jordan shall escape because
Russia will drive swiftly down the western plains of Palestine in a lightning attack on
Egypt. The term "escape" implies a change in policy between Russia and the Arab powers,
in that the latter will then be antagonistic to the former.
"Egypt shall not escape" - Egypt shall be occupied by Russia.
"Power over the treasures of Egypt" - See Isaiah 19.
"Ethiopians and Libyans at his steps" - Following his army. See Ezek. 38:5.
"Tidings out of the east and north" - To be expounded next tape.