Saturday, 25 August 2018


I feel certain that the action of the seven vials are yet future for the following reason:
The seven angels (agents) come out of the TEMPLE that is built up of lively stone, Christ Jesus being the chief corner stone (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:21-22; and 1 Peter 2:5).
These angels are clothed in pure and white linen which is the righteousness of Christ’s bride (Revelation 15:6; 19:8).
The seven vials full of the wrath of God are given to the angels by one of the living creatures (Revelation 15:7).
These vials contain the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES, for in them are FILLED UP (completed) the wrath of God  (Revelation 15:1).
Christ Jesus with his army (the saints) treadeth the winepress of the wrath of God (19:15) outside the city (14:20), i.e., the NEW JERUSALEM which signifies the NEW HEAVENS and EARTH (Revelation 21:1-2) the old heavens and earth having been dissolved with fervent heat - the Lake of Fire - which signifies the action of the seven vials.
It is evident that the seven angels and the army of white horses (chapter 19) belong to the body of Christ, his bride - as signified by the pure and white linen in which they were clothed (19:8).

Now in the 14th chapter are shown six angels taking part in two reapings after the Lamb and 144,000 are seen on Mount Zion. 
Angel #1 preaches the everlasting gospel to ALL PEOPLE
(verses 6 & 7; compare Matthew 24:14).
Angel #2 finds Babylon has fallen into degraded state (verse 8) i.e., the Laodician state. 
Angel #3 gives a warning to all people who worship the beast and his image and who receive his mark in their forehead or hand (verse 9 - 11).  Then the Revelator gives encouragement to those putting their trust in the Lord (verses 12 & 13).  Then John looks and sees a white cloud and one like unto the Son of Man sat thereon (compare Matthew 24:30) and in his hand was a sharp sickle (verse 14).

Angel #4 came out of the TEMPLE, crying to him on the white cloud to cast his sickle into the earth.  He did so and the earth was reaped (verses 15 & 16).  This is the gathering of NATURAL ISRAEL - since the saints are comprehended in the 144,000, the first fruits (verse 1).
Angel #5 came out of the TEMPLE, he also having a sharp sickle
(verse 17).
Angel #6 comes out from the ALTAR, which had power over fire.  He cries to Angel #5 to cast in his sickle and he cast in his sickle, which gathers the vine of the earth and cast it into the winepress of the wrath of God (verses 18-20).
Angel #7 is composed of SEVEN ANGELS who dispense the seven last plagues.  The winepress of God’s wrath is trod by him riding the white horse and his army, who are clothed in fine linen, clean and white (Revelation 19:14-15).
It is evident that these judgments are executed by Christ and his saints.  For authority to execute judgment in the earth has been given him by the Father
(John 5:22, 27;    See Jeremiah 23:5).  Also, this honour have all his saints, to execute the judgments written (Psalm 149:9) and to him that overcomes will be given power over the nations and he shall rule (judge) them with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:26-27).

It is disclosed that the world will be composed of three great systems which will oppose Christ Jesus when he comes.  They are:  the beast, the false prophet and the dragon.  These have been signified as:
The two horn beast arising from the EARTH, alias the woman riding the scarlet colored beast, alias the false prophet when opposing the Lamb, the true prophet.
The seven headed, ten horn beast that arose out of the SEA, alias the scarlet colored beast on which the woman rode, alias the beast that loaned his power to the false prophet against the Lamb.
The seven headed, ten horned dragon that stood before the woman with child, alias the dragon that was cast out of heaven and bound for 1000 years, alias the satan that deceived the nations in going up against the camp of the saints.

These systems have expanded throughout the world, entwining and intermingling with each other, yet retaining their separate and independent characteristics peculiar to each.  So the last plagues will extend throughout the world, taking 100% effect in each environment as revealed by the seven vials.
The first vial (chapter 16:2) is poured upon the EARTH - the environment out of which the two horned beast arose (chapter 13:11) - and effects those which have the mark of the beast (chapter 15:2).  This beast is identified as the false prophet by his deception and mark (chapter 13:16-17 with chapter 19:20).
The second vial (chapter 16:3) is poured upon the SEA (the environment out of which the seven headed, ten horned beast arose (chapter 13:1).  This beast became the scarlet colored beast upon which the woman rode (chapter 17:3) and is signified as many waters (chapter 17:1 and 17:15).  This beast makes war with the Lamb in alliance with the false prophet (Revelation 17:14).    That is why these two are cast simultaneously into the Lake of Fire  (Revelation 19:19-20) - the Fire of the Altar -
The Word of God.
The third vial (chapter 16:4) is poured upon the rivers and fountains of water (of false doctrines), as contrasted to the pure river of water of life which issues from the fountain of God and the Lamb that will be in the NEW JERUSALEM
(Revelation 22:1-2 with 21:2).  This group are those making claims in the name of Christ Jesus separately and independently of the beast and false prophet, yet they rightly belong in the same category (Christendom).  They are the remnant which is slain with the sword of him riding on the white horse (Revelation 19:21).  The Earth, Sea and Remnant typify the subject people (the Christendom systems) who are the FIRST to be effected by the Fire of the Spirit (the word of truth).  See pages 41 and 42 of the pamphlet relative to the Lake of Fire.
The fourth vial (chapter 17:8-9) is poured upon the SUN (the ruling authority of the foregoing systems) who will take action against their subjects when they realize that they are being robbed in their own house (environment) that is being converted to the Gospel promulgated from Mt. Zion (See Matthew 24:43 and Item 2, page 20 of pamphlet).

This will result in the fifth vial (chapter 16:10-11) being poured upon the Throne of the Beast.  The preceeding five plagues disclose the action of the Lake of Fire into which the beast and false prophet are cast (Revelation 19:20).  The fire is a spiritual process which leaves a residue that later connives with the dragon against the camp of the saints as shown under vial #6.
The sixth vial (chapter 16:12) is poured upon the RIVER EUPHRATES and the WATERS (faith of Islam) are dried up, that the way of the kings of the east (sun rising) might be prepared.  At this juncture the dragon, the old serpent, the devil and satan (paganism) deceives the nations in sending up their men of war against the camp of the saints (see page 46 of pamphlet).  They go up to the battle of God Almighty.
The seventh vial (chapter 16:17) is poured into the AIR, and a great voice out of the TEMPLE saying:  It is done and there were voices, thunders, lightnings and a mighty earthquake (See Isaiah 2:19).
“For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I [Yahweh] spoken.  Surely in that day there shall be a GREAT SHAKING in the Land of Israel.  So that the fishes of the sea and fowls of the heaven and the beast of the field and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and ALL THE MEN upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence ...” (Ezekiel 38:29-20).
The AIR (atmosphere) is the life supporting element of all mankind.
The effects of this vial permeates every environment of men.  Here the dragon (satan) is cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast and false prophet are (chapter 20:10).  This is the battle of Yahweh for his Holy Name’s Sake (Ezekiel 36:22) and is the grand finale, FOR IT IS DONE.
Then begins the 1000 years of Christ’s reign.