Thursday, 27 February 2020

Bible Prophecy On The Renewed Temple 2 Baruch 32:1-6

2nd Apocalypse of Baruch 32:1-6 On The Renewed Temple

chapter 8 is an account of the destruction of the temple 

8:1 "Now the angels did as he had commanded them, and when they had broken up the corners of the walls, a voice was heard from the interior of the temple, after the wall had fall saying:

2       'Enter, you enemies,
         And come, you adversaries;
         For he who kept the house has forsaken (it).'

3       And I, Baruch, departed. 4 And it came to pass after these things that the army of the Chaldees (that is the Romans) entered and seized the house, and all that was around it." (8:1-4)

Chapter 32:2-4 implies two destructions of Zion one which is recording the event of 70AD and the other that will happen in the last days

1 "You, however, if you prepare your minds to sow into them the fruits of the law, it shall protect you in the time in which the Might One shall shake the entire creation.  
2 For after a short time, the building of Zion will be shaken in order that it will be rebuilt. (the dome of the rock the abomination that causes desolation Matthew 24:15-16; Daniel 12:11)  
3 That building will not remain; but it will again be be uprooted after some time  (in the great earthquake of Zarch 14) and will remain desolate for a time. 
4 And after that it is necessary that it (the temple) will be renewed in glory and that it will be perfected into eternity.
5 We should not, therefore, be so sad regarding the evil which has come now (the destruction of the temple in 70AD), but much more distressed regarding that which is in the future (in the last days the time of Jacob's trouble Jeremiah 30:7 ). 
6 For there will be a greater trial than these two tribulations (The Fall of the temple to the Babylonians and the Romans) when the Mighty One will renew His creation. (2 Bar. 32:1-6)

Bible Prophecy Damascus on the brink of disaster Isaiah 17:1-3

Damascus in Bible Prophecy
The oracle concerning Damascus. “Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city And will become a fallen ruin.

The current crisis in Syria has seen some atrocious attacks and you can understand why the UN and world nations want to intervene.  Since 2011 the country has been gripped by civil war with much of the fighting taking place in Damascus.  Damascus also features in a Bible prophecy

See, Damascus will cease to be a city  and will become a heap of ruins. Her towns will be deserted forever; they will be places for flocks, which will lie down, and no one will make them afraid. The fortress will disappear from Israel, and the kingdom from Damascus; Isaiah 17:1-3

Amos and Jeremiah have prophesied concerning the fate of Syria..Amos 1:3-5 Jeremiah  49:23-27

Jer 49:27  And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Benhadad**.

**The royal title of the Kings of Syria ( the country’s authoritarian leader President Bashar Assad?)

 It would appear then that ultimately Damascus will be destroyed.  Whether this is by civil war, airstrikes, invasion or occupation we don’t know, but the future for Damascus is not good.

The magnitude of the death & destruction of the last 6 years is staggering.  And yet there is more to come.  There will be an explosive climax in Syria.  In fact the climax will be that explosive that Damascus will cease to be a city.  All the government in Syria will be wiped out & the nation in effect will come to an end.  How do we know?  Read  Isaiah Ch.17  &  it tells you exactly what is coming  . . .

ISAIAH 17 v1-3 NLT  -  Look, the city of Damascus will disappear !  It will become a ' heap of ruins  Flocks will lie down in the streets, with no one to chase them away.  The fortified towns of Israel will also be destroyed  &  the royal power of Damascus will end.  All that remains of Syria will share the fate of Israel’s departed glory.

The overthrow of Damascus is linked closely with the invasion of the land of Israel.

interpreting prophecy is a complicated affair; but don’t be surprised if in the future we see:

More unrest in Syria with the destruction of Damascus
The enemies of Israel to the North attacking Israel
The allies of Israel moving in to protect her

We cannot predict the exact timeframe when this will happen; but according to the Bible it will happen.

And then?  Well, again according to the Bible, Jesus Christ will return to the earth to set up his father’s Kingdom.

World events seem to be indicating that these prophecies are also coming true right before our eyes.    So, are you ready to meet Jesus?

Nuclear War ZECHARIAH 5 v1-3

Could ' Nuclear War ' actually be coming ??
Consider this 2,500 yr old Bible Prophecy ►►

ZECHARIAH 5 v1-3 - " Then I turned & lifted up mine eyes & looked & behold a ' FLYING ROLL ' ( ie. missile ) ... v2 And he ( the angel ) said unto me , What seest thou ? And I answered , I see a ' FLYING ROLL ' ( a missile ) the length thereof is twenty cubits ( apx.34ft ) & the breadth thereof ten cubits ( apx 17ft circumference )

v3 Then said he unto me, This is ' THE CURSE ' that goeth forth over the face of ' THE WHOLE EARTH ' for every one that stealeth shall be ' cut off ' [and  perish ] as on this side according to it & every one that sweareth shall be ' cut off ' [and perish ] as on that side according to it. "

Not only is Trump gearing up for conflict with Syria he is also gearing up for conflict with North Korea. He said this week that he had ordered an “armada” of warships to head to North Korea. North Korea has warned that the world is on the brink of “thermo-nuclear war”. Fears are rising that Pyongyang is planning a test of military hardware that could provoke a response from President Donald Trump. Tensions over the North’s nuclear ambitions escalated further on Friday after reports in the US that Washington was ready to launch a pre-emptive strike, while China called for all sides to pull back from an “irreversible and unmanageable stage”. North Korea is of course another stand off between Russia and the US. Russia backs North Korea. The US backs South Korea. It is another remnant of the Cold War - and like Syria it may soon become a hot war...WWW

Zep 3:8
Therefore you must wait patiently for me," says the LORD, "for the day when I attack and take plunder. I have decided to gather nations together and assemble kingdoms, so I can pour out my fury on them — all my raging anger. For the whole earth will be consumed by my fiery anger.

More military chess pieces are on the move. North Korea’s neighbours continued to amass substantial amounts of military hardware in the region on Friday as tensions escalated ahead of a major military anniversary for Kim Jong-un's regime next week.
There were reports of increased activity from Chinese bombers and Russia deploying troops to its Far East while South Korea was put on heightened alert ahead of 85th anniversary of the foundation of its Korean People's Army on Tuesday. The US “armada” is finally now on its way to the region increasing tension still further. It is just another area where we see Russia v US. The gentiles are preparing for war. ..WWW

Joe 3:9-11
Proclaim this among the nations: "Prepare for a holy war! Call out the warriors! Let all these fighting men approach and attack! Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears! Let the weak say, 'I too am a warrior!'
Lend your aid and come, all you surrounding nations, and gather yourselves to that place." Bring down, O LORD, your warriors!

Papal and Muslim Horns of the Beast

The reason for making this video is that we have two conflicting teachings on our prophecy talks about whom the antichrist or the beast system is. One understanding is teaching that the papacy is the beast or antichrist yet on the other prophecy talks, the speaker is declaring that the Islamic State is the beast.

However, this is not a conflict, as I believe both teachings are correct because

the Mark of the Beast has many different forms like making the sign of the cross, the doctrine of the trinity, the names and titles of the Pope and the Islamic State

Therefore, there are two great anti-christian religious systems of deceit revealed in the book of Revelation. The 'great western Antichrist' of Roman Catholicism (Rev 17; 18) and the 'great eastern Antichrist' of Islam (Rev 9)

Indeed, both 'Islam' and 'the Papacy' are 'the two horns of the beast Rev 13:11

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.

Thus, they correspond to the two legs of the image of Daniel 2 Islam and the Papacy.

Another way of looking at it is that the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 is the Papacy and the second BEAST, COMING OUT OF THE EARTH: is "The religion of Islam, which will certainly be fully re-establish in Jerusalem when the Islamic State overrun Israel. This is the religion of the False Prophet. And there is a description of this Beast coming up out of the earth that is the Land of Israel or Palestine for Islam has had roots in Palestine for long centuries. The oppression of Jews both religiously and economically by this False Prophet goes without saying...

the Beast represents the revival of an Islamic State to a position of dominance in Arab anti-Jewish politics.

Since the Papacy (Roman Catholicism) and the powers of Islam are both blaspheming and stirring up trouble for Israel today, it surely does seem that we are still in the "two legs" interpretative section of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of future empires, and very, very close to the image's feet becoming shattered by Christ's return.

Armageddon 2027

Armageddon 2027

The 6th seal was opened in 1799 this resulted in the Ottoman Empire drying up

in 1867 there was emancipation of the Jews in Austria and hungary

This fulfilled the 2400 years evening/morning period Dan 8:13-14 freeing the jews to practice their religion

2400 years ago in BC 604 Nebuchadnezz king of Babylon took control of Jerusalem

Jerusalem was to be trodden down of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled Luke 21:24

These times were declared to be 7 times Lev 26:18,24 Dan 4:16

a time is a jewish year of 360 days in prophecy a day represents a year Num 14:34

Therefore a time is 360 years

7 times are 360 x 7 which is 2520 years

604 BC +2520 brings us to 1917

in 1917 the balfour declaration declared support for establishing arab and jewish states

dividing a jewish year of 360 days by 12 we get a jewish month of 30 days each day represents a year

one hour with the beast is 30 years

adding 30 years to 1917 brings us to 1947 UN resolution 181 the establishing of Jewish and Arab states

1867 to 1917 is a jubilee period

1867 - 1917 1967 2017 2067

each jubilee is significant in jewish history

1967 is the 6 day war when jewish control of Jerusalem this year starts the countdown for the generation that shall not pass away until all is fulfilled mat 24:34

1967 + 70 = 2037

by 2037 Armageddon would have already happened

the final jubilee year of the 21st century is 2067

The 4th beast of Daniel 7 had a 10 horns a little horn grow up and up rooted 3 of them

this happened when Charlemagne defeated , the Vandals, the Lombards, and the Huns, and gave them to the Pope

Charlemagne is crowned the Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope , in 800 AD

the litle horn or papacy was to continue for a time times and the divding of time dan 7:25

360+720+180 is 1260 years from 800 ad brings us to 2060 AD

The last war with the papacy is to last one hour or 30 years see Rev 14:7, rev 17:12 rev 18:10,17,19 the war ends in 2060

therefore the war starts in 2030

They all revolved around the date of October 2, 2027, a Gregorian date, whose Aztec equivalent indicates something may happen (or not). The nihilistic approach indicates that extinction of existence is the ultimate condition. There is no meaning behind this  so is October 2, 2027, the ex nihilo advent of the final extinction then rather than a fourth world?

I looked around to see what information there already is about the year of 2027. A solar eclipse will occur on August 2, only two months before the “end”

The Kingdom Of God In The Future

The image prophecy of Dan. 2 explains how Christ will return as the little stone, and then the kingdom will gradually spread world-wide (cp. Ps. 72:8). This means that the Kingdom of God will not just be located in Jerusalem or the land of Israel, as some maintain, although these areas will certainly be its heartland.

Those who follow Christ in this life will be "kings and priests; and we shall reign on the earth" (Rev. 5:10). We will rule over settlements of various sizes and number; one will rule over ten cities, another over five (Luke 19:17). Christ will share his rulership over the earth with us (Rev. 2:27; 2 Tim. 2:12). "A king (Jesus) shall reign in righteousness, and princes (the believers) shall rule in judgment" (Isa. 32:1; Ps. 45:16).

Christ is to reign for ever on David's re-established throne (Luke 1:32,33), i.e. he will have David's place and position of rulership, which was in Jerusalem. As Christ will reign from Jerusalem, this will be the capital of the future Kingdom. It is in this area that a temple will be built (Eze. 40-48). Whilst people will be praising God at various places world-wide (Mal. 1:11), this temple will be the focal point of the world's worship. Nations "will go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles" around the temple in Jerusalem (Zech. 14:16).

This annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem is also prophesied in Isa. 2:2,3: "In the last days, the mountain (kingdom - Dan. 2:35,44) of the Lord's house (temple) shall be established in the top of the mountains (i.e. God's Kingdom and temple will be exalted above the kingdoms of men)...and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways...for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem". This appears to be a picture of the early days of the Kingdom, as people spread the knowledge of Christ's reign to others, and they go up to the "mountain" of God's Kingdom, which will be slowly spreading world-wide. Here we have a picture of real enthusiasm in religious worship.

One of the greatest human tragedies of our day is that most people 'worship' God for political, social, cultural or emotional reasons, rather than upon the basis of a true understanding of Him as their Father and Creator. In the Kingdom there will be world-wide enthusiasm to learn the ways of God; people will be so motivated by this desire that they will travel from all ends of the earth to Jerusalem in order to gain more knowledge of God.

Instead of the confusion and unfairness created by man's legal systems and administration of justice, there will be one universal legal code - "the law, and the word of the Lord", which will be pronounced by Christ from Jerusalem. "All nations shall flow unto" these teaching sessions, implying that this common desire to find the true knowledge of God will lessen the natural friction between nations, as it does between individuals who dedicate themselves to gaining such knowledge in this life.

This description of all the nations flowing unto Jerusalem is similar to the picture presented in Isa. 60:5, where the Jews "flow together" along with the Gentiles (non-Jews) to worship God in Jerusalem. This connects perfectly with the Kingdom prophecy of Zech. 8:20-23:-
"There shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities; and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go continually (A.V. mg. - cp. Zech. 14:16 'year by year') to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem...ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you".
This creates the picture of the Jewish people being made "the head, and not the tail" of the nations, due to their repentance and obedience (Deut. 28:13); the Jewish basis of God's plan of salvation will then be appreciated by everyone. The ignorance of this amongst contemporary Christianity will then be abruptly ended. People will then enthusiastically discuss these things, so that they can tell the Jews, "we have heard that God is with you". Conversation will then revolve around spiritual things, rather than the vain phantoms which fill the world's present thinking.

Given this greater commitment to godliness, it is not surprising that Christ "shall judge among the nations...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (Isa. 2:4). The absolute authority of Christ and total justice of his arbitration in disputes will result in the nations willingly changing their military hardware into agricultural machinery, and abandoning all military training. "In his days shall the righteous flourish" (Ps. 72:7) - spirituality will then be exalted, and respect will be paid to those who reflect God's characteristics of love, mercy, justice etc. Contrast this with the present exaltation of the proud, self-assertive and selfishly ambitious.

The willing beating of "swords into plowshares" will be part of a much greater agricultural change which will come upon the earth. As a result of Adam's sin, the ground was cursed for his sake (Gen. 3:17-19), with the result that great effort is presently needed to get food from it. In the Kingdom "there shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the (once barren) mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like (the crops of) Lebanon" (Ps. 72:16). "The plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine" (Amos 9:13), such will be the improved fertility of the earth, and the reduction of the curse on the ground pronounced in Eden.
Such immense agricultural enterprise will involve many people. The Kingdom prophecies give the impression that people will return to a self-sufficient, agricultural lifestyle:-
"They shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid" (Mic. 4:4).
This self-sufficiency will overcome the abuses which are inherent in any system of employment of labour for cash. Spending a lifetime working to make others rich will then be a thing of the past.
"They shall build houses, and inhabit them (themselves); and they shall plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat...mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labour in vain..." (Isa. 65:21-23).
Isaiah 35:1-7 contains a matchless prophecy of how infertile land will be changed, resulting in an aura of joy and happiness almost oozing from the land, due to the easier and more spiritual way of life of those who work it: "The wilderness...shall be glad...the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall...rejoice even with joy and singing...for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool". Even the natural aggression between the animals will be removed: "the wolf and the lamb shall feed together", and children will be able to play with snakes (Is. 65:25; 11:6-8).
In the same way as the curse which was placed upon the natural creation will be greatly reduced, so that which was placed on mankind will also be lessened. Thus Rev. 20:2,3 speaks in symbolic language of the devil (sin and its effects) being "bound", or restrained, during the Millennium.Life-spans will be increased, so that if someone dies at 100 years old, they will be considered but a child (Isa. 65:20). Women will experience less sorrow in childbirth (Isa. 65:23). "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" (Isa. 35:5,6). This will be due to the miraculous Spirit gifts again being possessed (cp. Heb. 6:5).
It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the Kingdom of God should not be seen as a tropical island paradise, which the righteous will enjoy in a similar way to which men enjoy sunbathing amidst the glories of nature. The fundamental purpose of the Kingdom of God is to give glory to God, until the earth is full of glory to Him "as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14). This is God's ultimate aim: "As truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord" (Num. 14:21). Glory to God means that the inhabitants of the earth will appreciate, praise and copy His righteous attributes; because the world will be in this state, God will allow the physical earth to reflect this, too. Thus "the meek shall inherit the earth (in the Kingdom), and shall delight themselves in the abundance of (spiritual) peace" (Ps. 37:11), rather than in enjoying the easy life. Those "which do hunger and thirst after righteousness...shall be filled" with it in the Kingdom (Matt. 5:6).
Just the thought of possessing eternal life in the Kingdom is often used as a 'carrot' to induce people to an interest in Christianity. However, our possession of it then, will almost be incidental to the real reason for our being in the Kingdom - which is to glorify God. In what time may remain to us after our baptism, our appreciation of this should continually develop.
To the writer, just ten years of living in the joy of absolute perfection and good conscience with God would be worth all the trauma of this life. That this glorious state will last for ever simply blows the mind, taking us beyond the limits of human comprehension.
Even when viewed in slightly more physical terms, being in the Kingdom of God should be our supreme motivation to despise worldly advantages and materialism. Instead of taking excessive thought for the immediate future, Jesus advised, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:30-34). Everything which we can now imagine and strive for is incomparable to the ultimate fulfilment of being in God's Kingdom.
We need to seek "(God's) righteousness", i.e. to try to develop a love of God's character, which means that we want to be in God's Kingdom because righteousness will be glorified there, because we want to be completely morally perfect rather than just because we, personally, want to escape death and live an easy life for eternity.
All too often the hope of the Gospel is presented in ways which appeal to human selfishness. Obviously our motivation for being in the Kingdom varies tremendously from day to day. What we are suggesting here is an ideal; our first priority is to learn the Gospel and show our submission to it in baptism from a motive of loving obedience to God. Our appreciation of the hope God is offering, and our exact reasons for wanting to be in the Kingdom, will grow and mature after our baptism.

The 6th trumpet will sound during Trump's Presidency

Have you ever noticed that God gives such simple messages that no one even sees them?

Donald Trump.

A trumpet is NOT a person. it is an event

The 6th trumpet will sound during Trump's Presidency.

The 6th trumpet EVENTS will OCCUR during Trump's presidency just as the 5th Trumpet occurred during the Bush presidency's.

Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the "sun" became black as sackcloth of hair, and the "moon" became as blood; 6:13 And "the stars of heaven" [The Stars and Stripes] fell unto the earth, even as the "fig tree" [IN Jerusalem] casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind (Eze 13:13). [Remember John tells us he heard a noise like thunder: A NUCLEAR BLAST?] The cursing of the fig tree (Mat. 21 and Mark 11) and the accompanying parable about casting a mountain (code word for GOVERNMENT) into the sea, unlocks the "untimely figs" teaching in Revelation. If you paid attention to the parable of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24, you discovered that a fig sprouts it's leaves the 3rd week of April - AND IT DID: 224/1948.

When might THE 6TH TRUMPET 'let loose'?

Jesus actually gives the biggest clues with the statement: "pray that your flight not be in Winter nor on the Sabbath day". If you look through the scriptures, you will not find the Sabbath called the Sabbath day any other time. This is CRITICAL. This means it is a DECLARED SABBATH and not a normal 7th day following 6 days of work. And there is only ONE DECLARED Sabbath Day that follows the LAST DAY of winter on God's calendar of any given year. As for the year, I would say that Daniel already declared it: Daniel 9 tells you: 1948 + 62 years =2010 2010 + the final 7 year period = 2017. Then the final 1 year, of His cloud return, defeats His enemies, and RULES = 2018 The last 70 years (Dan. 9:24 WEEKS refers to FEAST OF WEEKS, which happens ANNUALLY; thus 70 years is the length of the LAST GENERATION): Remember the rules for counting the Omer and the qualifications from the text: "from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem" or [5/14/1948] which came well AFTER Passover, 1948 and the start of the Omer counting when we are to count: Lev. 23:15-16 - And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete. Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days;

That is why 1949 is year ONE "NOT ONE JOT NOR TITLE SHALL PASS FROM THE LAW UNTIL ALL THINGS ARE FULFILLED". The sun, the moon, and the stars (Psalm 19) are keeping His appointed times (WHICH ARE PART OF HIS ETERNAL LAWS - they keep them, even if we have stopped - which is why all these things are coming upon us) and these are the KEY to determining when "all these things come to pass". Remember what Jesus said: "There would great tribulation like HAS NEVER BEEN"

 Add that Revelation says that 1/3 of mankind is KILLED during a 200 million man war and you should be able to piece together that He was talking about a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR.

Last days events

Last days events

A world buildup of crises -- wars, famines (droughts), pestilence (epidemics, pollution), and earthquakes will become more common and more frequent around the globe (Mat 24:6,7; Mar 13:7,8; Luk 21:10,11; Rev 6:2-8).

There will be Chaos in world leadership -- world leaders will find that they cannot cope with these "natural" and man-made disasters that pile one on top of the other. This is but the beginning of their total helplessness, with no available solution except the feeblest stop-gap measures (Luk 21:25,26; Isa 24:4-13; 13:6-13).

An increase in nationalism -- where every nation looks more and more to its own interests during the economic crises, and where the process of equipping military forces for war will also increase (Luk 21:10; Joe 3:9,10; Dan 2:41-43).

An attack on Israel -- the increase of intense anti-Semitic feeling around the world, particularly by the Arabs, who foster those feelings by oil market manipulation, self-serving propaganda, and "jihad" frenzy (Psa 83; Eze 35; 36; Oba; Zec 14; Luk 21:2-24; Rev 11:2).

 the beginning. of divine judgments on the world -- because they have cursed God's people and are filled with violence and wickedness, as in the days of Noah and Lot (Gen 12:3; Zec 2:8,9; Oba 1:15; Luk 17:26-30; Rev 8; 9).

Pockets of faithful witnessing -- that God is forewarning mankind via these plagues (as He did through Moses in Egypt), that they should repent and be ready for the coming of Christ (Mat 24:14; Mar 13:10; Rev 11:4-6; 14:7,8).

Reactions of stubbornness and apostasy -- few will heed the Gospel message, and many will leave the faith; false prophets will abound and mankind will become utterly degenerate, cursing God and His faithful few (2Ti 3:1-5; Mat 24:10-12,24; Rev 9:20,21; 11:7-10).

A great tribulation settles on Israel and the world -- perhaps lasting 3 1/2 years (Luk 21:20-24; Rev 11:2,3; Jer 30:7)! It will be a time of total confusion and despair and misery; some countries will have totalitarian-type governments who suppress and oppress in order to have some type of control (Mat 24:21,22; Rev 13; 12:17; Dan 7:23-25).

The coming of "Elijah" -- probably an Elijah-like prophet of the Last Days (Mat 17:11) -- who will preach to the oppressed of Israel (Mal 3:1; 4:5,6) during the 3 1/2 years (Luk 4:25; Jam 5:17,18; Dan 12:7; Rev 11).

Repentance of the remnant of Israel, along with the faithful prayers of believers everywhere, will bring back Christ before the world destroys itself (Lev 26:40-42; Deu 4:30; 30:1-7; Joe 2:12-20; Jer 31:17-20; 50:4,5; Mat 23:39; Act 3:19,20; Mat 6:10; Rev 22:17; Mat 24:22).

Christ's Return -- visible, with clouds of glory, and with the angels, whom he sends to raise the dead and gather the faithful to himself (Mat 24:30,31; 1Th 4:16,17; Act 24:15; Joh 5:29; 1Co 15:51-54; Mat 25:31-46; Rev 20:4-6,11-15). He comes back to the Mount of Olives, initiating a tremendous earthquake (Act 1:10-12; Zec 14:3-5; Rev 16:17-21).

This will also involve, at the same time, the deliverance of faithful Israel -- oppressed Jews in and around Jerusalem are delivered by the King of Glory (Joe 2:32; Luk 21:27,28; Zec 12:9-11; Mat 23:37-39; Psa 24:7-9). Jews who have been carried captive into Assyria and Egypt will be brought back to Israel by a "second exodus" (Isa 11:11-16; 19:20-25; 60:9; 63:11-14; Mic 7:15).

The wrath of God appears concurrent with Jesus' coming, with total destruction being poured out on the enemies of Israel, and on other centers of evil (after the example of Sodom), and with wicked men being annihilated (2Th 1:5-9; Mat 13:41,42; Rev 11:17,18; 16:1-10; Dan 2:44,45; 7:11,26; Is 13:11 with Rev 6:12-17).

A last attempt to defeat Christ and his glorified saints will come from the Pope and its allies (Eze 38; 39; Rev 19:11-21; ). This rebellion will be speedily crushed.

The Millennium (ie 1,000-year reign of Christ on the earth) will fill the earth with the Glory of the Lord, and bring peace and righteousness to all (Num 14:21; Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14; Psa 72; Isa 2:2-4; Isa 35; Zec 14:16; Rev 20:6).

The effect of the Millennial Reign of Christ and his saints will be that all sin and death is removed from the earth, so that -- finally -- God will be "All in all" (1Co 15:24-28,54-57; Rev 21:3,4,22-27; 22:3-5).

The Book of Enoch The Apocalypse of Weeks

The Apocalypse of Weeks
93.1 After this, Enoch began to speak from a book:

93.2 And Enoch said: "Concerning the sons of righteousness, and concerning the elect ones of the world, [throughout the whole 7,000 year period] and concerning the plant of righteousness and uprightness, I will speak these things to you, and make them known to you, my children. In consequence of that which has been shown to me, from my heavenly vision and from the voice of the Watchers and Holy Ones have I acquired knowledge; and from the tablet of heaven have I acquired understanding."

93.3 And Enoch then began to speak from a book, and said: "I was born the seventh, in the first week, [It doesn’t give reference as to when this week actually starts, however it appears that each week is a 700 year period for all ten of them to fit into a 7,000 year period. Interestingly this is like saying a week (7,000 years) ten times of weeks (700 years)! And since it says he was “born the seventh” (and there is a second witness to this in 1:14) I am making the start date of the first week on 3993 BC at the “founding of the world” when Adam sinned as it seems to fit perfectly throughout the whole “ten part” time period (one could use 3992 when Cain was born but in this scope of time it would make little difference]
 while justice and righteousness still lasted. [this “period of  tranquillity” is the time period from Adam and Eve getting new garments of skin to the end of the day of rest that Jehovah had gone into – so from 3993BC to 2993 which would take the period of  tranquillity well into the second of the ten weeks that Enoch describes in great detail with regard to the flood and Noah’s time]

93.4 And, after me, [after 3040BC when Enoch is transferred (Hb 11:5)] in the second week, [3293 - 2593BC] great injustice will arise, and deceit will have sprung up.[this marks the time when the sons of god the seed of Seth and the seed of Cain commit the many grievous crimes upon the earth as recorded in Chapter 9 of Enoch and Genesis 6]. And in it [the second week] there will be the First End, and in it, a man will be saved. Meaning that Noah a righteous person is delivered 7But when the first [week] is completed, iniquity shall grow up; and during the second week he shall execute the decree [the one made in Chapter 14] upon sinners [both the sons of god and the sons of men - the execution of the decree being the deluge on those who do not enter the Ark which occurred from 2371 to 2370BC. So this too fits in well with the story of Noah and the end of this particular week].

93.5 And after this in the third week, at its end, a man will be elected as the Plant of Righteous judgement [this “man” being Abraham]; , and after him will come the Plant of Righteousness, forever. [future event – one who comes from the seed of Abraham - Jesus].

93.6 And after this,, in the fourth week [1893 – 1193BC], during its completion, the visions of the holy and the righteous shall be seen [the time of Moses and the visions on Mt. Sinai], and a Law for all generations take place [Moses’ prophecies concerning the coming Christ (a prophet like him –Dt 18:15)], and a habitation shall be made for them [the Promised Land by covenant].

93.7 And after this, in the fifth week [1193 – 493BC], at its end [or during its completion that is toward the end of the week], a House of Glory and Sovereignty will be built forever. The house is not the temple but the house of David  The Davidic line (also referred to as the House of David

93.8 And after this, in the sixth week [493BC – 209AD], all those who live in it [the house of dominion] will be darkened. [the Jewish system was one of the darkest under the Mosaic Law at the hands of the Pharisees], the hearts of all of them shall be forgetful of wisdom [they focus on the Law and maintaining a yoke on people instead of listening to the wisdom of God], and in it shall a Man [Immanuel/Jesus] arise and come forth [as the Messiah].
And during its completion [toward the end of the sixth week] He shall burn the house of dominion with fire [the judgment and consequent destruction of the temple and the fall of Jerusalem (70AD)], and all the race of the elect root shall be dispersed [the Diaspora].

93.9 Afterwards, in the seventh week [209AD – 909AD], an apostate generation shall arise [under the Roman Catholic Church]; and many shall be its deeds, and all its deeds perverse [intense persecution and death to any “true” Christian who would question their teachings or authority or try to translate the bible in other languages etc…]. During its completion [towards its end], the righteous shall be selected from the everlasting plant of righteousness [those who were under the alter in rev 6 and the 144‘000 of rev 7]; and to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine of his whole creation [ they will function as witnesses of righteouseness  Unfortunately they had to hide this knowledge to keep it from being destroyed by the church].

91.12 And after this there will be another week; the eighth , that of righteousness [909AD – 1609AD], to which shall be given a sword to execute judgment and justice upon all oppressors [the Lollards movement, Protestant movement (Luther), Wycliffe accomplished translating the bible in English and it was well on its way to being the most published book in the history of the world as it became a global phenomenon – it was the Word of God (the sword) that executed judgment and justice (not physical but spiritual) on anyone who denied the power of the Old Testament and the Gospels].  and the sinners will be handed over into the hands of the righteous. [the “sinners” of the “middle ages” or “medieval times” were eventually subdued by the rise of the European powers and delivered into their hands],

91.13 And, at its end, [toward the end of the week] they [the elect ] shall acquire habitations by their righteousness  and a House [the “body” which is comprised of those who truly tried to bring God back into the everyday lives of men] will be built for the Great King in Glory, forever.

91.14) And all mankind shall look to the path of uprightness. And after that, in the ninth week, [1609AD – 2309AD] the righteous judgement shall be revealed to the whole world, [this is the time period we are now in, when the kingdom of God will be set up in the earth and righteous judgement shall be revealed to the whole world. The real “terrifiers” (Is 13) will be taken out of the way] And all the works of the godless shall vanish from all the earth, [not all of the people shall be destroyed but the work shall disappear];  And the world [the order of things or the system of things] shall be written down for destruction. [those who got the mark of the beast and worshipped it while blaspheming God and His truth are bound for Gehenna to be destroyed]; and all men [both good and evil] shall be on the watch for the path of integrity [all men, will look for the Christ and His brothers for understanding and guidance]. This period must continue for 300 years well into the Kingdom of God on earth under the new heavenly administration]

91.15 And after this, matter on the tenth week [2309 - 3009AD], in the seventh part, [not “seventh day” - this seventh part being the last 100 years 2909AD-3009AD] there shall be an everlasting judgment [on the last day of the tenth week those who have died during the 1000 years will be brought out  of the grave to be judged], which shall be executed by the Watchers of the eternal heaven  [upon the archons or world rulers of this age]; the great judgment which shall come from all of the angels [the angels are the sanits and the end of all that is evil will come as death itself is swallowed up forever - Amen!]

91.16 And the First Heaven will vanish and pass away and a New Heaven will appear, and all the Powers of Heaven will shine forever, with sevenfold light.

91.17 And after this, there will be many weeks without number, forever, [after the 1,000 year when God is all in all],  in goodness and in righteousness. And from then on sin will never again be mentioned. there will be no more remembrance of it

2 Esdras - prophecy of the end times

 2 Esdras - prophecy of the end times

Before we begin I would ask that you pause the video and read 2 Esdras 5:1 and 6

"Now concerning the signs (Signs of the END TIMES): behold, the days are coming when those who dwell on earth shall be seized with great terror (or fear see Rev. 18:10,15), and the way of truth (The Gospel message) shall be hidden (by governments; politicians and priests), and the land shall be barren of faith. (Luke 18:8)

[2] And unrighteousness shall be increased beyond what you yourself see, and beyond what you heard of formerly.

[3] And the land which you now see ruling shall be waste and untrodden, and men shall see it desolate. (The picture presented in this verse before us, therefore, is that of a desolated system, "the ten horns hated the whore, and made her desolate and naked" (Rev. 17:16).)

[4] But if the Most High grants that you live, you shall see it (after 1986) thrown into confusion after the third period (the Third Trumpet (Revelation/Apocalypse 8:10-11 - CHERNOBYL [1986] means Wormwood in Ukrainian ) and the sun shall suddenly shine forth at night, and the moon during the day. (The sun [and] moon stood still in their habitation. Habakkuk 3:11 It shall come to pass, [that] at evening time it shall be light. Zechariah 14:7) This will be fulfilled on 2/8/2027,

[5] Blood shall drip from wood, (the process by which fertile land becomes desert caused by deforestation and DROUGHT through CLIMATE CHANGE and WASTED by pollution from heavy-metals; toxins; agent-orange; radiation; anti-personnel LAND-MINES; forest-fires and the general effects of global warming and warfare; etc.; etc.). and the stone shall utter its voice; (Stones formed by man’s spirit (the ignorance of ego) are deceptive and can cause a person to be “stoned to death,” that is spiritual death and they build temples that will not stand the test of time. )

the peoples shall be troubled, and the stars shall fall. (In symbology, "stars" represent prominent rulers (cp. Dan. 12:3). The stars falling to the earth would represent the overthrow or a revolution of world leaders being ejected from their positions of authority. The heavenly bodies are commonly used as denoting governments and leaders (see Ezek. 32:6-8; Isa. 1:1,10; Luke 21:25, etc.).

[6] And one shall reign (The Antichrist) whom those who dwell on earth do not expect, and the birds shall fly away together;

[7] and the sea (of the people) of Sodom (Sodom stands for pride and abomination;) shall cast up fish; (the coming judgement on Babylon the great Rev 18:7,8 - Rev 17:5- just as the sea casts out dead fish*)  and one whom the many do not know shall make his voice heard by night, and all shall hear his voice. (the voice of the son of man)

(Luke **17:29* But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.)*

8] There shall be chaos also in many places (THE CONSTANT CONFUSION OF OUR TIME), and fire (a symbol of war) shall often break out, and the wild beasts shall roam beyond their haunts (world wide terrorism deportations mass relocations, refugees wandering from place to place), and child-bearing women shall bring forth monsters. (in God's Opinion, speaking metaphorically):

chapter 6

6:[20] and when the seal is placed upon the age which is about to pass away, then I will show these signs (the Sign of the son of man which will take place on 2/8/2027): the books shall be opened before Heaven (Revelation 5 and 6), and all shall see it together.

21] Infants a year old shall speak with their voices, and women with child shall give birth to premature children at three and four months, and these shall live and be raised up (in incubators).

[22] Sown places shall suddenly appear unsown, and full storehouses shall suddenly be found to be empty; (of food, including the seas from over-fishing):

[23] and the trumpet shall sound aloud (the Sixth - WW3 - Phase Two), and when all hear it, they shall suddenly be terrified. (The Twin Towers attack on Septmeber 11th is the Fifth Trumpet which was Phase One of WW3 - the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan ).

[24] At that time friends shall make war on friends like enemies ((for food, etc.)), and the earth and those who inhabit it shall be terrified, and the springs of the fountains shall stand still, so that for three hours they shall not flow.

[25] "And it shall be that whoever remains after all that I have foretold to you shall himself be saved and shall see my salvation and the end of your world.

2 Esdras 6:7 Edom

2 Esdras 6:7 Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the times? or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? 8 And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were borne of him, Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau.9 For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.

The above quotation from The Apocrypha teaches that the descendants of Esau will dominate the scene at the end of the age

Edom figures in several latter-day prophecies, such as Isaiah 34, Ezekiel 35, Obadiah and Psalm 83,

The end-time prophecies of Edom are often linked to the term ‘nations’,

Amos 9:11,12 which is quoted Acts 15:15-17

the latter-day Edom stands for those Arab nations surrounding Israel who are hostile to her and plot her annihilation. The latter-day revival of Edom in the recent emergence of several Arab nations concurrent with the return of the Jews to their land is one of the unmistakable signs of the times.

The fact that Israel has been outnumbered and ringed round by her enemies but never defeated is also taken as support for those Edom prophecies that speak, not of the defeat of Israel, but rather of the protection by God of His people

it seems certain that we are intended to read Obadiah's prophecy as a prophecy of the Last Days : Obad 1:15,17,21.

This Edomite enemy will be a member of an alliance: Obad 1:11. Edom is a member of the 10-nation Arab alliance described in Psa 83.

The controversy of the Last Days will concern God's holy mountain, mount Zion. There the enemies of Israel, including Edom, will rejoice over her: "Just as you drank on my holy hill...." (Obad 1:16).

And there also will God bring retribution upon these blasphemous enemies: Obad 1:15-17. This observation lends credibility to the idea that the last great conflict in and around Jerusalem -- a conflict which will bring on the literal Return of Christ -- will be a religious conflict, between two peoples desperately struggling to lay claim to the same "holy places".

At this point the prophecy dramatically changes tone. The people of Israel are saved from their adversity and are spiritually regenerated. They receive back the Land promised to their fathers, to its fullest extent, and the rescued and redeemed state of Israel becomes the nucleus of the Kingdom of God: "But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy... The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; the house of Esau will be stubble, and they will set it on fire and consume it. There will be no survivors from the house of Esau... Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will be the LORD's" (Obad 1:17,18,21).

In short, is Obad 1:19,20 being fulfilled right now, or do they await a future fulfillment?

The order of Obad 1:17-21 suggests an answer: First, there must come a deliverance to mount Zion (v 17), and not just a military victory such as in 1948 or 1967: "But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy [or 'there shall be holiness': AV], and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance."

And so this "deliverance" will of require "holiness" -- and for this there must be true repentance and forgiveness of sins. Only then will Israel -- ie, a renewed and glorified remnant of Israel -- go forth to possess all the lands promised to the fathers (cp Gen 15:18-21; Exo 23:23; Deu 1:7; 11:24; Jos 1:4; Psa 72:8), as detailed in Obad 1:19,20.

This last territorial expansion will never be set back or thwarted in any way. Why? Because "Deliverers ['saviours': AV] will go up on Mount Zion... and the kingdom will be the LORD's" (Obad 1:21).


There are numerous prophecies that speak of an Arab-Israeli conflict in the last days. These seven are remarkably similar: Psalm 83; Ezekiel 35 & 36; Joel 3; Obadiah; Zechariah 14; Zephaniah 2 & 3; and Amos 1 & 2. Each of the seven references pictures an Arab/Muslim attack on Israel. True, Psalm 83 doesn't really say the attack will succeed, but all the others do. Look at the verses that
actually state it: Ezekiel 35:5, 15; 36:2-5; Joel 3:2-7; Obadiah 1:10-14; Zechariah 14:1-2; Zephaniah 1:2-3; and Amos 1:3, 6, 9 and 11-13. Is it not clear they supplement Psalm 83's lack on this point?

Look at the how the nations named in the prophecies conform: Psalm 83 lists the
most nations, ten in all: Edom, Moab, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes,
Ishmaelites, Philistines, Tyre, and Assur. Four of the ten (Edom, Moab, Ammon,
and the Philistines) figure in almost every other passage. These names closely
correspond to Jordan and the Palestinians, who have (in their minds) been robbed
of their territory by an expanding Israel.

The phrase "all nations" occurs in two of the prophecies: Joel 3 and Zech 14.
This has led many to assume (mistakenly) the passages parallel Ezekiel 38 & 39,
which they say describes a massive Russian-led coalition from Europe, Asia, and
(through the United Nations) from virtually every nation on Earth. This error
likely arises from two causes: first, a failure to appreciate the reasonable
limitations of the Bible's use of such “all-inclusive” language; and second, failure
to consider the context of all the passages. In Joel 3:2 and Zechariah 14:2 the
term "all nations" appears, but Joel 3:11 and Zechariah 14:14 modify the phrase
to mean “all the nations round about.” Also, Joel 3 and Zechariah 14 only name
Arab nations in the Middle East.
The “nations (enemies) round about” are listed below …
Joshua 23:1-2: All the Canaanites, Moab, Ammon, and Edom.
Judges 2:14: Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Canaanites, Midianites, and Amalekites.
1 Samuel 11: the Ammonites; 1 Samuel 14: the Philistines; and 1 Samuel 15:
the Amalekites.
2 Samuel 7; 8 & 10: Zobah, Philistia, Moab, Syria, Edom, Ammon, and Amalek.
1 Kings 4:31: Same as above along with Tyre and Ethiopia.
2 Kings 17:15: Edom, Moab, Ammon, Syria, and the Canaanites.
1 Chronicles 22:9: Same as 1 Samuel 10:1; 2 Samuel 7:1; and 1 Kings 4:31
Nehemiah 6:16: The Arabians, Ammonites, and Ashdodites.
Jeremiah 25:9: All the Arabs, including Egypt and the Medes The full list
appears in Jeremiah 25:19-25.
Ezekiel 5:4, 15: Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia (Ezek 25) Tyre (Ezek 26-28)
Egypt (Ezek 29 & 30) and Assyria. (Ezek 31)
Joel 3:11-12: Tyre, Zidon, and Palestine/Philistia (Joel 3:4) as well as Egypt and
Edom are specifically mentioned. (Joel 3:19)
Obadiah 1:16: Edom (Obad 1:1) but all of Obadiah is similar to Jeremiah 25
Zechariah 12:2, 6: Specifically Syria, Tyre, Zidon, and the Philistines (Zech 9);
Egypt and Assyria (Zech 10); Egypt and the Canaanites. (Zech 14) Zechariah
14:14 has the same general context as Zechariah 12.
In most of the references above the immediate context answers the question:
"Who are the nations round about?" In a few cases, the answer comes from the
wider context: sections of a few chapters in which the passages are found.
When seeking a Last Days application, it makes sense to interpret the "nations
round about" with reference to their nearness to Israel. This was obviously the
point of reference of the prophets. Also, it makes sense to take the people who
occupy those same geographical areas today as the logical successors of the
people mentioned in the prophecies. Interpreting in this way is in harmony with a
major Bible theme begun in Genesis. It is that God's chosen seed (Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes of Israel) would be in near-perpetual conflict with
the neighbors (actually their relatives) nearest them (Lot, Ishmael, Esau, and so
on) over the ownership of the very Land God promised them. So what are the
practical implications for us? When studying Bible prophecy, we must look first to
the Middle East, not Europe. This may require some to rethink their personal
views on Last Days events. And so they should, for it's clearly wrong to say: “The
Arabs/Muslims can't be the people spoken of because they don't fit my prophetic
scenario.” In this case it's the scenario itself that needs changing.
While most of the nations listed are immediate neighbors of Israel, Psalm 83:8
seems to present Assur (Assyria: Zeph 2:13) in a very important role: "Assur also
is joined to them; they have helped the children of Lot (Moab and Ammon)." The
verse suggests that what has been threatened before (but never achieved) is
finally made possible through the invaluable assistance of Assyria. Thus, what
Edom, Moab, and Ammon haven't been able to accomplish (even when helped by
Syrians, Arabians, and Palestinians) they finally succeed with the help of the
greater power from the northeast. This is in keeping with the facts of history.
The early history of the nation of Israel contains several incidents in which David
and Jehoshaphat (among other kings) defeated their immediate Arab neighbors
and even expanded their territory. (2 Sam 5:8; 10:12; 1 Chr 11:18; 19:20; and
2 Chr 20. But when Assyria (first) and Babylonia (later) appeared as northern
power leaders of these same Arab nations, then two-thirds (first) and all of
Israel and Judah, including Jerusalem (later) fell. (2 Kng 17:1-6; 2 Chr 36:11-
21; Zech 13:7-9) It appears another fulfillment of this very sequence is
manifesting. It's true that in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 Israel defeated her
closest Arab neighbors and extended her dominion into their lands, so much so
that Israeli supremacy has become part of "legend" and "lore" and many find it
unthinkable the "clever" Israelis could ever lose to the "bumbling" Arabs. But
history - Divine history, that is – claims what "Moab," "Ammon," "Edom" (Jordan?)
and Syria could not do on their own, "Assyria," "Babylon," and Persia (Iraq and
Iran?) could help them accomplish.
Considering most of the nations mentioned, it's clear the Muslims will fight Israel
in order to reclaim the land they believe was been stolen from them. Yet Psalm
83 and Ezekiel 36 state their true motivation is to reclaim the ancient high or
holy places (Ezek 36:2) which are called the "houses of God" in Psalm 83:12. This
most likely refers to the ancient Temple mount where the Muslim Dome of the
Rock now stands. It's significant that though fanatically religious Jews are just a
small minority in Israel, many of them are determined to destroy the Muslim
"abomination" and erect a new Jewish temple on its former site. Could such an act
be the spark that sets off the final Arab-Israeli conflict?
There are many passages describing a final Arab-Israeli war that results in an
Israeli defeat. However, this defeat will be the last loss suffered by Israel
before her deliverance by its returning Messiah. A few such passages are listed
below ...
Psalm 60 (also Ps 108:6-13) indicates Moab, Ammon, and Philistia first scatter
Israel, then are trodden down by Divine power.
Isaiah 13 to 23 announces ten "burdens" on Babylon (Iraq?) Philistia, Moab,
Damascus (Syria) Egypt (where many Jews have been carried captive - see Is
19:20-25 and Zech 14:2) Dumah (Edom) Arabia, and Tyre (Lebanon) among
Isaiah 34 speaks of retribution coming upon an Arab enemy (called "Edom")
because of "the controversy of Zion."
Jeremiah 25 reveals certain nations are singled out to drink from the cup of the
Lord's wrath, among them Egypt, Philistia (modern Gaza) Edom, Moab, Ammon
(Jordan) Tyrus, Zidon (Lebanon) and Arabia, as well as the king of Babylon. The
first fulfillment of this prophecy was God's punishment of the nations that
assisted Babylon in the overthrow of Jerusalem. Events appear to show a
repetition of history could very well be happening today.
Jeremiah 44 to 51 present prophecies of judgment on Egypt, Philistia, Moab,
Ammon, Edom, Damascus (Syria) Kedar (Arabia) and Babylon (see Jer 25 above).
The Revelation: Whatever else the Apocalypse might mean (there are several
possibilities and likely more than one fulfillment) it's noteworthy in view of the
passages already mentioned that the Book pictures ...
"Figs dropping from a fig tree" (also see Lk 21:29-31) at the end of a series of
judgments. (Rev 6:13) The fig tree is a well-known symbol for Israel, as seen in
Hosea 9:10 and Luke 13:6-9.
Revelation 9:1-11 speaks of a great "army" of locusts coming out of the Abyss
or Arabian Desert. (In Hebrew, "locust" is 'arbeh' or "Arab" as mentioned in
Joel's prophecy of a locust invasion of Israel.
Revelation 9:12-21 states a great destroying power is bound at the Euphrates
River, which flows directly through modern-day Iraq.
Revelation 11:1-19 states Jerusalem is trodden down by its enemies. Compare
this to Luke 21:24 and Zechariah 14:1-3. Also, compare the great earthquake
of Revelation 11:13 with that of Zechariah 14:4 -5.
Revelation 13:1-18 reveals a great “beast” (actually a man in Rev 13:18 -
compare Nebuchadnezzar in Dan 4:16, 25, 32-33) with ten horns (Ps 83:5-8
and Gen 15:18-21) blasphemes God and kills His people.
Finally, great judgments are poured out on the river Euphrates (Rev 16:12) and
Babylon falls. (16:17-21) The last chapters then picture the final and complete
victory of a renewed Jerusalem over her vicious enemy Babylon. Details such as
these are fascinating in view of current events. They should provide stimulation
to keep our minds open in the days ahead to what may be exciting new insights of
Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our lifetime.
The defeat of Israel by Muslim/Arab nations is plainly revealed in 5 of the 7
referenced passages as the final of Israel before an extraordinary fulfillment of
Israel's Hope: "I will ensure that the shame of the heathen will not be heard in
you (the mountains of Israel) any more, nor will you bear the reproach of the
nations again." (Ezek 36:15) "Then Jerusalem will be holy and no stranger will
pass through her any more." (Joel 3:17) "There will never be utter destruction
again." (Zech 14:11)
It may have been noticed the “Gogian” invasion of Ezekiel 38-39 has not been
mentioned. The reason is that these seven prophecies have an almost totally
different cast of characters than Ezekiel. Those in Ezekiel are by and large an
outer ring of Muslim nations encircling the inner ring listed in Psalm 83. Thus,
Ezekiel's vision should most likely be related to the time immediately after Christ
has defeated the first Arab wave and established his Kingdom. (Note how this
relates to the "dwelling safely" in Ezek 38:8, 11, 14, then compare that with
Ezek 28:25 -26; 34:25, 28; Zech 14:11 and Jer 23:5-6)
Each of the seven passages originally referenced predicts Divine glory will be
manifested to defeat Israel's conquerors and reveal the true God of Israel to all
nations. It has been argued that such prophecies were already fulfilled in Old
Testament times, or perhaps in 1948 or 1967. However, many Bible prophecies
have more than one fulfillment. It seems clear, though, that the language in these
passages is also intended to describe the final and most perfect fulfillment, that
of the arrival in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of his
Father's glorious Kingdom. The stated intent of this is so "all people may know
that You, whose name alone is Yahweh, are the most high over all the Earth" (Ps
83:18). Also, when the Lord roars out of Zion and utters His voice from
Jerusalem “the Heavens and Earth will shake ... so you know that I am the Lord
your God dwelling in Zion, My Holy Mountain." (Joel 3:16-17) for "deliverance
will be on mount Zion and the Kingdom will be the Lord's." (Obad 1:17, 21)

Arab-Israeli war

Arab-Israeli war

First of all, there are numerous prophecies that speak of an Arab-Israeli conflict in the last days. These seven are remarkably similar: Psa 83; Eze 35; 36; Joel 3; Oba; Zec 14; Zep 2; 3; Amo 1; 2.

  1. Each pictures an Arab attack upon Israel. While it is true that Psa 83 does not actually say that this attack will succeed, all of the other six do say so (consider Eze 35:5,15; 36:2-5; Joe 3:2,3,5-7; Oba 1:10-14; Zec 14:1,2; Zep 1:2,3; and Amo 1:3,6,9,11,13). And thus they supplement Psa 83's lack on this one point.
  2. There is an amazing conformity as to the nations named in each of the seven prophecies: Psa 83 lists the most nations (ten in all: Edom; Moab, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Ishmaelites, Philistines, Tyre, and Assur -- the number may be significant: cp Gen 15:18-21 and perhaps Dan 7:7 and Rev 12:3; 13:1; etc). But four of those ten (Edom, Moab, Ammon, and the Philistines) figure in almost every other of the seven passages. These names closely correspond to Jordan and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) -- who have, according to their views, been dispossessed of their territory by an expansionist Israel.
  3. In two of the prophecies (Joel 3 and Zec 14), the phrase "all nations" occurs. This has led many to suppose (mistakenly, we believe) that these passages parallel Ezekiel 38 / 39, and describe a mammoth Russian-led coalition from Europe and Asia and indeed (through perhaps the United Nations) from virtually all nations on the face of the earth. This misapprehension arises, we think, from two causes: (a) failure to appreciate the reasonable limitations, in the Bible, of such all-inclusive language; and (b) failure to consider the context: whereas Joel 3:2 and Zec 14:2 both use "all nations", Joel 3:11 and Zec 14:14 modify that phrase to mean 'all nations round about'. Furthermore, each of Joel 3 and Zec 14 actually name only Arab nations in the Middle Eastern area.
  4. Considering some of the nations involved (see #2 above), it is evident that the Arab nations will fight Israel in order to reclaim their land, which they believe to have been stolen from them. But, even more precisely, Psa 83 and Eze 36 state their objective to be the reclamation of the ancient high, or holy, places (Eze 36:2) -- or the "houses of God" (Psa 83:12). Most likely, this means the ancient Temple mount, where now stands the Moslem Dome of the Rock. It is interesting that, though they are but a small minority in Israel, there are fanatically religious Jews bent on the destruction of the Moslem "abomination" and the subsequent erection of a new Jewish temple on its former site. Will some such act be the spark to set off the final Arab-Israeli conflagration?
  5. Each of these seven passages predicts the manifestation of Divine glory to defeat Israel's conquerors and to reveal the true God of Israel to all men. It may be argued that such prophecies have already been fulfilled in Old Testament times or perhaps in 1948 or 1967. Many Bible prophecies have more than one fulfillment. But surely the language in these passages is intended also to describe, in the final and most perfect fulfillment, the arrival in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the establishment of his Father's glorious millennial (ie 1,000-year) kingdom: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth" (Psa 83:18). "The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake... So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain" (Joel 3:16,17). "But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance... and the kingdom shall be the Lord's" (Oba 1:17,21).
  6. Whereas most of the nations enumerated are the immediate neighbors of Israel, Psa 83:8 seems to present Assur (or Assyria: cp Zep 2:13) in a very important role: "Assur also is joined to them; they have helped the children of Lot [ie Moab and Ammon]." The verse suggests that what had been threatened before (but never achieved) is finally made possible through the invaluable assistance of Assyria. Thus, what Edom and Moab and Ammon have been unable to accomplish -- when helped merely by Syrians and Arabians and Palestinians -- they at last accomplish with the intervention and help of the greater power from the northeast. And this is in keeping with the facts of history also. The early history of the nation of Israel contains several incidents in which David and Jehoshaphat, among other kings, defeated their immediate Arab neighbors and even expanded their territory (2Sa 5; 8; 10; 12; 1Ch 11; 18; 19; 20; 2Ch 20). But, later, when (first) Assyria and (afterward) Babylonia came as northern power leaders of these same Arab nations, then at first two-thirds and finally all of Israel and Judah (including Jerusalem) fell (2Ki 17:1-6; 2Ch 36:11-21; Zec 13:7-9). We suggest that we are in the midst of another fulfillment of this very sequence. It is true that in 1948 and 1956 and 1967 and 1973 Israel has defeated her closest Arab neighbors and has extended her dominion into their lands. And this Israeli supremacy has become so much a part of Christian "legend" and "lore" that many now find it unthinkable that the "clever" Israelis could ever lose to the "bumbling" Arabs. But history -- Divine history -- tells us that, what "Moab" and "Ammon" and "Edom" (Jordan?) and Syria could not do on their own, "Assyria" and "Babylon" (Iraq?) could help them to accomplish!
  7. This defeat of Israel by Moslem/Arab nations is plainly marked out (in 5 of the 7 selected passages) as the very last defeat of Israel before an extraordinary fulfillment of Israel's hope: "Neither will I cause men to hear in thee [ie the mountains of Israel] the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more" (Eze 36:15). "Then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no stranger pass through her any more" (Joel 3:17). "There shall be no more utter destruction" (Zec 14:11).
Significantly, we have not listed the Gogian invasion of Eze 38/39. Why? In ct with these seven prophecies, Eze 38/39 has an almost totally different cast of characters. These are by and large an outer ring of Moslem nations encircling the inner ring listed in Psa 83, etc. Thus Ezekiel's vision should probably be relegated to the time immediately after Christ has defeated the first Arab wave and established his kingdom. (Note the relevance of "dwelling safely" in Eze 38:8,11,14 -- cp with Eze 28:25,26; 34:25,28; Zec 14:11; Jer 23:5,6.)

There are numerous other passages that describe a final Arab-Israeli war resulting in defeat for Israel -- a defeat which will be the very last suffered by Israel before her deliverance by Christ at his return. The constraint of space allows no more than the listing of a few such passages, with brief comments:

Psa 60 (cp with Psa 108:6-13): Moab, Ammon, and Philistia first scatter Israel, and then are trodden down by Divine power.

Isa 13 -- 23: Ten "burdens" upon, among others, Babylon (Iraq?), Philistia, Moab, Damascus (Syria), Egypt (where many Jews have been carried captive -- cp Isa 19:20-25 with Zec 14:2), Dumah (or Edom), Arabia, and Tyre (Lebanon).

Isa 34: Retribution upon an Arab enemy (called "Edom"), because of "the controversy of Zion".

Jer 25: Certain nations are singled out to drink of the cup of the Lord's wrath -- ie Egypt, Philistia (modern Gaza), Edom, Moab and Ammon (Jordan), Tyrus and Zidon (Lebanon), and Arabia along with the king of Babylon. The first fulfillment of this prophecy was God's punishment of those nations that assisted Babylon in the overthrow of Jerusalem. Are we on the verge of a repetition of history?

Jer 44 -- 51: Extended prophecies of judgment upon Egypt, Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Damascus (Syria), Kedar (Arabia), and of course Babylon (cp Jer 25 above).

Rev: Whatever else Rev might mean (and there are various possibilities, and quite prob more than one fulfillment), it is surely noteworthy -- in light of all the foregoing -- that the Book pictures:
  1. "Figs dropping from a fig tree" (cp Luk 21:29-31) at the end of a series of judgments (Rev 6:13). The fig tree is a common symbol for Israel (Hos 9:10; Luk 13:6-9).
  2. A great "army" of locusts coming out of the Abyss (the Arabian Desert?) (Rev 9:1-11). (Note that, in Heb, "locust" = arbeh, or "Arab"; and see Joel's prophecy of a locust invasion of Israel.)
  3. A great destroying power bound at the Euphrates River -- which flows directly through modern-day Iraq (Rev 9:12-21).
  4. Jerusalem being trodden down by its enemies (Rev 11:1-19). This is equivalent to Luk 21:24 and prob the same as Zec 14:1-3. (Cp the great earthquake of Rev 11:13 with Zec 14:4,5.)
  5. A great Beast (who is a man: Rev 13:18; cp esp Nebuchadnezzar in Dan 4:16,25,32,33!), with ten horns (cp Psa 83:5-8 and Gen 15:18-21), blasphemes God and kills His people (Rev 13:1-18).
  6. Finally, great judgments are poured out upon the river Euphrates (Rev 16:12), and Babylon falls (vv 17-21).
  7. The last chapters picture the final and complete victory of a renewed Jerusalem over her vicious enemy Babylon.
Such details are fascinating, in light of quite current events. They should stimulate us to keep our minds open, in the days ahead, to what may be exciting new insights of Bible prophecy being fulfilled in our lifetime!

Our Interpretation Of Prophecy Does Matter

Our Interpretation Of Prophecy
Does Matter

It may appear that it does not matter how we interpret prophecy, for how can prophetic events affect our way of life and our salvation? If we look carefully into the Bible, however, we find examples indicating that it does matter how we view Bible prophecy.

One clear example is found in Matthew 24 where Jesus warned the Jews about the coming invasion of the Romans into Jerusalem. Jesus said:

"So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house; and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle." (Matthew 24:15-18)

To the Jews that were living at that time, this was a very important prophecy because the Roman army later surrounded Jerusalem and the Jews who understood the words of Jesus fled from the city and were saved. Those who did not correctly understand this prophecy stayed in the city to be trapped by the Roman army and die in the siege that followed.

Another clear example is found in the Jews' rejection of Jesus. If the Jewish people had correctly understood the Old Testament prophecies which indicated that their Messiah would have to suffer and even die before he could reign as king, then they would not have rejected Jesus as the Messiah. Tragically, most of the Jews did not understand Bible prophecy correctly, since they expected the Messiah to overthrow the Romans in their day and then establish the kingdom in Israel. Their wrong understanding of prophecy caused them to reject Jesus Christ!

Certainly from these two examples we can see how necessary it is for us to have a correct understanding of Bible prophecies. We also live in an age when we are looking for the Messiah to come and establish his kingdom. No one desires to be in the position where he or she might reject Jesus when he comes because of an incorrect understanding of the prophetic events related to his second coming. Yet the framework has already been laid throughout Christianity for most Christians to do exactly that. A sudden and rapid change has recently occurred within most Christian churches that has completely altered their prior understanding of the events at Jesus' second coming. Many of these churches and their leaders have abandoned the original teachings of their founders on this subject and have replaced them with the belief that a satanic man (the future Antichrist) will control the world for 7 years just prior to the return of Jesus. This false teaching is preparing millions of Christians throughout the earth to reject Jesus at his return because they will be convinced, by the things he will do, that he is "the Antichrist" and will oppose him.